What did you do in school today?

Dinner Table Discussions
The answer to "What did you do in school today?"
weather data
yellow flower
microwave safety
apron update
Caramel apple nachos
The Week in a Nutshell:
Our new quarter is underway. Be sure to check in with
your son/daughter to see how their new quarter class is
if they have one and how they are doing towards their
goal for 2nd quarter. This week our Pumpkin Math looked
at the properties of a circle. We learned how to measure
a circle by learning what the circumference, diameter,
and radius is. We measured our pumpkins and then
ordered all the pumpkins based on these measurements.
Ask your son/daughter where his/her pumpkin ended up in the order. Was it the biggest or
smallest? Our reading group time took us through the steps of the life cycle of a pumpkin
in the book we worked on this week. We then worked on sequencing those steps to create
the life cycle of a pumpkin. Use the words above to have your son/daughter tell you about
the stages.
In Ms. Burton’s science class our weather instruments have been
made and are collecting data on the weather each day during class.
We haven’t seen a whole lot of changes in the weather over the
past few days though, but have your son/daughter tell you what
they have discovered so far.
During our OT time this week we relooked at using the microwave and
microwave safety. We created Caramel Apple Nachos, a snack I wouldn’t
have thought would be a hit with the combination of ingredients in the recipe,
but they were sure a hit. The recipe is attached for your son/daughter to
make for you this weekend as their weekend homework.
10/30 – HALLOWEEN – There is a dress up contest this year!
11/6 – Health Class (our first one of the year with Ms. Keri)
11/19 – Parent/Teacher Conferences – 3:00-7:00
11/20- COMMUNITY OUTING to Wal-mart and Steak n Shake
11/24 – Room 222’s Annual Thanksgiving Dinner – 1:00
11/25-11/27 – NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
Here are some pictures from our week’s activities. Enjoy the weekend!
Abra Schweickert