Course: Geoecology Practice 7. Definition of the technospheric impact on the environment (as an example of coal mining) Theoretical part Coal Mine Operations Exploration Coal reserves are defined for mining by conducting drilling programs for coal quality sampling and geotechnical assessment. All holes are geophysically logged to assist in stratigraphic correlation and geotechnical evaluation. Coal cores are analysed for a wide range of characteristics including chemical composition and expected physical behaviour in utilisation processes. The main chemical tests are for specific energy, ash, moisture, volatiles, sulphur and carbon content. Ash fusion and grindability are important tests for power station applications. Databases of this information are maintained by geologists so that modelling of these parameters can be undertaken. Mine Planning Mine planning is an essential part of successfully designing and operating a mine. A considerable amount of expenditure and information is required to define a coal deposit, design the mine, then extract and prepare the coal for the customer. The mine operations have conceptual plans for nearly 30 years and detailed plans covering periods of 5-15 years, where the detail is sufficient to allow planning of overburden removal and coal haulage. The basic data comes from the geological model of the mine. To build a geological model, the geologist collates, analyses and interprets all the exploration drilling information. Once mining has commenced, in-pit mapping and coal quality monitoring is used to regularly refine these models. The geologists use the Vulcan modelling system and the result is a set of threedimensional (3D) computer models and plans of coal seam structure (position in the ground), coal quality, roof and floor materials, interburden lithological types and chemistry, coal and interburden thickness (isopachs) and structural features such as faults and folds. Each seam has a different set of distinguishing features. These include thickness, quality, partings or plies, roof and floor characteristics and its relationships to the surrounding seams. These attributes are used by the Coal Quality Geologist when assessing the suitability and sequencing of mining a seam. The main quality parameters used on a daily basis are moisture, ash, Hardgrove Grindability Index, sulphur and specific energy. The quality data and structural models are used by Mining Engineers to design the mine and schedule production. The pits are divided into “blocks” to aid design and reporting. The coal quality information is averaged over a block, initially on an in situ basis. Production Phase The mining process begins with clearing of vegetation, topsoil removal and stockpiling, followed by laterite removal and stockpiling. Vegetation removal involves harvesting of any commercial forest products. Any useful firewood remaining is then collected by mining personnel. Remnants of no use are bulldozed into windrows and burnt. Topsoil removal is a critical process as this material is used in rehabilitation of the mine back to local native vegetation. Laterite also plays a vital role in the mine as it is a prime commodity for road building. Once the area is cleared, overburden removal can then commence. The exposed coal seams are cleaned with dozers and graders before being mined using hydraulic excavators (in backhoe configuration). Thicker coal seams commonly require blasting prior to mining to maintain productivity rates, but thinner coal can be ripped with dozers to avoid blasting. In some cases, coal is “free dug” by the excavators. The coal is hauled to the coal handling plant using the same truck fleet as used for “dirt” removal. Processing involves crushing and sizing prior to blending on stockpiles. The coal product is delivered to coal-fired power stations. Deliveries to customers occur by rail or truck using the train load-out system. (Source: Practical task 1. Define the main objects of the technosphe as an example of coal mining. 2. Make a table of the impact according to the Table 1. Class and subclass of effect Type of effect Effect results Potential effect …. … … … source of Table 1. Classification of technological impact on the geological environment (Korolev V.A., 1985) 2 Compaction Mechanical effect Actual effect 1 Type of effect Type of effect 3 Static Vibrocompaction Roller compaction Tamping Explosion compaction Decompaction Basic load Dynamic load Inner massive fragmentation Drilling Grinding Trimming Detaching Spading and shovelling Explosive rupture Ploughing up and cultivation Relief accumulation Waste pile dumping Discard dumps Banking Dam making Geologic environment elements PGIVRD Variety of effect 4 5 PGI PGI PGI PGI PGI GI GI GI GI GI GI