Lesson Five – Individual Historical Stories Stories of our Own Elders Year: 1 Australian Curriculum Level: 1 Lesson: Five Duration: 90 - 100 mins* *this is to be a longer lesson to allow all students an opportunity to make their presentations. Curricular Strands: Digital Technologies; History Lesson Overview: Students present the stories of their own ‘elders’ with the class and share the historical artefacts they brought in before creating an exploratory history box. Lesson Objective: This lesson aims to afford students the opportunity to explore their own history through discussion with their own elders, whilst developing an appreciation of the diversity of histories throughout the classroom community. Curriculum Connections (ACARA, 2012) Digital Technologies: Knowledge and Understanding Students: Identify, use and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001) Digital Technologies: Processes and Production Skills Work with others to create and organise ideas and information using information systems, and share these with known people in safe online environments (ACTDIP006) Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively (ACTDIP003) History: Historical Knowledge and Understanding Students Identify: Difference & similarities between students daily lives and life during their parents and grandparents childhoods, including family traditions, leisure time and communications (ACHHK030) Differences in family structures and roles today and how these have changed over time or remained the same (ACHHK028) History: Historical Skills Students: Develop a Narrative about the past (ACHHS037) Pose questions about the past using resources provided (ACHHS034) Identify and compare features of objects past and present (ACHHS035) English: Literacy: Interacting with Others Students: Make short presentations using some introduced structures and language (ACELY1657) Engage in conversations and discussions, using active listening behaviours, showing interest, and contributing ideas, information and questions (ACELY1656). Tania Sorbello s234250 Assignment 2 – Lesson 5 Unit Outcomes This lesson meets the following Unit Outcomes: Students: Utilise available digital technologies. Identify stories of their own family and how these stories contribute to their identity. Explore the history of their own family and how life has changed over time. Appreciate the diversity of histories within the classroom community. Collaborate with their classmates. Collaboratively Examine texts to assist in the creation of their own text. Become more independent in their learning. Learning Sequence Technological Resources: Interactive White Board. iPad – Evernote app to record student presentations for inclusion within each student’s digital portfolio for assessment. Other Resources: Large Box for History Box Creation Student Artefacts brought in from home. Sequence Introduction: Tapping into prior knowledge Whole class on Floor – discuss previous lesson. Discussion about Indigenous Dreamtime stories and how these stories are a way that we and Indigenous people learn about Aboriginal history. Revisit the main themes of the Tiddalik story. Discuss that the story, like many Indigenous stories is a Dreamtime story, passed down from Aboriginal Elders. Reinforce prior learning about Indigenous Elders and Aboriginal storytelling. In this last week, students have spoken to Elders in their own lives, finding out stories about their own history and each student has brought in something special to share with the class. 10 minutes Overview of Activity: Students will present the item they brought from home and tell the class a little about the item and how it is a part of their history. They will talk about their Elder and the differences / similarities between students’ and their elders’ childhoods. All of the artefacts will then be placed in a History Box to be kept at the school for the remainder of the Unit. Students can explore the box during independent learning time to find out more about items of interest. Each student will be given the opportunity to use the iPad to record one of their peers’ presentations. Discussion covers appropriate and safe way to use iPad to record presentation. Throughout the unit, the iPad will be available for students to use to re-watch presentations and further explore areas of interest. Tania Sorbello s234250 Assignment 2 – Lesson 5 Learning Intention: class collaboratively discuss what the learning intention for the lesson is: Good Historians present and listen to stories about history. 10 minutes Activity: Teacher models presentation by presenting an artefact brought in from his/her own life. Students make their presentations. Each student is given the opportunity to record a peer presentation. If possible, artefacts are passed around the classroom to allow students to touch and feel each of the historical items. Students are given opportunities to ask questions and discuss the artefacts brought in and how they are different / similar to what we use today (i.e. toys etc.). Differentiation: Remedial & Extension: This activity allows students to participate at a level appropriate to their own ability with those students requiring extension providing more information about their history and artefact and those requiring support being prompted with teacher / peer questions. Teacher defined ordering is also a means of differentiating the task to allow those less confident an opportunity to see presentations modelled prior to their own presentation. 60 minutes (with a break for recess half way through to prevent students from becoming fidgety on the floor). Conclusion: Regroup on floor. The class discuss how students had different stories and artefacts from their history and this is what makes them all unique. The class discuss the similarities and differences between their Elders’ childhoods and their own. They explore how their history contributes to who they are today. The class make a list on the Interactive White Board of some of the items that are different / similar to what we use today and identify what makes these items different / similar. Artefacts are placed in the History Box and kept in a designated area within the classroom. The teacher will revise the presentations and ensure they are available on the iPad for viewing by the students as soon as practicable. The class discuss how this lesson helped them meet their learning intention to become Good Historians. i.e. We became good historians today by listening to other peoples’ histories and talking about our own history. Now we know more about history than we did before and we understand that all of our histories are different. Discuss next lesson. Students will visit Melbourne Museum to explore the Indigenous First Peoples Exhibition. 10 - 20 minutes Formative Assessment Student assessment could take the following form: 1. Is the student able to make an oral presentation of their information and Tania Sorbello s234250 Assignment 2 – Lesson 5 artefact to the class? 2. Is the student able to utilise digital technology (iPad) to record a peer presentation? 3. Does the student engage with the historical presentations of their peers, asking questions and being respectful of individual histories? 4. Does the student actively contribute to class discussions? How does this lesson provide evidence of student achievement at the Level 1 Standard of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies – Digital Technologies? Identify, use and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001) o Students justify their choice of historical event as a video recording to later be used in assessment. Digital Technologies: Processes and Production Skills Work with others to create and organise ideas and information using information systems, and share these with known people in safe online environments (ACTDIP006) o Students co-operate with teacher instructions about the safe and appropriate use of the iPad to record presentations. Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively (ACTDIP003) o Students explore the use of iPads as a means of recording peer presentations. How does this lesson provide evidence of student achievement at the Level 1 Standard of the Australian Curriculum: History? Develop a Narrative about the past (ACHHS037) o Students present an oral presentation, discussing their history as told to them by their elder. o They use an artefact as a means of supporting their oral presentation. Pose questions about the past using resources provided (ACHHS034) o Students ask questions about the history of their peers. Identify and compare features of objects past and present (ACHHS035) o Students identify similarities and differences between historical and present day artefacts. Difference & similarities between students daily lives and life during their parents and grandparents childhoods, including family traditions, leisure time and communications ACHHK030 o Students explore their own history and the history of the classroom and discuss changes in the way their Elders grew up compared to themselves. Differences in family structures and roles today and how these have changed over time or remained the same ACHHK028 o Students explore their own history and the history of the classroom and discuss changes in the way their Elders grew up compared to themselves. Post lesson iPad Make notes regarding student performance throughout the lesson and upload student presentations to Evernote for Assessment. Tania Sorbello s234250 Assignment 2 – Lesson 5