Over a million times a second, radar-detectable meteoroids ablate in the lower thermosphere, leaving behind plasma trails that the neutral winds transport. These trails create intense radar echoes and so, for over 50 years, radars have tracked these trails as an easy way to monitor winds in the lower thermosphere. These measurements have become important for understanding and modeling winds, tides and gravity waves in this region \citep{Hedin:Empirical96, Clemesha:review04}. A number of meteor wind tracking techniques exist. Specular meteor radar measures the Doppler shift of meteors that pass through the atmosphere precisely perpendicular to the pointing direction of the radar. This relatively inexpensive technique can measure winds between 85 and 100 km altitude depending on the broadcast frequency. However, these radars must make many measurements to build up a wind profile, typically over the course of an hour. As a result, such measurements are averages over both space and time. Modern specular meteor radars typically include some degree of interferometry, allowing one to determine the meteor's location and trajectory. This allows for better resolution of wind measurements. Nevertheless, this technique produces wind profiles with a vertical resolution generally larger than 1km, often far larger . %Over the past six decades, over 400 rockets released %chemical tracers to measure winds in the LT \citep{Larsen:Winds02}. %This represents an enormous investment in obtaining these wind %profiles. For a far smaller cost, one can obtain similar measurements %using radar tracking of meteor trails. Fig of meteor radar The meteor height-ceiling limits the top altitude detectable by a specular radar. When the trail cross-sectional diameter exceeds the transmit wavelength it becomes effectively invisible to the radar. This occurs roughly when the neutral-plasma mean-free-path exceeds the same wavelength. Hence, lower frequency radars can detect higher altitude winds. However, ionospheric effects such as phase-delay and refraction more strongly modify these measurements. The lack of frequent, intense meteors sets the lower altitude. Fig of winds from meteor radar \subsection{Non-Specular Meteor Radar} A newer method of remotely measuring winds also takes advantage of the billions of meteors that enter the atmosphere every day, leaving behind plasma trails which the neutral wind carries along. However, instead of using a small radar to track the entire trail, this method uses large radars to follow reflections from plasma irregularities that develop in or near many trails \citep{Oppenheim:Electrodynamics00}. This requires that the radars have interferometric capabilities and can point roughly perpendicular to the geomagnetic field. Since it first presented in 2009, only two radars have applied this method, the Jicamarca Radio Observatory and a smaller radar in China \citep{Oppenheim:Remote09, Li:comparison12} %then they can infer wind %velocities as a function of altitude. By measuring winds between 93 and 110km, this approach explores a region that overlaps the highest altitudes monitored by specular meteor radars but extends considerably higher. This technique does not require the temporal and spatial averaging typically used when obtaining winds from specular meteor radars or LIDARs, but instead measures detailed wind profiles with an altitude resolution of less than a few hundred meters. Further, between midnight and dawn, this method can be used to monitor winds on a nearly continuous basis. The phase difference between channels gives the meteor trail position and, as seen in Figure \ref{f:Data}, shows a clear evolution with time. % One can see that the horizontal wind has a %strong shear in the zonal (E-W) direction, ranging from 7m/s at %98km altitude to 102m/s at 96km while the meridional (N-S) wind %shows far less shear. In a 2 minute period, JRO will often detect more than a dozen meteors lasting 10s or longer in the hours before dawn. Figure \ref{f:profile} shows two wind profiles obtained by combining all the meteors in a two data set. These measurements extend from 93km to 109km and indicate that the east winds have less variability than the north winds. Non-specular trails result from radar scattering from field aligned irregularities which, in turn, derive from instabilities evolving into turbulence \citep{Oppenheim:Plasma02b,Dimant:Meteor06b}. This means that radars measure wave-fronts within a turbulent plasma. These wavefronts may have non-zero average phase velocities which may affect the phase of the returning signal and potentially add error to our results. Nevertheless, the measured results appear highly accurate and consistent from meteor to meteor. While fig.~\ref{f:phase} shows a clear overall slope, enabling us to make an accurate determination of the horizontal wind speed, the signal includes substantial deviations from this trend (eg., see the phases changes at 6s). These deviations make it challenging to obtain wind data from meteor trails lasting less than 3 seconds. Only radars that can point nearly perpendicular to $\vec B$ can measure winds from non-specular trails. Hence, the Arecibo, EISCAT, and Sondrestrom radars cannot make these measurements but JRO, MU, and EAR can. Low latitude radars can use this method to obtain altitude resolutions below a few hundred meters. Higher latitude radars will need to point at lower elevation angles which will reduce their altitude resolution but will increase the observing volume and likelihood of detecting a strong meteor trail. Also, they will need to use the Doppler shift to calculate the component of the wind velocity away from the radar to obtain meridional winds. This technique works best between midnight and dawn. After dawn, meteor trails become substantially {less frequent and less enduring} because of the effects of {the background ionosphere} on trail formation and duration. We estimate it will require about 6-8 times as long an observing period to produce similar wind data \citep{Oppenheim:Day08}. Between noon and dusk, we have the added problem that the meteor rate drops. After sunset, trail durations should increase but the count rate remains quite low until we approach midnight. While the JRO is a good tool for performing this type of monitoring, far smaller radar can do this quite well. In fact, a group in China recently demonstrated this technique using just six simple antennas \citep{Li:comparison12}. They demonstrated reasonable agreement between the non-specular and classical radar approaches. The horizontal wind model (HWM93) of \citet{Hedin:Empirical96} predicts considerably lower wind velocities between 90 and 115 km altitude than we see in our current measurements. These winds generally reach less than 50m/s for the zonal winds and less for the meridional one. These measurements derive from MF radar wind and specular meteor radar data. Our observations and the in-situ rocket measurements show consistently higher winds, reaching twice or more the HWM93 values \citep{Larsen:Winds02}.