Academic Program Questionnaire

Academic Program Questionnaire
Program: __________________________________________
Explain to a prospective student what your program has to offer them. Why is it
a good program and why should they consider it as their area of study?
Explain some of the interesting learning experiences a student of your program
can expect. What are some of the most popular courses/projects and why are
they well liked?
Brag on your faculty. What kind of credentials does your faculty have? Are they
active in their field? Do they have “real world” experience? How would a
student benefit by taking a course from a certain faculty member?
What kind of careers can graduates of your program expect to have? Are there
any notable alumni that have graduated from your program and have gone on
to do great things?
Are there student organizations specific to your program? How available are
faculty for one-on-one consultation with students? What kind of support
networks exist for students in your program?
Are there program-specific scholarships, grants or other types of financial aid
available? How do students go about applying for this aid and what are the