Slide 1 SCALING THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Boxing out waves Slide 2 The First Big Idea • Scale describes matter and predicts behavior. During this session we will focus on size and scale, using the electromagnetic spectrum as our medium. Size and scale is the first of nine big ideas of nanoscale science and technology recognized by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). Students deal with size and scale regularly in both math and science, but conceptualizing the nanoscale is difficult even for many adults. Nanotechnology is defined in part by its scale, from one to one hundred nanometers, with one nanometer being 10-9m. The nanoscale is a transitional zone between the atomic scale and the micro and macroscales, with which we are more familiar. Properties of matter can change significantly as objects become smaller and move into the nanoscale. Light waves also exhibit interesting behaviors as wavelength gets smaller and as light interact with matter at the nano scale. Scale is fundamental to math and science, and can be represented in many ways. The EM scale is particularly suited to the task of illustrating scale. Wavelength can be measured in metric units and represented with scientific notation. The changes in properties of the EM scale are directly related to wavelength (scale). This session will focus on wavelength and frequency. Slide 3 The “Other” Big Ideas of Nano • Structure of Matter • Forces and Interactions • Quantum Effects • Size-Dependent Properties Slide 4 Other Big Ideas - continued • Self-assembly • Tools and Instrumentation • Models and Simulations • Science, Technology, and Society The next two slides give a brief overview of the other “Big Ideas”. Size Dependent Properties involve the behavior substances at different scales, and most closely relate to the characteristics of the EM scale. Structure of Matter involves the building blocks of matter from atoms to molecules to nanoscale structures. Forces and Interactions at the nanoscale are dominated by electrical interactions—gravity and other Newtonian forces are insignificant. Quantum Effects related to the probability of events are also significant at this scale, and are beyond the scope of most middle school curricula. Due to forces and interactions, matter at the nanoscale tends to selfassemble. Nature has been this way for millions of years (think biology). Without Tools and Instrumentation such as the atomic force microscope, humans could not “see” or work at the nanoscale. Models and Simulations are key to teaching and learning at this scale because size is so small. Inventions and innovations impact on Science, Technology and Society in potentially positive and negative ways. Producers and consumers need to be aware of the potential impacts (remember asbestos). Slide 5 • More than you can see An Amazing Scale Slide 6 Wavelength is the Key What we see is much less than what we get. Most people think of light as the colors of the rainbow—the visible light spectrum. Visible light is only a small part of the EM spectrum. Pay close attention to the video (listen to the words) and learn some amazing properties about light beyond what is visible to our eyes. [Click the picture to open a link for the video.] (*Figure Caption: The electromagnetic spectrum. The red line indicates the room temperature thermal energy. *This illustration was made for the Opensource Handbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Illustration by Kristian Molhave. Opensource Handbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Illustration by Kristian Molhave What’s important to note here is the range of wavelength and the associated energy (inversely related to wavelength). Visible light is only a small segment of the spectrum. Radio waves have very long wavelengths and low energy (harmless to humans). Gamma rays have very short wavelengths and high energy (very dangerous to humans). Slide 7 Nanoscale =1 - 100nm 10-7 = 0.0000001 = 100 nm The lower end of the visible light spectrum is above the upper end of the nano scale. We don’t see the light waves, but we can see the color reflected off of objects. Visible Light 390-750nm Slide 8 10-9 = 0.000000001 = 1 nm The lower end of the nanoscale corresponds with the wavelength of xrays. Image of broken leg: from X-ray .01 to 10nm Slide 9 Waves • Transfer energy without transferring matter Open animation at Use the applet to complete the activity Wave Properties. This activity can be completed as a whole class or small group activity (provided students have computers with Internet access). 