Theme 1: Waters and Watersheds Goal: Attain water quality objectives (fishable & swimmable) by reducing pollutant and nutrient loads from the land and the waters impacting Long Island Sound Outcome 1-1: Pollutant and nutrient loads from land based sources in the watershed of Long Island Sound are reduced. Objective 1-1a: To reduce contaminant and nutrient loads from Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) and other point sources Strategy 1-1a1: Evaluate and reduce contaminant and nutrient contributions from Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) Strategy 1-1a2: Reduce contaminant and nutrient loads from WWTPs Strategy 1-1a3: Develop Pathogen Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Long Island Sound Study (LISS) embayments using Connecticut pathogen TMDL work as an example Strategy 1-1a4: Develop Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Long Island Sound and embayments Strategy 1-1a5: Reduce pollutant and nutrient loads from commercial, Industrial, and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) point sources Strategy 1-1a6: Work with municipalities to manage stormwater discharge and pollutant and nutrient loads from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4's) Objective 1-1b: To reduce nutrient and contaminant load from non-point sources Strategy 1-1b1: Strategy 1-1b2: Strategy 1-1b3: Strategy 1-1b4: Strategy 1-1b5: 10/4/2013 Reduce contaminant and nutrient loads from agricultural non-point sources of runoff Reduce contaminants, nutrients and runoff from new and existing residential development Reduce contaminants, nutrients and runoff from commercial/industrial development/redevelopment Improve management of contaminants and nutrients from decentralized, package, and on-site wastewater treatment systems (OSWTSs) Incorporate climate change and sea level rise in planning, regulation and best management practices (BMPs) to control contaminant loads LISS CCMP List 1 Objective 1-1c: To integrate multiple water quality objectives and maximize ecosystem services provided through watershed-based planning Strategy 1-1c1: Improve access to Long Island Sound and its embayments, maintain view corridors and enhance water-dependent uses (e.g. reduce beach closures) throughout the watershed and the Sound Strategy 1-1c2: Minimize negative impacts of new development on water quality of Long Island Sound Strategy 1-1c3: Protect healthy watersheds, improve resiliency, and minimize new sources of contaminants and nutrients Objective 1-1d: To restore and protect the hydrologic and ecological functions of the Long Island Sound watershed to reduce contaminant/nutrient load to Long Island Sound Strategy 1-1d1: Preserve hydrologic function in developing watersheds Strategy 1-1d2: Protect wetlands, riparian buffers, and existing open land to minimize land disturbance and impervious cover Strategy 1-1d3: Maintain and restore hydrologic function (e.g. flooding, buffer zones, resiliency, etc) 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 2 Outcome 1-2: The negative impact of pollutants and nutrients in the waters and sediments of Long Island Sound and tributaries/embayments are reduced or minimized. Objective 1-2a: Reduce direct sources of nutrients and contaminants to the Long Island Sound ecosystem Strategy 1-2a1: Strategy 1-2a2: Strategy 1-2a3: Strategy 1-2a4: Objective 1-2b: Minimize vessel/marina discharge impacts Maintain and improve spill prevention and disaster preparedness and response planning Develop and implement methods (e.g., bioextraction) for removal of nutrients and pollutants (Also applies to Objective 1-2c2) Reduce generation of marine debris and improve and increase its cleanup in Long Island Sound waters Mitigate impacts of nutrients and contaminants to the Long Island Sound biota, ecosystem and on humans. Strategy 1-2b1: Understand and mitigate impacts from emerging and existing contaminants in sediment Strategy 1-2b2: Improve human health risk management through increased beach monitoring and fish and shellfish contaminant testing Objective 1-2c: Improve understanding of the mechanisms of both entryways of these nutrients and contaminants and how they interact with the ecosystem and human health Strategy 1-2c1: Understand drivers and impacts of HAB's/biotoxins and minimize impact on ecosystem services provided by Long Island Sound Strategy 1-2c2: Develop and implement methods (e.g., bioextraction) for removal of nutrients and pollutants (Also applies to Objective 1-2a3) Strategy 1-2c3: Understand the impact of hypoxia on the biota and ecosystem services provided by Long Island Sound Strategy 1-2c4: Establish Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) goals based on research findings of the impacts of hypoxia on biota and ecosystem services (Also applies to Objective 1-3a3) 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 3 Outcome 1-3: The commitment to research, monitoring, and modeling to improve management of waters and watersheds is maintained or improved. Objective 1-3a: To continue management efforts that improve understanding of the causes and impacts of hypoxia on biota and ecosystem services Strategy 1-3a1: Understand and