Project report 2015

Green Impact Excellence Project Report
Green Impact team:
CCE - Excellence
Project Title:
A Simple Guide to Attaining Laboratory Bronze
A summary of your project’s aims and objectives
1. To engage our green Impact teams beyond their own laboratories.
2. To encourage others to attain Green Impact Laboratory Bronze
3. To make use of our experience gained in achieving Green impact bronze in 30 laboratories
within the School
Produce a simple guide to Green Impact Bronze through the media of Video.
Enable our Green impact lab teams to see themselves as part of the “bigger” picture.
To encourage others to attain Green Impact Laboratory Bronze
To assist the Carbon Management team in enhancing the uptake of the Green Impact
program throughout the University
What were the project’s key achievements?
Ultimately this project must be judged on the final product.
We have produced a simple , short and informative video guide to achieving Green Impact
Laboratory Bronze, suitable for everyone considering this award.
We believe this will be a useful addition to the methods used by the Carbon Management
team to enhance the uptake of Green Impact within the University.
Finally we have taken the focus of our Green Impact Gold teams beyond the boundaries of
their own labs.
Green Impact Excellence Project Report
What were the project’s key challenges?
There were two main challenges in this project:
cost of production:
Originally we had thought of using a specialised production company to
produce our final product, but after discussion with the teams we
decided to make full use of the talents within the team and not rely on
outside agencies.
Everything from storyboarding right through to filming and editing was
undertaken in house.
We were very aware from the outset that we wanted as diverse a range
of contributors as possible.
Are first step was to approach the Head of School who readily agreed to
film one of the segments.
With him on board it was relatively easy to populate the remaining
segments with the sought after mix.
We now have a waiting list of contributors available for the next
How have your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) been met?
Final product
Category of staff
Produce a video focused on the
steps to attaining GI lab Bronze
Include representatives from at
least 2 countries other than NI
Status (complete/not complete)
Include representatives from
both sexes
Include representatives from
technical/ academic/ post
docs/ PhD/ undergrads
We have both male and female staff on the video
We have representatives from 3 countries other than NI
The academic fraternity is represented by our Head of School, we have two members of
technical staff and a complete mix of the student body and researchers.
Green Impact Excellence Project Report
What are the opportunities for development?
The road to development for this project is a fairly simple one.
The next stages are videos for acheiving Laboratory Silver then Laboratory Gold.
We may even branch out to attempt a guide to attaining Office Bronze – although this may be better
undertaken by one of the Office Gold award holders!
Value added benefits
It was originally intended that the Original Laboratory Gold award winners would be the focus of this
endeavor. However it soon became evident that all of the teams had an interest in being included in our final
product. So much so that we were unable to accommodate everyone, hence our waiting list and readily
available pool of participants should we wish to undertake Laboratory Silver – the Sequel
We intend to have a viewing when GI Excellence and this is already causing something of a bus among
all of our temas.