Longbridge Community First Panel Meeting held 2.00pm, Friday 19th October 2012 Edgewood Tenants Hall. Item Action Present Cllr Andy Cartwright, Samuel Akintoye, Ian Bruckshaw, Kieran Clarke, Penny Moore, Bruce Pitt 1 2 Welcome and Apologies Ian welcomed everyone to the meeting the following apologies were noted and accepted. PCSO Sharon Hadley 3 Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the last meeting were then accepted as a true record. They were proposed by Sam, seconded by Bruce, and aproved by a show of hands. 4 Matters Arising 3.1 Terms of Reference All those present (Cllr Cartwright was delayed) discussed the TOR revisions. The panel had been given some direction in this matter from the cdf (Community Development Foundation) especially regarding members being regularly replaced to broaden the ward base. The panel were more than happy to accept and work with these suggestions. The following revisions were agreed: (i) The panel will be made up of 4 to 7 members, so that 4 members of a full panel are quorate. (ii) The panel should be made up of 3 local group representatives, 2 individual ward residents, 1 ward councillor and 1 person who works in the ward. (iii) 1 year after these TOR are signed 3 members will step down; 1 group representative, 1 individual resident and the member that works in the ward. (iv) A reminded and all relevant paperwork will be sent to panel members not less than one week before a meeting. Apologies for absence will be sent within the week before the meeting. 3.2 Vote on TOR A vote was then taken to adopt the TOR revisions; which was unanimously in favour. Longbridge Community First Panel Meeting held 2.00pm, Friday 19th October 2012 Edgewood Tenants Hall. 3.3 Signing of adopted TOR Sam then typed the revisions and the panel signed our adopted TOR. 3.4 Open Discussion Cllr Cartwright joined our meeting and raised the following concern; that the panel was made up too heavily of Frankley residents. Those present said they had been asked to join the panel due to certain original panel members not attending. Bruce said he was more than happy to be replaced when a suitable candidate came forward. Cllr Cartwright informed the panel that Cllr Phillips was going to attend as the representative ward councillor, this way very much welcomed. The panel has one vacant seat and it was decided that this should be advertised as widely as possible within the community. Cllr Cartwright was happy to help and it was decided a poster be circulated and those who were interested should register their interest by noon on 2nd November 2012. It was also felt future meetings should be open to the public until confidential bids were discussed, when the meeting would become closed. This was agreed by all present. Cllr Cartwright then left the meeting. 5 End of Public Meeting Applications for Approval. The following funding bids were then assessed by the panel (i) B31 Voices B31 Voices is a hyperlocal website covering the whole constituency. The funding is to be used to expand and engage the community. Decision: Declined Comment: This funding bid was declined for following reasons. Firstly the grant requested is greater than the maximum amount set down in our guidelines (£2,000); secondly the applicant does not live in the ward. We recommend the applicant reassess their bid and make an application to the relevant ward panel following the funding guidelines. Vote: unanimous Longbridge Community First Panel Meeting held 2.00pm, Friday 19th October 2012 Edgewood Tenants Hall. (ii) Jelly Babies Nurseries Jelly Babies is a local children’s nursery who are looking to improve children’s activities outdoors. Decision: Declined Comment: The applicant has exceeded the maximum amount set down in our guidelines. Vote: unanimous (iii) Longbridge Childcare Strategy Group A project to help with teenage pregnancy prevention. Decision: Declined Comment: The applicant is not within the ward. It is recommended that the applicant reassess the bid and apply to the relevant ward panel. Vote: unanimous (iv) From Zero to Hero Three day confidence building activity Decision: Declined Comment: Not in the ward Vote: unanimous (v) Saint Christopher’s Church Holly Hill Lunch Club A weekly lunch club for local elderly residents Decision: Declined Comment: The applicant has exceeded the maximum amount set down in our guidelines. Applicants can not request future years funding. A panel member said they believed the lunch club was now moving venue. Vote: unanimous (vi) Birmingham Tornadoes Gymnastic Club After school gym club based at Longbridge Methodist Church Decision: Declined Comment: The applicant has exceeded the maximum amount set down in our guidelines. Vote: unanimous Longbridge Community First Panel Meeting held 2.00pm, Friday 19th October 2012 Edgewood Tenants Hall. (vii) C De Vision (CDV) Dance music and arts skills for young people Decision: Declined Comment: Not in the ward Vote: unanimous (viii) Rednal’s Over-50 A pilot project for over 50’s to get together and join in activities Decision: Approved Comment: The printing of posters and banners was removed to comply with guidelines. The amount of weeks was reduced so the project was funded to the end of the financial year. Amount granted £1,000 Vote: unanimous (ix) South Birmingham Young Homeless Project (SBYHP) A project to train volunteers to support those in need. Decision: Deferred Comment: The panel questioned the amount of travel expenses; which far outweigh the cost of the training. More information will be requested. Vote: unanimous 6 AOB (i) Kieran said there was to be a community first networking event at the St Martin’s tea room on Wed 24th October, 6pm to 7.30pm. (ii) 7 Sam publicised a new local leaflet his organisation hoped to publish. Date, Time and Venue for next meeting Friday 2nd November, 2pm,Edgewood Hall. Ian thanked everyone for attending the meeting was then closed.