MISSOURI FEDERATION OF THE GRAND ORDER-PACHYDERMS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday, April 20, 2013- 10:00 a.m. Jack’s Gourmet Restaurant-Columbia, Missouri CALL TO ORDER Bob Gough, President called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. He welcomed all, and asked each Board Member for self introduction. Mary Wolf introduced each local club President/Representative PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE Dr. Ed Richards led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. ROLL CALL State Officers Present: Bob Gough, President, Dr. Ed Richards, Past President, Mary Wolf, Secretary, Pat Buschmann, 2nd Vice President, Ron Mark. Treasurer State Officer Excused: David Schultz Regional Directors: Scott Clark- Southeast Bill McCoy-Southwest Committees: Budget/Finance (Richards) Nominating (Richards. Grimm, Wolf, McCoy) Political Education (Richards, Wolf) Local Club Presidents/Guests: Boone County-Elizabeth “Betsy” Phillips Columbia- Fred Berry Gasconade-Pat Buschmann Greater Ozarks-Ron Mark, Bill McCoy Kansas City: Bob Gough and Guest- Richard Ham Pettis: Diane Herring Randolph Area-Mary Wolf Salt Fork/Saline: Lester Bailey St. Charles County: Stephen Johnson. Guest: Barbara Grimm Mary Wolf, Secretary reported a quorum was present. SECERTARY REPORT-MINUTE APPROVAL-MARY WOLF Minutes of the January 12, 2013 meeting- electronically circulated. No corrections. Minutes approved on motion by Dr. Richards, with second by Bob Gough. Quarterly State Pachyderm Federation Board Minutes filed and available upon request to Federation Secretary at mardydwolf@sbcglobal.net. TREASURER’S REPORT-RON MARK January 2013 balance - $8,483.66 Ron reported that 17 clubs have submitted dues for $2,035. Additional income deposited from January board meeting, and Legislative Day. Expenses totaled $2286.34 –including $1380.00 for Lincoln Days (information, banner placement, plaques for Legislator of Year, President’s Room/hospitality suite refreshments ($400.00 ) and Kevin Jackson fee- $250.00). Ron requested these expenses should be evaluated by the planning committee. His recommendation is that Legislature of year be selected from leadership of both parties- not the Senate president and Speaker of House. Dr. Richards reported that Kevin Jackson’s usual fee is $10,000.00- but he was gracious to reduce fee for his Pachyderm patronage and local site (Mr. Jackson resides in Hazelwood, Missouri). Kevin Jackson’s book “Sexy Brilliance” sold out within five minutes of his presentation. Last week, Mr. Jackson was a guest on Hannity. He has spoken at Columbia, Randolph Area and Pettis County Pachyderm clubs. Legislative Day costs were almost $400.00 for lunches from Capitol Grill II. Federated Boards’ bank balance at $9,002.34. This amount exceeds where we stood last year. Ron reported he has not been billed for Pachyderm stationary (thank you cards). He encouraged club presidents to pick up their note cards today for distribution and save postage cost. Additionally, Ron reported our bonds are making $70.00 interest monthly- a nice income. Ron reported upcoming expense will be to cover registration and room for National Convention representative at San Antonio Stampede (June 5-8) this summer. Dr. Richards reported that monies budgeted to cover this expense. (*Note- President Gough may not attend due to his wife’s illness and treatments. Mr. Bill McCoy is alternative). OLD BUSINESS 1. Open Board PositionsRegional Directors for North Central and Mid Missouri remain open. Because of resignations and expiring terms, all Regional Director positions excluding Southwest Region will be filled at July 2013 Biennial Convention. 2. Legislative Day- March 27, 2013. 3. Ron Mark and Betsy Phillips provided report. Twenty-six (26) Pachyderms attended (largest group in past 10 years).Host for breakfast and reception was Rep. Dean Dohrman (district 51). Board compliments to his staff- especially Robbin Kimbell, and our 1st Vice President, David Schultz for handling all the arrangements and coordination. Board secretary will send handwritten thank you notes. Sen. Eric Schmitt (District 15) hosted lunch in the Capitol building. Rep. Dohrman, Sen. Eric Schmitt and Sen. Rob Schaaf with Shane Schoeller, Missouri Republican Party Executive Director spoke during luncheon. Pachyderms either visited the Executive Mansion, attended committee hearings or toured the Supreme Court before the day ended. NEW BUSINESSRon Mark circulated samples of Pachyderm Stationary (attached). These cards are available through National Office. Ron believes this could be an excellent marketing opportunity-to enhance Pachyderm awareness and reputation. Ron reported our Federated Board funding is sufficient to provide 10 free samples to each club and made a motion to this effect.