Worksheet A: Ethical Sensitivity Exercise Please indicate your level of ethical concern by checking the appropriate box after you watch the video. Major Level of Concern: Situation challenges values and goods that you believe are among the most important or of the highest value. Moreover, the situation challenges this goods/values in a significant and troubling way. Moderate Level of Concern: Situation challenges values and goods that you believe are both important and valuable. Moreover, it challenges these goods/values in a non-trivial way. Minor Level of Concern: Situation challenges goods and values you believe are relevant but does not rise to the level of major or moderate concern. Moreover, you believe that the situation does not pose a significant challenge to these values or goods. No Concern: You do not believe that this situation challenges any important or significant values or goods. Scenario What’s the Problem with Charlie? Jettisoning Your ‘C and D’ Clients Cheaper Rates The Whistleblower that Wasn’t Major Level of Ethical Concern Moderate Level of Ethical Concern Minor Level of Ethical Concern No Ethical Concern Worksheet A: Ethical Sensitivity Exercise Signature Issues/The “Busy Client”