MVCAC Regulatory Affairs Committee 2014 Fall Meeting Report

MVCAC Regulatory Affairs Committee
2014 Fall Meeting Report
Thursday – September 25
Committee Members:
David Heft, Turlock Mosquito Abatement District, (Chair)
Jon Blegen, Solano County Mosquito Abatement District
Peter Bonkrude, Shasta County Mosquito and Vector Control District
Michael Hearst, Orange County Vector Control District
Leonard Irby, Madera County Mosquito and Vector Control District
Renjie Hu, CDPH/VBDS, Ontario
Mark Novak, CDPH/VBDS, Elk Grove
Mike Cavanagh, Kings County Mosquito Abatement District (Board Liaison)
Craig Downs, Ed Manning, Ada Barros, Amber Semrow, Ed Manning, Jaime Scott, Joel Buettner, Michael Alburn
A summary report was sent out to RAC members and associates for comment leading up to the MVCAC Fall 2014
Quarterly Meeting. The report summarized current regulatory issues, status, and solicited comments for future
The following are items set as goals for 2014 last year during the Planning Session:
1. California NPDES Permit
a. Nothing but positive results in 2014 in terms of relaxing monitoring requirements and adding new
products to the permit.
b. Updated permit has been accepted and is in effect.
2. Vector BMP’s Added to CEQA
a. MVCAC was notified that the political climate was against adding vector bmp’s (or anything really) to the
CEQA checklist, but;
b. We received support to put together a CEQA White Paper which has been distributed and we’re ready
to take the next step in following through with promoting the white paper and bmp’s to identified
stakeholders (meetings, conferences, etc.)
c. Next step may be the development of a Technical Advisory document
3. Stormwater Regulations & Vector Control
a. This works very closely with the CEQA White Paper – mainly re-establishing contact and dialogue with
the stormwater community, many who were not around when Marco Metzger from CDPH spent so
much time and energy promoting BMP’s and working with stormwater engineers
b. Provided last minute comments on NPDES Utility Vault Permit, signatory by individual districts
4. State Wildlife Action Plan
a. Suggested edits have been reviewed and ready for CDFW review
b. KP has a scheduled meeting 10/06 with CDFW to review MVCAC comments to SWAP
5. Vector control activities on Federal lands/refuges
a. Supporting role to AMCA
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MVCAC Regulatory Affairs Committee
6. Mosquito Research Foundation
a. What synergistic role can the MRF and the MVCAC further develop to encourage more research in areas
currently topical from a regulatory/legislative standpoint?
Amber Semrow commented that the CASQA Stormwater Conference was a success. Orange County VCD and Greater LA
VCD shared the costs of the booth; while Orange County, Greater LA and West Valley provided staffing. Marco Metzger
(CDPH) also attended considering his experience with mosquito control bmp’s and stormwater issues. Important
contacts were made with vendors, utilities, stormwater engineers, and municipal program managers throughout the
state. OCVCD presented a poster at the conference and Amber has followed up with a speaking engagement at a local
stormwater group.
As was discussed during the 2014 Summer meeting, it is recommended that the Association prioritize identifying and
attending these types of events in the future.
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