Amendment Argument Essay Name _____________________________________ Date __________ Period _______ Question to Answer: Which amendment would you like to see added to the United States Constitution? Why? Important Steps to Successful Essay Completion 1. Pre-write - a web is attached to the back to get you thinking about what you will be writing about. 2. Write – Get your words on the paper. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar, but good content should be your goal. 3. Edit – This is a multi – step approach. a. Check for spelling b. Check for paragraph structure c. Check for sentence structure d. Check for overall flow and that it makes sense e. Have someone else read your work especially if you struggle with writing or spelling. f. Put it down and read it later to see if it says what you want it to Grading Rubric Pre-writing = 5 points 0 points 1 point no attempt at a pre- minimal attempt at a write strategy pre-write strategy 5 points detailed pre-write strategy Content = 10 points total 2 point No clear content or unable to stick to a position 3 points completed all parts of a prewrite strategy 4 points Limited content and struggled to define your position Grammar / Spelling = 5 points 1 point 9 or more 2 points spelling or 8 or less grammar spelling or mistakes / grammar unreadable mistakes 6 points Clear position but lacked support for your position 8 points Clear position with moderate support and identified opposing views 10 points Clear position with ample support and argument against opposing views 3 points 7 or less spelling or grammar mistakes 4 points 5 or less spelling or grammar mistakes 5 points 3 or less spelling or grammar mistakes Pre-writing Strategy Identify Amendment: Goal of the new amendment One to two sentences that state the reason this amendment is important Explain your first reason why you chose the amendment that you did. Explain your first reason why you chose the amendment that you did. Explain your first reason why you chose the amendment that you did. Identify Amendment: What was the purpose of proposing this new amendment? Summarize your argument