OLD GORIOT 高老头 Honore de balzac 【法】巴尔扎克 Author • Honore de Balzac, a French writer, was born in Tuor city . In 1816 ,he was admitted to a law school . But after graduating from that school, he decided to be a writer. In 1829,a novel, The Juan Party, was published which made the first step of realism creation. In 1831,he was famous for the Donkey Skin in Mind. From 30s to 40s,he created a great number of novels with amazing willpower. Through all his life, he created 91 novels. In 1850,due to overwork, the gift passed away. • 巴尔扎克是19世纪法国伟大的批判现实主义 作家,欧洲批判现实主义文学的奠基人和杰 出代表,是一位具有浓厚浪漫情调的伟大作 家,一边因奢华的生活而负债累累,一边以 崇高深刻的思想创作出博大精深的文学巨著。 他的生活趣事层出不穷,而作品更被誉为 “法国社会的一面镜子”。在他逝世时,文 学大师雨果曾站在法国巴黎的蒙蒙细雨中, 面对成千上万哀悼者慷慨激昂地评价道: “在最伟大的人物中间,巴尔扎克是名列前 茅者;在最优秀的人物中间,巴尔扎克是佼 佼者。” Father Goriot (高里奥) In the year1813,at the age of sixty-nine or thereabout ,Father Goriot had sold his business and living to Mme. Vauquer’s boarding house after his retirement . He is a kind father who would do everything for his two daughters , although his daughters only love his money . 小说主人公高老头向读者展示了一份特别的父爱。他把女儿当作天使,乐于牺牲 自己来满足她们的种种奢望。为了女儿的体面,他歇了生意,只身搬进伏盖 公寓;为了替女儿还债,他当卖了金银器皿和亡妻的遗物,出让了养老金, 弄得身无分文;最后,仍然是为了给女儿弄钱,他竟想去“偷”去“抢”去 代替人家服兵役,去“卖命”、“杀人放火”。 • Eugene de Rastignac(欧金 拉斯蒂涅) • A law student from the neighborhood of Angouleme , was a thoroughly southern type;he had a fair complexion, blue eyes, black hair . In his figure ,manner ,and his whole bearing, it is to see that he had either come of a noble family, or his family ever was a noble. Anastasie restuad (安娜斯大齐) Father Goriot’ elder daughter Delphine (多拉斐) Father Goriot’ younger daughter Father Goriot idolize his daughter .he settled one of them under Restaud’s roof ,and grafted the other into the Nucingen family tree, the Baron de Nucingen being a rich banker who had turned the Royalist. Some classic sentence • The more you no heart and liver, the more rising fast, you showed no mercy to against other people, people are afraid of you. Only to men and women as Yima, riding in them exhausted, to stand on the left, so you will be able to reach the peak of desire. • 你越没有心肝,就越高升得快,你毫不留情地打击人家,人家就怕你。只能 把男男女女当作驿马,把它们骑得筋疲力尽,到了站上丢下来,这样你就能 达到欲望的最高峰。 •My real life is in my two girl ;you see ;and so long as they are warm ;I shall never feel dull if they are laughing .I have no trouble but theirs . My views of this story Children are apples in parents’ eyes .Besides ,parents will do anything for their children. however, Children as we are ,we should be grateful for them .we can’t feel that whatever parents do for children are a must .There is no denying that no pains ,no gains. So When we get something ,we should reply something . Only in that way can we shoulder our responsibility Thank you