3.2. Students complete questions 1 and 2 on the Activity Sheet. Also can demonstrate with a slinky. Slide 10 Electromagnetic Energy Determined by wavelength and frequency. E = mc2 c = 2.9979 x 108 m/s In the famous equation by Albert Einstein, energy is related to mass and the speed of light. All energy in the EM spectrum travels at the same speed in a vacuum. Many students have difficulty with this concept—harmless radio waves travel at the same speed as deadly gamma rays. Image by Richard F. Lyon published under Creative Commons license. Light speed is the fastest known speed in the Universe. A more familiar expression for students for the speed of light is 186,000 miles/sec—fast enough to travel from Earth to the Moon in 1.3 seconds, or from the Sun to Earth in 8.3 minutes. At the nano scale, all matter exhibits wavelike properties, so understanding wave behavior is essential to understanding nanotechnology. Slide 11 Dual Nature of Light • Light is also photons (particles) • Zero mass and zero rest energy • Can be destroyed and created • Can have particle-like interactions with matter Atoms and molecules are particles. Atoms are made of smaller particles (protons, neutrons, and electrons), which are made of even smaller particles (quarks). Photons are also particles, but unlike particles of matter, they have no measureable mass. They can also be created and destroyed when radiation is emitted or absorbed. They are electrically neutral and unlike most other particles, the antiphoton is exactly the same as the photon. The particle theory of light has been around since the days of Isaac Newton, but lost popularity until Einstein demonstrated the photoelectric effect required light to have a particle nature. The dual nature of light (as both particles and waves at the same time) is mysterious but essential to understanding its properties and uses. From Andrew Zimmerman Jones, Your Guide to Physics. s/f/photon.htm Slide 12 Electricity and Magnetism • Magnetism and electricity move together in the EM spectrum. Diagram from Schneider, Remote Sensing and the Global Environment, Slide 13 Appearances May Deceive • Optical properties vary at the nanoscale. Image source: L. R. Hirsch, R. J.Stafford, J. A. Bankson, S. R. Sershen, B. Rivera, R. E. Price, J. D. Hazle, N. J. Halas, & J. L. West, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100, 1354913554 (2003). Energy in the EM spectrum is both electrical and magnetic. The relationship between electricity and magnetism was long misunderstood. We know that electricity produces magnetism and magnetism produces electricity. In fact, both move together in waves perpendicular to one another through the EM spectrum. Color we see is a measure of light that is reflected or refracted (not absorbed) by objects. Gold nanoparticles in suspension (colloids) of varying diameters appear different colors as the particles absorb different wavelengths of light. [Later in the Nano Fellows course we will look more closely at the behavior of light and its interactions at the nano scale.] Image source: L. R. Hirsch, R. J.Stafford, J. A. Bankson, S. R. Sershen, B. Rivera, R. E. Price, J. D. Hazle, N. J. Halas, & J. L. West, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100, 13549-13554 (2003). Anyone may, without requesting permission, use original figures or tables published in PNAS for noncommercial and educational use (i.e., in a review article, in a book that is not for sale) provided that the original source and the applicable copyright notice are cited. Slide 14 Blocking Out Signals This image of a Faraday Cage illustrates that electrical charges (waves) can be blocked. Click on the picture to open a video showing a Faraday Cage in action. Clicking on a link with the text at the bottom opens a different video (airplane struck by lightning). • Faraday Cage Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no BackCover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License. Slide 15 Faraday Cage • How does it work? Faraday cage was first invented by Michael Faraday in 1836. The diagram demonstrates that the charge on a charged conductor exists only on the outside (a hollow conductor). These cages or boxes are made from conducting material and are used to protect from EM signals. In a grounded cage (like that shown on the previous slide) the excess charges go to the ground. In an ungrounded cage an external electrical field causes the charges to rearrange, cancelling the electrical field inside the cage. Effectiveness depends on the conductivity and thickness of the material, and the size of the openings. Image author: StanisÅ‚aw Skowron. Public domain. Slide 16 Blocking Signals Activities • Materials Needed • Cell phone or small radio • Small box with lid • Aluminum foil • Aluminum screen • Scissors • Tape and/or stapler • ruler Slide 16 outlines materials needed for several experiments to follow. These materials can vary depending on availability and student abilities. Slide 17 Activity – Control Experiment 1. Turn on radio and set in box. 2. Place lid on box. 3. Turn off radio. 