Rainford High PE Department YEAR 7 ASSESSMENT MATRIX Performance (P) Health and Fitness (H&F) Coaching (AOP) 1 2 3 Advanced Developmental Foundation Platinum Platinum Platinum The student is an outstanding performer! They demonstrate outstanding skills and techniques some of which are advanced in the practice situation and uses originality, creativity, fluency and control in the competitive/performance situations. Gold Platinum Platinum The student demonstrates excellent skills and techniques in the practice situation and uses creativity, fluency and precision in the competitive/performance situation. Silver Gold Platinum The student demonstrates very good skills and techniques in the practice situation and uses precision and fluency in the competitive/performance situation. Bronze Silver Gold The student demonstrates good skills and techniques in the practice situation and uses control in the competitive/performance situation. The student possesses good fitness levels and can identify and describe the health related components of fitness. They are able to carry out their own warm up. The student can identify a range of strengths and areas for improvement, using key words and teaching points within their feedback. Bronze Bronze Silver The student shows limited fundamental motor skills in the practice situation and this may be even more evident when applied to the competitive /performance situation. The student has limited fitness levels and can identify the health related components of fitness. They can suggest ways to warm up. The student can identify some strengths and areas for improvement and include some key words within their feedback. Bronze Bronze Bronze The student shows poor fundamental motor skills in the practice situation and this is clearly evident when applied to the competitive/performance situation. The student has poor fitness levels and can identify some of the health related components of fitness. They can say why we need to warm up. The student can make some simple comments on how good the performance is but needs help to give constructive feedback. The student possesses outstanding fitness levels and can fully explain the health related components of fitness and how they can be trained. They can effectively lead a full warm up for a small group of students without any support. The student can accurately identify a wide range of strengths and areas for improvement within a performance and explain the impact on performance. They are able to provide detailed technical advice on how to improve and can suggest an action plan. The student possesses excellent The student can accurately identify fitness levels and can explain the a range of strengths and areas for health related components of improvement as well as identify the fitness and identify them within impact this has on performance. different sports. They can lead a full They provide detailed feedback warm up for a small group of using key words and teaching points students with minimal support. and are able to suggest a range of ways to improve. The student possesses very good The student can accurately identify fitness levels and can explain the a range of strengths and areas for health related components of improvement. They give feedback fitness. They can lead part of a and use key words and teaching warm up for a small group with points and are able to suggest support. simple ways of how to improve. Character in Competition (CC) The student is a positive role model who consistently strives to further improve their already high level of performance. They have outstanding records of participation in all aspects (including extra-curricular) and demonstrate sportsmanship and an outstanding level of maturity in competitive scenarios. The student has the potential to be a positive role model and is determined and committed to improving their performance. They have excellent records of participation both in lessons and intra school competitions and demonstrate very good levels of maturity. The student can set a good example to others during lessons and is determined to improve. They have very good levels of participation in lessons and intra school competitions. Their level of maturity in competitive situations is good and they are very fair. The student approaches lessons positively and does not give up. They work well as part of a small group/team. They have good levels of participation. Their level of maturity in competitive situations is usually good. The student regularly participates in lessons and wants to improve their activity levels and performance. They can work as part of a group/small team. However, their performance in competitive situations can sometimes lack maturity. The student participates in lessons; their performance in competitive situations can lack maturity. Upper Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze Middle Platinum Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Bronze Lower AO 1 AO 2 AO 3 AO 4 AO 1 AO 2 AO 3 AO 4 Platinum Platinum Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Year 9 assessment matrix Upper Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze Middle Platinum Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Bronze Lower Platinum Platinum Platinum Gold Silver Bronze