establish balance between nutrient ratios (nitrogen, phosphorous, carbon) in freshwater, embayments, and Long Island Sound Strategy 1-3a2: Better understand hypoxia dynamics, continue support for modeling and synthetic efforts and their application to management scenarios (e.g., SWEM, BADD model, eelgrass & embayment modeling efforts). Objective 1-3b: To research, monitor and assess water quality and factors that contribute to water quality change Strategy 1-3b1: Strategy 1-3b2: Strategy 1-3b3: Strategy 1-3b4: Strategy 1-3b5: Strategy 1-3b6: Strategy 1-3b7: Strategy 1-3b8: Strategy 1-3b9: 10/4/2013 Research, monitor and assess sources (e.g., watershed, atmospheric deposition) and sinks of nutrients and their impacts on water quality Research, monitor and assess pathogens and their impacts on water quality Improve identification and source tracking of NPS nutrients and contaminants Research, monitor and assess Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) and their impacts on water quality Research, monitor and assess emerging and legacy contaminants and their impacts on water quality Implement embayment water quality monitoring programs to evaluate changes in water quality Improve understanding of the interaction between water quality and regional climate change impacts. Continue funding for long term monitoring Understand impacts of climate change (e.g., acidification, sea level rise (SLR), temperature) on Long Island Sound water quality and biota LISS CCMP List 4 Objective 1-3c: To improve access and usage of information, databases, and resources and incorporation of data into management actions Strategy 1-3c1: Support collaboration between Long Island Sound Study (LISS) partner organizations (USGS tributary load, DEEP, rainfall) to improve utility of monitoring data Strategy 1-3c2: Implement improved data storage and sharing solutions to support collaboration and incorporation of data into management decisions. Strategy 1-3c3: Improve translation of science into effective management actions and public communications Objective 1-3d: To incorporate the sentinel monitoring network in Long Island Sound programs to evaluate and address the impacts of climate change to Long Island Sound and its embayments Strategy 1-3d1: Fully implement the sentinel monitoring program in Long Island Sound to evaluate and address the impacts of climate change to Long Island Sound and its embayments Strategy 1-3d2: Develop a regional partnership that will continue to support the implementation and advancement of the sentinel monitoring program. 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 5 Theme 2: Habitats and Wildlife Goal: Restore and protect the Sound's ecological balance in a healthy, productive, and resilient state for the benefit of both people and the natural environment. Outcome 2-1: Habitats are protected, restored, and enhanced to sustain the ecosystem services they provide. Objective 2-1a: To restore and enhance priority habitat types: (See list below) (Also relates to Objective 2-2d) Strategy 2-1a1: Strategy 2-1a2: Strategy 2-1a3: Strategy 2-1a4: Develop and implement innovative and effective best management practices (BMPs) for habitat restoration Restore and enhance connectivity of priority habitat types (riverine migratory corridors, forests, wetlands) Restore quality and acres of coastal habitat and fish passage Link water quality objectives to promote conditions that support priority habitat type restoration Priority Habitat Types: Cliffs and Bluffs Estuarine Embayments Rocky Intertidal Zones Coastal and Island Forest Freshwater Wetlands Shellfish Reefs Coastal Barriers, Beaches, & Dunes Intertidal Flats Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Coastal Grasslands Riverine Migratory Corridors Tidal Wetlands 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 6 Objective 2-1b: To protect priority habitat types through acquisition and other mechanisms Strategy 2-1b1: Strategy 2-1b2: Objective 2-1c: Use a repeatable criteria-based process to minimize bias, supplemented by expert knowledge, to identify high priority areas to protect Conserve and enhance resources, natural areas, and open space to benefit public access, recreation, shoreline and community protection To increase or maintain resiliency of coastal habitats and the protective and ecosystem services they provide Strategy 2-1c1: Promote the use of physical habitat protection methods (dunes, shorelines, coastal marshes) Strategy 2-1c2: Identify and prioritize upland and aquatic habitats that are vulnerable to climate change impacts and take action to mitigate or adapt to these impacts (e.g., remove or mitigate impediments to coastal processes, habitat migration) Strategy 2-1c3: Conduct Marine Spatial Planning in order to better understand and identify Long Island Sound’s natural resources/habitats, comprehend how humans use the Long Island Sound, and then use this information to set economic, environmental, and social goals for the area. 