-send 25 cards as “seed feed” to all clubs dispelling attitude that State Board has not done anything for local clubs lately. Discussion followed- Bill McCoy supported samples sent to all clubs as evidence of State Board’s local club support. Mary Wolf endorsed the idea of good manners. Betsy Phillips suggested Board consider #10 cards for each club. Diane Herring reminded that some clubs meet monthly, some meet weekly – and questioned card volume might be substantial (i.e. Pettis County Club meets 47 times annually). Lester Bailey endorsed the stationary idea as a solid idea. Stephen Johnson suggested Ron amend his motion to include Board cover postage to mail note-cards to all clubs. Ron withdrew his motion. A new motion was made by Stephen Johnson and seconded by Pat Buschmann that this Board purchase 250 cards and send #10 National Pachyderm Stationary thank you notes to all local clubs. Voice Vote: APPROVED. Funds for both stationary and club requested National Pachyderm literature covered from budgeted administrative/printing line item per Dr, Richards, Budget chairman. 1. COMMITTEE REPORTS *PLANNING COMMITTEE - Pam Carter, Sr. Vice President Absent- No report. *POLITICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE -Dr. Ed Richards, Chair April 2013 Political Education Opportunity – Appointment of Election Judges. - often called Poll Workers-appointed from lists submitted by both political parties (county committees) - Minimum of two judges appointed from each Party for polling place-selected by County Clerk -one judge from each Party to work full day /may be appointed for ½ day. Double # required -Judges are paid- $50.00 to $115.00 daily -average election judge is 70 years or older -Pachyderms urge to consider this civic responsibility FINANCE/BUDGET- Dr. Ed Richards Three months into 2013 budget- overall doing “o.k.”-but overspent Lincoln Days May move funding from Parker Leadership Conference allotments as no clubs come forth re: conference requests. *BY LAWS- Wayne Wallingford, Chair Absent- no report. *AWARDS COMMITTEE- Rick Petersen, Chair Absent. No report President Gough reported that this committee finalized the Legislature of the Year Award selection. NEWSLETTER-OPEN Dr. Ed Richards reported that he will serve as “fill –in” Editor for the edition prior to our Biennial Convention in July 2013. NOMINATING COMMITTEE-Bob Gough It is time for Mo. State Federation Board to elect new officers. Nominating committee will is needed to recruit, collect and submit candidates for consideration. Bob Gough, temporary chairperson of the nominating committee named the following who have agreed to serve: Dr. Ed Richards- Mid Mo. Region -Temporary Chair Barbara Grimm-Gateway Region Wayne Wallingford-Southeast Region Mary Wolf- North Central Region Bill McCoy-Southwest Region Cathy Owens- Northwest Region These individuals are representative all of regions across/throughout State. This AVOIDS and ASSURES impression that Board is not self-perpetuating. Nominating Committee will convene today following board meeting. All club Presidents and Secretaries have been notified (e-mail) re: nominations. Many nominations received and these are confidential until committee meets to elect officer slate. Dr. Richards recommends committee discussion on convoluted regulations for officer qualifications (i.e. officer for 2 years) as outlined in By-Laws and emphasis on recruiting Regional Directors. Changes in By-Laws must be out to all clubs 60 days preceding Biennial Convention (tentative date is July 20, 2013). 2. BIENNIAL CONVENTION –July 20,2013 Dr. Richards reviewed the Biennial Conference purpose- review past two year accomplishments, consider by-law changes, and recognize members with awards. Location: Jack’s Gourmet Resturant-1903 Business Loop 70. Registration begins at 0930 with convention at 1000 through 12 noon. Registration fee will be $15.oo and include lunch. Mary Wolf, Secretary will mail out reminders to clubs for delegate requirements, names and registration fees. (Each club is entitled to two delegatesminimum, and larger clubs may have more delegates based on club membership). Following lunch, the new Board officers will hold their first quarterly meeting. Suggestions for speakers included: Ed Martin, Shane Schoeller, Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, Tom Schweich, Auditor, Vicky Hartzler and Sen. Kurt Schafer. Dr. Richards will forward an e-mail with point system to tabulate speaker rankings. Mary Wolf suggested The Honorable John Cauthorn for Invocation. Discussion on Pachyderm Foundation presentation (Jim Frasier) or my life as a Pachyderm by long time member. At 12 noon, a motion made by Scott Clark to delay lunch and continue meeting for Regional Director reports, followed by local club updates. Motion seconded by Mary Wolf. Voice Vote: APPROVED. 