NSW GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED CLINICAL TRIAL FOR CANNABIS/CANNABIS PRODUCTS IN PAEDIATRIC EPILEPSY The NSW Government has committed to furthering research into the potential of cannabis and cannabis-derived products for children with severe drug-resistant epilepsy through the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network. The project should help establish NSW as a leader in the field of cannabis-based research and improve the evidence base for the use of these products. EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST APPLICATIONS CLOSE 13 FEBRUARY 2015 NSW Cannabis Clinical Trials 2015 Introduction The NSW Government has made a commitment to research that will enhance the evidence base around the therapeutic use of cannabis and cannabis-derived products. The NSW Therapeutic Cannabis/Cannabinoid Trial for Paediatric Epilepsy will be administered through the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (SCHN). The SCHN is the home of the Paediatric Epilepsy Network NSW. This Network has extensive experience in the conduct of clinical trials in the area of paediatric epilepsy. The Network seeks academic and/or industry partners with experience in the area of drug development and regulatory approval to support the clinical trials. Experience in cannabinoid research, drug development and regulatory approval would be highly valued. There will be a two stage process for all applications: a preliminary expression of interest (EOI); followed by an invitation to respond a Request for Detailed Proposals to those applicants who are selected by an independent panel. 1. Background Worldwide, epilepsy is the most common, chronic, serious neurological disease. Drugresistant epilepsy is defined as failure of adequate trials of two tolerated, appropriately chosen and used antiepileptic drugs. Epilepsy may also be improved by the adoption of a special diet or, in some cases, surgical intervention. Around 33% of patients with epilepsy remain resistant to treatment (i.e. they have seizures at least once every 12 months despite adherence to their treatment regime). In children, around 3% of those with epilepsy have a severe form of epilepsy that causes significant disruption to their lives, their intellectual development and can cause a risk to life. Increasing evidence points to a possible role for the endocannabinoid system in epilepsy. Human and animal studies suggest epileptic activity is associated with changes in the levels and distribution of receptors for cannabinoids in a particular part of the brain (the hippocampus). Preclinical studies have suggested both a proconvulsant (causing seizures) and anticonvulsant (reducing seizures) role for cannabinoids. A recent Cochrane Review found that “there is a body of animal research that suggests that it might be useful to evaluate the efficacy of cannabinoids for treatment of epilepsy in humans. None of the existing clinical research is of sufficient quality or size to answer this question. If the question were to be addressed, there would need to be a series of properly designed, high quality and adequately powered trials.” A number of children (and adults) have significant numbers of seizures each day. This impacts not only on the child’s health and development, but has significant impact on those who care for them. The SCHN will conduct a trial as part of the series of properly designed high quality and adequately powered trials to further the evidence in this area. 2. Criteria for the EOI Applications are invited from individuals, institutions or industry that are currently able to demonstrate experience in and an ability to provide appropriate support for the establishment of and conduct of the clinical trial in close partnership with the SCHN. Applications from NSW-based partners will be preferred, where other capacity is similar. Expression of Interest 2 NSW Cannabis Clinical Trials 2015 Three areas of expertise have been identified and applicants can submit EOI’s for one or more of these as below: 1. Clinical trial protocol development and management, clinical trial monitoring and pharmacovigilance 2. Acquisition or development of a cannabis-derived product suitable for use in a clinical trial for children with severe drug-resistant epilepsy 3. Regulatory expertise (particularly in import of banned substances and Schedule 8 drugs) and bringing a novel drug to clinical trial Experience in the field of cannabis-derived medicines management and research would be an advantage for 2) and 3). 3. Application process The application process will be held in two stages: 1. The submission of an EOI 2. Interview for clarification of project details may be requested. The EOI and the CVs of relevant staff must be submitted to the SCHN prior to the deadline of 5pm, 13 February 2015. Please see details below regarding the submission of applications. All submissions must use the application form provided in Appendix A below. Late or incomplete application forms will not be considered. Submission of applications Applicants should submit one (1) electronic copy and six (6) hard copies of the EOI form and associated documentation as listed within the EOI form. Applications should be single-sided and A4 unbound. Electronic copies should be submitted as PDF format or .doc and be named: [CHIEF INVESTIGATOR NAME]_Cannabis2015EOI_[DATE you emailed the document] SCHN requires all hard copies to be formally lodged. (i.e. in person, signed courier or registered post) Hard copies should be sent to: by mail to: OR Jeff Wall Associate Director Research Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network C/. The Children’s Hospital at Westmead Locked Bag 4001 Westmead, NSW2145 in person or by courier to: Jeff Wall Associate Director Research Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network C/.The Children’s Hospital at Westmead Cnr Hawkesbury Rd and Hainsworth St Westmead, NSW, 2145 The electronic copy should be emailed to: Jeffrey.wall@health.nsw.gov.au Enquiries may be directed to: Jeff Wall Associate Director of Research Kids Research Institute Tel. (02) 98451115 Email: Jeffrey.wall@health.nsw.gov.au Both electronic and hard copy EOIs must be received by 5pm, 13 February 2015. Expression of Interest 3 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FORM NSW GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED CLINICAL TRIALS FOR CANNABIS/CANNABIS PRODUCTS PAEDIATRIC EPILEPSY DEADLINE 5PM, 13 FEBRUARY 2015 SECTION A – ADMINISTRATIVE SUMMARY A.2 Organisation Administering Institution Details Institute Name A.3 Organisation Contact Select a Title: Choose a Title Family Name: Given Name: Postal Address: Telephone: Mobile: Email: NSW Cannabis Clinical Trials 2015 SECTION B – EXPERIENCE B.1 Summary Summarise the application referring to significance of experience and areas of strength in Clinical Trial protocol development and/or in manufacture/importing medicinal product for NSW Health, website and media releases (maximum 2500 characters including spaces): B.2 Short form proposal 1. Summarise the application referring to: Clinical trial protocol development and management, clinical trial monitoring and pharmacovigilance Acquisition or development of a cannabis-derived product suitable for use in a clinical trial for children with severe drug-resistant epilepsy Regulatory expertise (particularly in import of banned substances and Schedule 8 drugs) and bringing a novel drug to clinical trial A separate short form can be used for each area of interest, if the researcher or group wishes to be considered for more than one area. Please include how the proposed partnership will meet the aims and use the guidelines under each heading (maximum 500 words). 2. Organisational experience and team quality and capability The expertise and experience of the individual/team/organisation relevant to the opportunity, their successful delivery of the area of expertise being provided. An overview of previous achievements of the organisation and team members should be provided. Include a biosketch for key staff. Expression of Interest 5 NSW Cannabis Clinical Trials 2015 SECTION C – CANNABIS/CANNABIS PRODUCTS EXPERIENCE C.1 Experience working with Cannabis/Cannabis products particularly Cannabinoids (provide as much detail as possible). Relate to each area of interest, if possible: Expression of Interest 6