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 7 Outcome 2-2: Diverse and balanced populations of fish, birds, and wildlife enhance ecosystem resiliency and function. Objective 2-2a: To manage exotic and nuisance species Strategy 2-2a1: Strategy 2-2a2: Strategy 2-2a3: Objective 2-2b: T o manage state and federal listed species and species of concern Strategy 2-2b1: Strategy 2-2b2: Objective 2-2c: Prioritize habitat restoration projects for targeted (listed) species Manage habitat and threats to protect targeted (listed) species To manage and restore populations of harvested species Strategy 2-2c1: Strategy 2-2c2: Objective 2-2d: Develop volunteer stewardship programs to manage invasive and nuisance species Teach and promote measures that will help to prevent the introduction of invasive biota in Long Island Sound and connected upland areas Develop programs and policies to limit introduction and spread of invasives Create or update species management plans for commercially / recreationally important species Maintain and enhance aquaculture harvests while minimizing conflicting uses or impacts on native populations To advance habitat restoration and protection to increase habitat connectivity (Also related to Objective 2-1a) Strategy 2-2d1: Promote projects (through Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF) or otherwise) that restore contiguous acres or miles (Also applies to Objective 2-1a) Objective 2-2e: To maintain diverse/resilient communities of fish, birds, and wildlife Strategy 2-2e1: 10/4/2013 Promote projects that protect and restore biological diversity. LISS CCMP List 8 Outcome 2-3: The public is educated and involved in restoration and protection of habitats and living resources Objective 2-3a: To support education and outreach programs that focus on priority habitat types and living resources Strategy 2-3a1: Promote the creation of educational and outreach programs tailored for multiple user groups Objective 2-3b: To engage the public in both large and small scale restoration projects, research, monitoring, and outreach. Strategy 2-3b1: The public helps to restore and protect Long Island Sound's ecological balance where feasible. Objective 2-3c: To forward a sense of stewardship by increasing people's awareness of, and visitation to, Stewardship Sites Strategy 2-3c1: Develop and promote innovative and relevant ways of connecting people to Stewardship Sites (social media, QR mobile information codes, targeted guided experiences, prompting and supporting projects that link urban populations to their local Stewardship Sites) Outcome 2-4: Knowledge of habitats and living resources is advanced through monitoring, assessment and research Objective 2-4a: To identify, collect, and distribute useful habitat and living resource data Strategy 2-4a1: Support ecosystem science research to enhance protection of living terrestrial and aquatic resources Strategy 2-4a2: Inventory trends in quality and quantity of priority habitats Strategy 2-4a3: Identify surrogate / representative species for long term monitoring to evaluate ecosystem health Objective 2-4b: To enhance knowledge of habitats and living resources through research and collaboration Strategy 2-4b1: 10/4/2013 Set up a web-based file share / server for easy access to Long Island Sound research studies and other related reports LISS CCMP List 9 Theme 3: Sound Communities Goal: Support vibrant, informed, and engaged communities that use, appreciate, and help protect Long Island Sound Outcome 3-1: The Citizens of Long Island Sound Communities are Engaged, Informed, and Active Objective 3-1a: To increase the awareness and appreciation of Long Island Sound by citizens and visitors Strategy 3-1a1: Strategy 3-1a2: Strategy 3-1a3: Strategy 3-1a4: Strategy 3-1a5: Objective 3-1b: To increase citizen knowledge and understanding of the health of Long Island Sound Strategy 3-1b1: Strategy 3-1b2: Objective 3-1c: Educate community about the health of Long Island Sound Educate community about sustainable management of Long Island Sound and partner agency efforts to restore and protect Long Island Sound To increase citizen stewardship of Long Island Sound Strategy 3-1c1: Strategy 3-1c2: Strategy 3-1c3: 10/4/2013 Increase appreciation of the ecological value of Long Island Sound Increase opportunities for sustainable recreation on Long Island Sound and its embayments Promote and support existing and potential coastal access areas Support maritime and cultural heritage awareness Reconnecting urban populations to a healthy Sound Empower the public to actively participate in the cleanup and restoration of Long Island Sound Foster individual stewardship and behavior change Adopt practices that conserve water and energy and reduce solid waste disposal needs through waste minimization, reuse, and recycling. LISS CCMP List 10 Outcome 3-2: Future generations have the skills to become leaders and stewards for the Sound Objective 3-2a: To incorporate Long Island Sound issues into NY and CT classrooms and curriculum Strategy 3-2a1: Strategy 3-2a2: Strategy 3-2a3: Objective 3-2b: To provide educators with tools to bring Long Island Sound into classrooms Strategy 3-2b1: Strategy 3-2b2: Objective 3-2c: Provide research based information products and supplemental resources Develop evaluation metrics for Long Island Sound curriculum and educational programs To develop youth that are active and