4. One (or more) group test with cell phone if available. Slide 18 Activity – Box the Signal • Wrap box and lid separately in aluminum foil (ensure snug fit). • Set radio in box. • Open box slightly (experiment with opening size). • One (or more) group test with cell phone if available. Slide 19 Activity – Screen the Signal • Make a cylinder with aluminum screen. • Leave one end open. • Make a prediction. • Place radio inside. • Close other end of cage. • Test with a cell phone if available. Conduct the Control Experiment outlined in Step 1 of the Experimenting With Faraday Cages Activity. You can save class time by prewrapping the boxes (not the lids) in aluminum. If you want to reuse the boxes repeatedly, you may want to wrap a layer of polyester film (e.g., Mylar) on top of the aluminum to protect the aluminum from tearing. Be careful to leave an exposed aluminum edge along the top rim of the boxes if you wrap them in polyester. Repeat the experiment (Step 2 in Experimenting With Faraday Cages Activity) (Slide 18), but this time have both the boxes and the tops wrapped, so that the tops fits snuggly, making a good connection between the aluminum on the boxes and tops. Students complete questions 3 and 4 on the Activity Sheet. Provide participants with a square foot of aluminum screening material. Precut the material to save time and wrap the edges in heavy tape (duct tape) to protect against sharp edges. Conduct Step 3 of Experimenting With Faraday Cages Activity. Students complete question 5 on the Activity Sheet. Slide 20 Wavelength and Frequency Activity • Wavelength • l = c/f • C = 3.0 x 108 m/s Review the relationship between wavelength and frequency. Have participants complete questions 6 and 7 on the Activity Sheet. • Example l = (300,000,000m/s) / (540,000 Hz) = 55.6 m • Frequencies • AM radio: 540-1640 KHz • FM radio: 88-174 MHz • Cell: 850-1900 MHz Slide 21 What Size Mesh Do You Need? • Mesh size 1/10 the wavelength Slide 22 Activity: Building a Faraday Cage • Remove foil from top of box lid. • Cut several ½” strips of foil. • Make a grid of strips on the lid. • Experiment with size openings until a phone will not ring in box. Shorter wavelengths have higher frequencies and energy and are more difficult to block. To block a signal with a Faraday Cage using wire mesh, you need a mesh size about 1/10th the wavelength. Higher conductive materials (e.g., copper) work best. Grid size about 1/10 of wavelength should screen out the signal. Make sure strips that are added on the top make contact with the aluminum on the sides. Slide 23 Data Analysis and Conclusions • When using aluminum strips, what size openings worked to stop the radio? A cell phone? • Why does the opening size matter in a Faraday Cage? • What other materials could be used? Slide 24 Wavelength Matters • Locations where wireless equipment does not work • Protection from electronic spies • Space weather effects • EMP Slide 25 Thank You! The size of the openings that work will depend on the frequency of the radio and cell phone and the materials used. EM waves, unlike sound waves, are polar. The orientation of EM waves is usually perpendicular to the direction of travel. Note that you can reduce a radio’s reception simply by turning the radio 90 degrees. Faraday cages can be constructed to block wavelengths of a specific frequency (and larger). The better the conductive material, the more effective the cage will be. Discuss why understanding wavelength and frequency matters. Point out locations where wireless equipment will not work due to natural or human structures. Note the increasing need for electronic security measures to protect against theft (financial and personal information, national security). Point out that space weather (radiation from the sun) can create electronic challenges and beautiful aurora borealis, and can be dangerous in space travel. Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is being studied as a weapon to knock out an enemy’s electronic signals and command structure.