Critical Reading Preview of Greek and Latin Roots171

Critical Reading
Preview of Greek and Latin Roots171-180 (PowerPoint Noteguide)
Root #171: “pend”: ______________, ________________
 Example A: __________________________ (noun): something attached
 Example B: __________________________ (adjective): intersecting at or
forming right angles
 Example C: __________________________ (verb): to rely, especially for
support or maintenance [Greek “____________” = down +
“____________” = hang, weigh]
 Example D: __________________________ (adjective): during, in the
process of (literally, “hanging”)
Root #172: “pens”: _________________, ________________
 Example A: __________________________ (adjective): suggestive or
expressive of melancholy thoughtfulness
 Example B:__________________________ (verb): to give out (originally
by weight) [Greek “_______” = not or away + “______________” = weigh]
 Example C: __________________________ (verb): to counterbalance
[Greek “____________” = with + “_______________________” = weigh]
 Example D: __________________________ (noun): a sum of money paid
regularly as a retirement benefit
Root #173: “pet”: ____________________, _________________
 Example A: __________________________ (verb): to strive against
another or others to attain a goal [Greek “_______________” = with +
“_______________________” = try]
 Example B: __________________________ (verb or noun): request
 Example C: __________________________ (noun): increased activity in
result to a stimulus [Latin “__________” = in + “__________________” =
Root #174: _________________________
 Example A: ____________________________ (noun): book lover
 Example B: __________________________ (noun): human lover (one
who promotes the well being of humans)
 Example C: __________________________ (noun): the love of learning
 Example D:__________________________ (noun): one who loves living
close to the ground (literally “earth”)
Root #175: “phob”: ___________________
 Example A: __________________________ (noun): an extreme fear of
 Example B: __________________________ (noun): an extreme fear of
 Example C: __________________________ (noun): an extreme fear of
not making oneself clear
 Example D: __________________________ (adjective): without fear
Root #176: “phon”: _________________________
 Example A:__________________________ (noun): harmonious in sound
[Latin “_______________” = same + “___________________” = sound]
 Example B: __________________________ (noun): any
electromechanical device designed to convert sound into an
electrical signal. [Latin “_________” = small + “___________” = sound]
 Example C: __________________________ (noun): science of sound
 Example D:__________________________ (noun): an instrument for
recording, preserving, and reproducing sound
Root #177: “phot”: _________________________
 Example A: ___________________________ (noun): an instrument for
recording an image
 Example B: __________________________ (noun): a lens used to
produce a large photo of a distant object
 Example C: __________________________ (adjective): literally “birthed
or created by light”
 Example D: __________________________ (noun): the process a plant
uses to combine sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce
oxygen and sugar (energy).
Root #178: “physi”: ________________________, __________________________
 Example A: __________________________ (noun): the science of matter
and energy
 Example B: __________________________ (noun): the biological study
of the functions of living organisms and their parts.
 Example C: __________________________ (noun): the structure or form
of the body
 Example D: __________________________ (adjective): beyond the
Root #179: “plac”: ____________________________
 Example A: __________________________ (adjective): satisfied (or
pleased) to a fault--literally “with pleased”
 Example B:__________________________ (verb): to allay the anger of,
especially by making concessions
 Example C: __________________________ (adjective): calm or quiet
 Example D: __________________________ (noun): a useless but
soothing medication; something intended to soothe
Root #180: “plex”: ________________________
 Example A: __________________________ (adjective): composed of
many interconnected parts
 Example B: __________________________ (verb): [ Latin “____________”
= completely + “__________________________” = fold]
 Example C: __________________________ (noun): literally “folded glass”
 Example D: __________________________ (noun or adjective): literally
“two fold”