engaged with Long Island Sound and related issues Strategy 3-2c1: Strategy 3-2c2: 10/4/2013 Integrate Long Island Sound into the teaching of 'next generation' natural and social science standards Support field experiences in Long Island Sound and its tributaries Develop evaluation metrics for Long Island Sound curriculum and educational programs Support informal education at aquariums, museums, and coastal environments with facilities such as nature centers. Engage youth in stewardship opportunities LISS CCMP List 11 Outcome 3-3: Decision makers and stakeholder groups collaborate and have the resources to be effective in protecting and improving the health of Long Island Sound Objective 3-3a: To promote training and resources for professionals and environmental decision makers Strategy 3-3a1: Strategy 3-3a2: Objective 3-3b: Provide training and resources to professionals, municipal officials and volunteers Provide information that is useful to legislators and policy makers To increase communication and collaboration between groups involved in the restoration and protection of Long Island Sound. Strategy 3-3b1: Support the CAC, bi-state work groups, and stakeholder groups in their missions to restore and protect the Sound Objective 3-3c: To improve information management to facilitate effective and science based decision-making Strategy 3-3c1: Objective 3-3d: To support watershed and stormwater management efforts among municipalities and their citizens Strategy 3-3d1: 10/4/2013 Provide reports and indicators that track the health and management performance of Long Island Sound. Provide access to information on Best Management Practices (BMPs) LISS CCMP List 12 Outcome 3-4: Funding for key programs is maintained and enhanced Objective 3-4a: Strategy 3-4a1: Objective 3-4b: To generate external support to further promote Long Island Sound Leverage public/private partnerships to fund public involvement and education efforts To continue funding education from within the Long Island Sound Study budget and external funding sources Strategy 3-4b1: Communicate availability of grant opportunities (Sea Grant, Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF) Strategy 3-4b2: Communicate priorities and successes to continue support for on-going efforts Strategy 3-4b3: Support increased state funding on water-related and climate change environmental educational efforts Objective 3-4c: To fund resiliency and sustainability initiatives from new and existing funding sources Strategy 3-4c1: 10/4/2013 Develop a resiliency/sustainability funding strategy LISS CCMP List 13 Outcome 3-5: New and existing development is sustainable and resilient Objective 3-5a: To integrate sustainability, climate change adaptation, and resiliency objectives into new and existing development, housing, transportation, emissions control, energy efficiency, and job creation programs Strategy 3-5a1: Provide technical assistance and training for municipal officials, developers, engineers, and consultants on sustainability, adaptation, and resilience concepts and opportunities for implementation Strategy 3-5a2: Ensure that all new and existing development uses up-to-date methods that maximize sustainability, resiliency, and adaptability Objective 3-5b: To revise, update, and implement local comprehensive plans to be integrated with sustainability, resiliency, and adaptability objectives Strategy 3-5b1: Revise and update comprehensive management plans for all municipalities to incorporate sustainability/resiliency/adaptability concepts Strategy 3-5b2: Implement revised and updated comprehensive management plans for all municipalities to ensure that sustainability/resiliency/adaptability concepts are employed in new and existing development Strategy 3-5b3: Ensure that waterfronts balance recreation, commercial, and industrial uses according to their sustainability/resiliency/adaptability plans Strategy 3-5b4: Ensure that land use and zoning laws/ordinances are consistent with the sustainability/resiliency/adaptability plans 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 14 Outcome 3-6: Public access and sustainable waterfront economic activities are available throughout Sound communities Objective 3-6a: To encourage communities to implement economic development strategies and infrastructure planning that result in vibrant and sustainable communities which balance recreational, commercial, industrial and residential uses Strategy 3-6a1: Ensure consistency between economic development and sustainability planning efforts Objective 3-6b: To work with communities to balance recreational, commercial, industrial and residential uses according to their sustainability plans and resiliency efforts. Strategy 3-6b1: Establish recognition programs and provide support to communities to help them in obtaining recognition for exemplary sustainability programs 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 15 Theme 4: Science and Management Goal: The management of Long Island Sound is based on sound science and sustained by crossjurisdictional governance that is inclusive, adaptive, innovative, and accountable. Outcome 4-1: The scientific understanding of Long Island Sound