WANA International Artist/Instructor Class Request Form 1) Does Shawn have a copy of your 1/2 page bio? If not, please forward it to shawn@wanaintl.com, along with your completed Class Request Form. 2) Class Title: 3) Instructor Name(s): 4) Instructor E-mail (Used for notification of new registrations): 5) Price for Basic Class: $ (all prices in U.S. dollars) If offering different service levels, indicate total price for each level, if not leave blank: Bronze: $ Silver: $ Gold: $ Platinum: $ 6) Do you want to offer promo or giveaway discount codes? Yes: /No: 7) Number of zero payment students (other AIs, etc.) you’ll accept (0-?): 8) Structure of Class: WANATribe: Live Classroom: Both: Other: If both, are Live Classroom Dates/Times to be determined later (i.e., by agreement of the students in the WANATribe)? Yes: /No: 9) For WANATribe Classes: Start Date: Duration (indicate days/weeks/months): 10) For Live Classroom: Number of Live Class Meetings: Date(s) of Meeting(s): Meeting Time (Use Eastern Time Zone): Start: EST / End: EST Technology to be Used: PowerPoint Presentation: Webcam*: Screen Sharing*: *Has TechSurgeons Verified Sufficient Bandwidth? Yes: /No: If no, please contact Jay at jay@techsurgeons.com. 11) Save Recordings after Live Class for (weeks/months): 12) Classification: (What category or categories does your class fall under?) Business: Craft: Lifestyle: Social Media: 13) Is there a maximum number of all students you want in the class? 14) Allow late registration: If so, what time and date would you like it closed? (Registration will close between noon and 5 p.m. EST on the day before the earlier of the WANATribe Start Date or the first Live Meeting unless indicated.) The Class Description should be a marketing-style blurb, covering: Whom the class will help (people who need…, beginners vs. advanced, etc.), What they’ll learn and what they’ll walk away with by the end, The style of instruction (live classes vs. work on your own time, etc.), What specifically comes with upgrades (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum). 15) Class Description: The Welcome Message will go out to your students once they have signed up for your class. This could include a detailed schedule, private WANATribe information, explaining handouts will be sent later, preclass links to read, your contact info, etc. 16) Welcome Message: 17) Please send your completed form to Chad at ccarver@wanaintl.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Office Use Only ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clearly mention EST in the class description and in the welcome message (where applicable.) - Selected “Current Class” - Select “Yes” for the option to send custom confirmation e-mail upon registration. - Added email address for custom confirmation in alternative email field? - Added $10 for administration fees to the price, and input the total (less the dollar sign). - Noted in public admin calendar to notify AI 76 hours prior class commencement regarding enrollment and login information. - Noted in public admin calendar to e-mail all students login information 24 hours prior to all webinars. - QC check (Staff member that has not input class) Initials - Forwarded copy of link to WANA International posting to the AI for review.