PGI GI P I I I I D D RD RD D R RD RD RD RD Relief planning Constructive and road planning Reclamation Slope terracing PGI RD PGI RD G RD Relief erosion PGI RD PGI RD G RD PIR Dint forming Channeling and trenching Slope facing Formation of subsidence trough Stand on the following grounds: 1. Time: constant and temporary; 2. Size: point, linear, areal, volume; 3. Location: ground, underground; 4. Reversibility: reversible, irreversible; 5. Goals: spontaneous, goal-seeking; 6. Intensity: low, medium, high Class and subclass of effect Effect results, unit of measure Potential source of effect 6 Pressure, mPa Amplitude and frequency, hz Specific energy, watts per square meter 7 Building, construction Vibro- machine Motor transport, rollers Subway Explosions The same Mines, cavities Fore shaft, explosions Depth of SKV Work, capacity, specific energy, watts per square meter Bore wells Cutter-loaders Mine roadways Open-cut mining, open-cast Mines, stonedrifts Explosions Agronomic activity Coefficient of variation, specific energy, watts per square meter Mines TPS, HES, SDPP Concerns Construction The same Construction Recultivated sites Amelioration sites The same Open-cut mining, open-cast Fore shaft, wormholes Road construction Mines Hydrodynamic effect Thermal effect Electromagnetic effect Actual effect Hydromechanical effect 1 Type of effect Type of effect Geologic environment elements PGIVRD 2 Relief hydroaccumulation 3 Dam hydraulic fill IVRD Hydraulic deposition of gold IVRD dump IVRD Hydraulic deposition of bourocks and solid masses Relief hydroerosion Hydraulic washing-out of solid masses Sag- underwashing GIVRD PGIVRD Pressure rising Discharge pumping, injection Saturation Irrigation V GIV PGIV D Pressure decreasing Unwatering Dewatering Desaturation Heating Conductive (until 100 degrees) Convection (until 100 degrees) Firing ( more than 100 degrees) Melting Heat hardening Biochemical V PGIV D PGIV D PGIV PGIV RD GI GI GI PGIV Cooling Conductive Convection Freezing GIV GIV PGIV RD Spontaneous Electric field inducing PGI Goal-seeking Electrical machining Electrosmosis Electrolysis Electrical silicatization GI PGIV GIV GI 4 Variety of effect Effect results, unit of measure Potential source of effect 5 6 7 Stand on the following grounds: 1. Time: constant and temporary; 2. Size: point, linear, areal, volume; 3. Location: ground, underground; 4. Reversibility: reversible, irreversible; 5. Goals: spontaneous, goal-seeking; 6. Intensity: low, medium, high Class and subclass of effect The same Construction TPS, HES Tailing dump Sludge storage pits The same Open-cut mining, open-cast Diggers Water pumping, underground desalinization Changes in source Pumping pressure, level and Blowing, industrial wastewater humidity Agricultural watering, hydroSpecific energy, watts amelioration per square meter The same Drawing Amelioration sites Temperature, Blastfurnaces, TPS, APS, HEW, horizontal temperature SDPP, hot shops gradient Underground melting of sulphur, gasification Deg/m Amelioration technical sites Specific energy, watts SDW landfills per square meter The same Coolers Pumping Amelioration technical sites Intensity, V/sm Density, A/m Electric train lines Subway Tramway, trolley and electric lines The same Amelioration technical sites Class and subclass of effect Type of effect Physico-chemical effect 1 2 Hydrate Colmation Leaching Ion-exchange Biological effect Chemical effect Pollution Geologic environment elements PGIVRD Type of effect 3 Capillary condensation Dehydrotation Physical Physico-chemical Straight Diffuse Solonized Ion-exchange Phenolic, chlorophenolic Nitrate Pesticide Herbicide Heavy metals Hydrocarbonaceous Acid Alkali Salting 4 PGIV PGIV PGI PGI GIV GIV PGI PGI PGIV Treatment Neutralization Desalinization Dilution PGIV PGIV PGIV PGIV PGIV PGIV PGIV PGIV PGIV PGIV PGIV Massif stabilization Cementaion Silicification Bituminous grouting Resinification Liming and others GI GI GI GI GI Pollution Bacteriological Microbiological PGIV PGIV Treatment Sterilization PGIV Variety of effect 5 The same as in physical effect Effect results, unit of measure 6 Moisture gradient Colmatation volume, m3 The same The same by the type of microorganisms Potential source of effect 7 Asphalt coat Drainage systems Amelioration technical sites Specific energy, watts per square meter Exchange capacity Leaching sites Pollutant concentration, MPC excess, volumetric rate of masstransfer Chemical plants, farms, animal farming, refuse storages, agriculture, transport, emissions, gas-station, acid rains, oil storages, runoffs The same Land amelioration Volume, m3 Amelioration technical sites MPC excess, specific transfer speed SDW landfills, farms, bins, sewerage The same Objects of treatment Land amelioration