Nombre: Profesora: Clase: Fecha: ¿Qué es tu rutina diaria




¿Qué es tu rutina diaria?

Grade Level Expectation :

Participate in exchanges (written or oral) on a variety of familiar topics using familiar vocabulary and learned grammatical structures.

Interpersonal Mode

Grade Level Expectation :

Present (written or oral) on a variety of familiar topics using both high-frequency vocabulary, new vocabulary, and learned grammatical structures.

Presentational Mode

Modes of meeting the standard are: Speaking / Writing / Listening / Reading

Demonstration of level appropriate performance




STANDARD 1: Communication Rubric

Communication in languages other than English

Student is able to create a high variety of questions and answers, thus demonstrating his/her ability to write an indepth dialogue.

Student uses a high variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures. High accuracy of spelling, grammar and usage is evident.


Meeting Standard

Student is able to create a variety of questions and answers, thus demonstrating his/her ability to write a level appropriate dialogue.

Student uses a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

Few errors in spelling, grammar and usage are evident.





Student is beginning to demonstrate his/her ability to form a question and appropriate answer in a dialogue format.

The dialogue is somewhat limited and/or repetitive.

Student uses a minimal/ repetitive amount of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, and usage are evident.



Student is unable to demonstrate his/her ability to form a question and appropriate answer in a dialogue format. The dialogue is repetitive.

Student uses a list of vocabulary words and lacks grammatical and sentence structures.

Critical errors impede comprehension in spelling, grammar, and usage.

Grade Level Expectation :

Describe the similarities and differences between structural patterns of the target language through comparisons of the student’s own language and the language studied.

STANDARD 4: Comparisons Rubric

Comparisons to develop insight into the nature of language and culture

Modes of meeting the standard are: Speaking / Writing / Listening / Reading

Demonstration of level appropriate performance

Student is able to provide elaboration in order to demonstrate his/her understanding of the relationship between languages based on the high variety of correct grammatical structures.

Student is able to demonstrate his/her understanding of the relationship between languages based on the use of grammatical structures.

Student is beginning to be able to demonstrate his/her understanding of the relationship between languages based on the use of grammatical structures.

Student is unable to demonstrate his/her understanding of the relationship between languages based on the use of grammatical structures.



No attempt

No attempt was made or he/she was unable to demonstrate understanding even with help.

No attempt was made or he/she was unable to demonstrate understanding even with help.

No attempt was made or he/she was unable to demonstrate understanding even with help.

Fecha: ______________________________________

¿Qué es tu rutina diaria?

Examen Cumulativo


¿Qué es tu rutina diaria?

Grade Level Expectation :

Participate in exchanges (written or oral) on a variety of familiar topics using familiar vocabulary and learned grammatical structures.

Interpersonal Mode

Grade Level Expectation :

Present (written or oral) on a variety of familiar topics using both high-frequency vocabulary, new vocabulary, and learned grammatical structures.

Presentational Mode

STANDARD 1: Communication Rubric

Communication in languages other than English

Modes of meeting the standard are: Speaking / Writing / Listening / Reading

Demonstration of level appropriate performance




Student is able to create a high variety of questions and answers, thus demonstrating his/her ability to write an indepth dialogue.


Meeting Standard

Student is able to create a variety of questions and answers, thus demonstrating his/her ability to write a level appropriate dialogue.





Student is beginning to demonstrate his/her ability to form a question and appropriate answer in a dialogue format.

The dialogue is somewhat limited and/or repetitive.



Student is unable to demonstrate his/her ability to form a question and appropriate answer in a dialogue format. The dialogue is repetitive.

Student uses a high variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures. High accuracy of spelling, grammar and usage is evident.

Student uses a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

Few errors in spelling, grammar and usage are evident.

Student uses a minimal/ repetitive amount of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, and usage are evident.

Student uses a list of vocabulary words and lacks grammatical and sentence structures.

Critical errors impede comprehension in spelling, grammar, and usage.

Grade Level Expectation :

Describe the similarities and differences between structural patterns of the target language through comparisons of the student’s own language and the language studied.

STANDARD 4: Comparisons Rubric

Comparisons to develop insight into the nature of language and culture

Modes of meeting the standard are: Speaking / Writing / Listening / Reading

Demonstration of level appropriate performance

Student is able to provide elaboration in order to demonstrate his/her understanding of the relationship between languages based on the high variety of correct grammatical structures.

Student is able to demonstrate his/her understanding of the relationship between languages based on the use of grammatical structures.

Student is beginning to be able to demonstrate his/her understanding of the relationship between languages based on the use of grammatical structures.

Student is unable to demonstrate his/her understanding of the relationship between languages based on the use of grammatical structures.



No attempt

No attempt was made or he/she was unable to demonstrate understanding even with help.

No attempt was made or he/she was unable to demonstrate understanding even with help.

No attempt was made or he/she was unable to demonstrate understanding even with help.