to support management is increased through strengthened research, monitoring, assessment, mapping, and modeling. Objective 4-1a: To enhance research portfolio to answer questions relevant to Long Island Sound management outcomes Strategy 4-1a1: Develop and maintain integrated science plans that transparently link outcomes and objectives to strategies and actions, setting priorities based on management relevance and scientific merits Strategy 4-1a2: Support focused Long Island Sound research program Objective 4-1b: To maintain and enhance monitoring and assessment programs to increase understanding of Long Island Sound and assess progress toward management outcomes Strategy 4-1b1: Characterize and map open and shallow water habitats to support resource management and marine spatial planning Strategy 4-1b2: Characterize and map human uses (recreational/commercial) of open and shallow water habitats to support resource management and marine spatial planning Strategy 4-1b3: Evaluate, enhance, integrate, and coordinate ongoing monitoring programs Strategy 4-1b4: Strengthen monitoring of embayments and near-shore waters, and integrate data and assessments into agency open water monitoring programs Strategy 4-1b5: Monitor sentinels of climate change in Long Island Sound Strategy 4-1b6: Transition existing and new models to a community modeling framework that provides open source access to facilitate external collaboration, assessments, and enhancements 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 16 Objective 4-1c: To develop and improve modeling capabilities to provide predictive assessments of resources, physical dynamics and water quality Strategy 4-1c1: Transition existing and new models to a community modeling framework that provides open source access to facilitate external collaboration, assessments, and enhancements Outcome 4-2: The Long Island Sound Study Management Conference is maintained and strengthened as a means to involve all levels of government and diverse stakeholders in developing cross-jurisdictional management outcomes and implementing actions to attain them. Objective 4-2a: To educate and motivate all jurisdictional partners to the outcomes, objectives, indicators and targets Strategy 4-2a1: Objective 4-2b: Maintain and enhance support from Congressional Caucus and bistate legislative bodies To maintain and enhance the Long Island Sound Management Conference as the coordinating entity to implement the CCMP Strategy 4-2b1: Maintain the EPA Long Island Sound Office to support the work of the Management Conference Strategy 4-2b2: Continue state program coordination and involvement in the Management Conference Strategy 4-2b3: Evaluate and modify structure of Management Conference to effectively implement CCMP Strategy 4-2b4: Ensure that the CCMP is consistent with existing state policies and incorporate relevant elements of the plan into the state Coastal Zone Management Program for federal consistency reviews Strategy 4-2b5: Reauthorize sections 119, 320 of the Clean Water Act and other relevant statutes to support improvement of Long Island Sound resources 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 17 Outcome 4-3: Implementation of the CCMP is continually improved by fostering innovation and adaptive management. Objective 4-3a: To frame sustainability, adaptation, and resilience in relation to the drivers of ecosystem change Strategy 4-3a1: Strategy 4-3a2: Objective 4-3b: Include important environmental drivers (e.g., climate change) in all relevant management planning initiatives Incorporate a consideration of broad desirable ecosystem outcomes and the drivers resisting attainment of those outcomes into planning and implementation of both the built and natural systems To apply an adaptive management framework when warranted by the level of uncertainty to the science underlying implementation Strategy 4-3b1: Prepare periodic progress reports on the health of the Sound and on implementation progress Strategy 4-3b2: Establish baselines of historical or prehistorical conditions of ecosystem attributes and magnitudes of change to help provide a basis for setting restoration goals Strategy 4-3b3: Integrate science and management to incorporate new information (including emerging issues) and refine implementation plans and priorities for action Strategy 4-3b4: Utilize cutting edge approaches and methods to improve management options for pollution mitigation and ecosystem protection (e.g., marine spatial planning, innovative source reduction technologies, in situ extractive technologies) 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 18 Outcome 4-4: Public investments are maintained and enhanced. Objective 4-4a: To maintain and enhance funding for planning, research, monitoring, assessment, mapping, and modeling Strategy 4-4a1: Link science outputs to attainment of objectives and measurable targets Objective 4-4b: To evaluate cross-agency expenditures on Long Island Sound to identify how funding levels match with needs so that resources can be optimally directed. Strategy 4-4b1: Link cross-agency funding levels to specific desired management outcomes and objectives 10/4/2013 LISS CCMP List 19