3. REGIIONAL DIRECTOR REPORTS SOUTHWEST REGION- Bill McCoy Bill reminded Board his main objective is to stimulate new club growth. He has visited Lebanon, Willow Springs and Nevada. Bill is investigating discussions on developing a Branson Pachyderm Club and a new club in Buffalo (Dallas County) and one in Joplin. Bill responded to the prevalent question on club dues- “where does our money go?” by explaining money supports the State organization and their support of new club starts. At $35.00 to $40.00 many experience “sticker shock”. Lester Bailey of Salt Fork Club reports that for their new members drop fees for first year. The Greater Ozark Club in Springfield is recruiting Hispanic membership with Cinco de Mayo celebration. SOUTHEAST REGION –Scott Clark Scott announced the chartering of a new club last evening- Jefferson County Pachyderm Club. Club Charter presented by National Pachyderm President, John Wiemann. The Club President is Linda Lefarth-Van De Riet. Robert Frank will serve as Treasurer and Charlie Groeteke as Secretary. The club has the required 17 members from Eureka, Cedar Hill, Barnhart, Imperial and House Springs communities. Board officers were not aware of new club until dues submitted to Ron Mark. Dr. Richards expressed disappointment that club charter not presented by Board president Gough as has occurred in past. Dr. Richards will follow –up with National office. 4. CLUB NEWS Boone County-Betsy Phillips reported recent presentations on Roberts Rules of Order. Club meets monthly in evening to attract working members participation. Club concerned over attendanceDeveloping annual theme for programs. Their club has a 10 minute political education time each meeting. See them on Face-book. Columbia – Fred Berry reported 5 new members for total of 51. Newst member is Rep. Caleb Rowden who upset Ken Jacobs in November 2012 election. They have a goal to recruit younger members without silver hair. Group meets monthly at 12noon- lunch meeting at Jack’s restaurant for 20 plus years. Bill Federer spoke on change-“6000 Years of Tyranny” ( excluding Greece, Israel and the United States)- excellent and informative presentation. Sponsored non-partisan debate between 5th ward candidates. City Council leans to far left. Fred welcomes any e-mails and due to close proximity to Jefferson City is spending many hours at our State Capitol. Inviting edgy speakers from local Tea Party groups. -Gasconade-Pat Buschmann reminded of every other month meetings with free meal provided. Their club as one of top 10 clubs on 2012! Local sheriff addressed gun violence in schools. The club plans BBQ in early June. Two state representatives- Rep. Franz and Rep. Gosen who are both local school graduates speaking on what encouraged them to run for office and leadership in service. Greater Ozarks –Ron Mark and Bill McCoy reported on school board candidate forum. This is great introduction to politics! Club meets 2x a month- 2nd and 4th Fridays. Republican Rep. Mike Moon elected in special election. Huge turn -out of Republican voters assured win with 59% of vote. Sadly, our Democratic Gov. Nixon has yet to seat this qualified candidate in the House. The governor can only delay seating for 30 days. Republicans retain a super majority in House and Senate. Greater Kansa City- Bob Gough invited guest Richard Ham to share. Club is mainly “gray hairs, blue hairs or no hairs”. Club meets weekly and has very conservative base. Bob Gough added that his rule is “No Low-Life” Speakers. Ron Paul slate won Jackson County. Pettis County- Diane Herring reported. Meet each Friday weekly. Press always invited. Making concerted outreach efforts to Latino, Black and Ukrainian communities. Six (6) new members have joined since January 2013. Meetings for candidate forums conceal and carry. St. Charles County – Meet weekly on Thursday evenings. Recent celebration recognizing Pachyderm founding-April 20, 1974. Club is offering a $1,000 scholarship for conservative candidate to Lindenwood University. Randolph Area- Outstanding program from House legislators on gun control bills. Planning summer fund raiser- picnic with desert auction. Salt Fork- May meeting will be on second amendment. Recent speaker scheduled to present on deficit spending since 1776 was hospitalized, and Dr. Richards filled in with Election Judge appointment presentation. Southeast- Scott Clark proud to announce this club also one of the top 10 club- as of 12/31/2013- with 101 members. Candidate forum for 8th congressional district candidate Jason Smith in January drew over 250 people ADJOURNMENT Motion for adjourn by Scott Clark with second by Stephen Johnson. Adjourned at 1240 p.m.. NEXT MEETING- July 20, 2013. Respectfully Submitted, Mary D. Wolf, Secretary