IMAGE RESTORATION PROCESS IN DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Muskan Chaurasia* Department of computer science Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology for Women Affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow Ghaziabad (U.P.), INDIA Email id- Ekta panday* Department of computer science Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology for Women Affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow Ghaziabad (U.P.),INDIA Chhavika Sharma* Department of computer science Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology for Women Affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow Ghaziabad (U.P.), INDIA Co-author -Mrs. Neha Diwedi Department of computer science Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology for Women Affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow Ghaziabad (U.P.), INDIA Abstract As a research topic in the information system, digital image processing is very important to scientific society. Digital image processing is used in different fields, medical imaging, remote sensing, computer vision military, target localization etc. This paper goes to discuss the basic information of digital image processing , areas of application of digital image processing like Gamma-Ray Imaging, X-ray Imaging, Imaging in ultraviolet Band, Imaging in the visible and infrared Bands , Imaging in the micro wave Band, Imaging in Radio Band .This paper also explains image representation with in computers. In this research paper discuss the fundamental steps of digital image processing .Digital image processing extends the numerical processing of digital image ,basically digital image processing system refers to processing the digital images by means of digital computer. Image restoration is techniques is used to improve the image quality in some predefined sense .Image restoration attempts to recover the image that has been degraded by using a priori knowledge of the degradation phenomenon. I. Introduction:- Digital image processing refers to processing digital image by means of digital computer and use of computer algorithms to perform image processing on images. An Image digitizer and an image display device is require for image processing on the computer. An image may be defined as two dimensional function f(x,y) where x and y are spatial coordinates and the amplitude of f at any pair of coordinates is called intensity of the image at that point. when the x,y and intensity values are finite or discrete quantities then image is called digital image . there are many areas of digital image processing. Fundamental steps of digital image processing are image acquisition image enhancement, image restoration, color image processing ,wavelets and multi resolution process compression ,morphological processing ,segmentation ,representation and description, object recognition. II. Application of digital image processing:a) Gamma ray imaging:-Nuclear medicine and astronomical observation. b) X-ray imaging: –x rays of body. c) Ultraviolet band imaging:- Lithography, Industrial inspection microscopy, lasers, biological imaging etc. d) Imaging in visible and infrared bands :– Major area of visual processing in remote sensing. e) Imaging in microwave band:–Imaging in microwave band is RADAR which is used to collect data over virtual region at any time regardless of weather. f) Imaging in radio band: –Medicine and astronomy. III. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Fundamental steps of digital image processing: – Image acquisition:-Image acquisition is the process of acquire the image and gives some hints regarding the origin of digital image .it also involves some preprocessing such as scaling. Image processing:-This step focuses on improve the image that increases the chances for success of other process. Image enhancement: Image enhancement is the process of manipulating an image so that the result is more suitable than the original for specific application. The goal of image enhancement is to accentuate certain image features for subsequent analysis. Image restoration: - It is an area that deals with improving the appearance of an image .Restoration is objective which is based on mathematical or probabilistic modals of image degradation. Color image processing:-The use of color in image processing is motivated by two factor first is powerful descriptor that simplifies object identification and extraction from scene. second is color shades and intensities. Fig.1 Fundamental steps of digital image processing. vi. Wavelets:- Wavelets transform allows multi resolution analysis of image. vii. Image segmentation:Image segmentation refers to process of partitioning the image into groups of pixels which are homogeneous with respect to some criterion . viii. Image Compression:-Image compression deals with reducing the storage requirement to save an image. ix. Image representation:-Image presentation is the process of conversion of input data into a form suitable for computer processing. x. Image description:-image description process is used to extract features that result in some quantitative information of that are basic for differentiating one class of object from another. Morphological processing:Morphological processing process provide the tools for extracting image components that also useful in description of shape and representation. xi. xii. Image recognition:-The goal of image recognition is to describe the image with respect to color ,texture, and shape. xiii. Image restoration:-Image restoration technique aim at reversing the degradation undergone by an image to recover the true image .image may be corrupted by degradation such as linear frequency distortion, noise,and blocking artifacts .the degradation consist to motion ,defocusing, and atmospheric turbulence. Image degradation:- IV. The process by which the original image is blurred is usually very complex and often unknown. To simplify the calculation, the degradation is often modeled as a linear function which is often reffered as point spread function. Causes of degradation: VII. References:- Misfocus of lens. Relative motion between camera and object. Improper opening and closing the shutter V. Image degradation and restoration process:Restoration is a technique which is used to improve an image in some pre defined sense. Image restoration is the objective process .restoration attempts to reconstruct or recover an image that has been degraded by using the prior knowledge of the degradation phenomenon. Restoration techniques are oriented towards modeling of the degradation and applying the inverse process in order to recover the original image. Fig.2 Image degradation/restoration process. The degradation process is modeled as a degradation function that ,together with an additive noise term ,operates on an input image f(x,y) to produce a degraded image g(x,y) . Objective of restoration is to obtain an estimate f’(x,y) of the original image . g(x,y)=h(x,y)*f(x,y)+n(x,y) where *indicates convolution operation . frequency domain representation is VI. Conclusion:Use of information systems in the scientific community image processing is very important. New processing hardware and algorithms are constant topic of research. Fields such as astronomy will continue to use digital image processing and ensure that this area of information systems stays relevant for years to come. in G(u,v)=H(u,v) F(u.v)+N(u,v) where G(u,v), H(u,v), N(u,v) are Fourier transform of g(x,y) , h(x,y), n(x,y) respectively. a) b) c) Jump up^ Dag Stranneby and William Walker (2004).Digital Signal Processing and Applications (2nd ed. ed.). Elsevier. ISBN 07506-6344-8. Jump up^ Billings S.A. "Nonlinear System Identification: NARMAX Methods in the Time, Frequency, and Spatio-Temporal Domains". Wiley, 2013 Jump up^ Oppenheim, Alan V.; Schafer, Ronald W.; Buck, John R., Discrete-Time Signal Processing (3rd ed.), p. 15