Syntax *cultureel kapitaal. RECODE v360 v364 (1=8) (4=2) (2=6) (3=4) (-5=SYSMIS) (-4=SYSMIS) (-3=SYSMIS) (-2=SYSMIS) (-1=SYSMIS) INTO New_v011 New_v015. VARIABLE LABELS New_v011 'New_mother liked to read books' /New_v015 'New_father liked to read '+ 'books'. EXECUTE. RECODE v361 v365 (1=8) (4=2) (2=6) (3=4) (-5=SYSMIS) (-4=SYSMIS) (-3=SYSMIS) (-2=SYSMIS) (-1=SYSMIS) INTO New_v012 New_v016. VARIABLE LABELS New_v012 'New_discussed politics with mother' /New_v016 'New_discussed politics with father '. EXECUTE. RECODE v362 v366 (1=8) (4=2) (2=6) (3=4) (-5=SYSMIS) (-4=SYSMIS) (-3=SYSMIS) (-2=SYSMIS) (-1=SYSMIS) INTO New_v013 New_v017. VARIABLE LABELS New_v013 'New_mother liked to follow the news' /New_v017 'New_father liked to follow the news '. EXECUTE. RELIABILITY /VARIABLES=v355_4 New_v011 New_v015 v336_4 New_v012 New_v016 New_v013 New_v017 /SCALE('ALL VARIABLES') ALL /MODEL=ALPHA /SUMMARY=TOTAL. FACTOR /VARIABLES v355_4 New_v011 New_v015 v336_4 New_v012 New_v016 New_v013 New_v017 /MISSING LISTWISE /ANALYSIS v355_4 New_v011 New_v015 v336_4 New_v012 New_v016 New_v013 New_v017 /PRINT INITIAL EXTRACTION /PLOT EIGEN /CRITERIA MINEIGEN(1) ITERATE(25) /EXTRACTION PC /ROTATION NOROTATE /METHOD=CORRELATION. COMPUTE Cultureel_Kapitaal=Mean.5(v355_4, New_v011, New_v015, v336_4, New_v012, New_v016, New_v013, New_v017). EXECUTE. *economische zekerheid vroeger. RELIABILITY /VARIABLES=v367 v363 /SCALE('ALL VARIABLES') ALL /MODEL=ALPHA /SUMMARY=TOTAL. FACTOR /VARIABLES v367 v363 /MISSING LISTWISE /ANALYSIS v367 v363 /PRINT INITIAL EXTRACTION /PLOT EIGEN /CRITERIA MINEIGEN(1) ITERATE(25) /EXTRACTION PC /ROTATION NOROTATE /METHOD=CORRELATION. COMPUTE EconomicsecurityParents=Mean.2(v367, v363). EXECUTE. *verdere variabelen. v370 size of town where interview was conducted (Q135) age age: respondent (constructed) v302 sex respondent (Q86) v353M_ppp monthly household income (x1000), corrected for ppp in euros Component Matrixa Component 1 highest educational level 2 .632 .529 .707 .157 .682 .103 .564 .513 .616 -.534 .617 -.540 .683 -.150 .645 -.064 attained father/mother (8 categories) (Q127) New_mother liked to read books New_father liked to read books highest educational level attained respondent (8 categories) (Q110) New_discussed politics with mother New_discussed politics with father New_mother liked to follow the news New_father liked to follow the news Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 2 components extracted. Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .798 8 Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .830 2