B.E.S.T. ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL ARMY JROTC Leadership Education Training (LET) Course Syllabus (Fall SY: 2014-2015) Welcome to the B.E.S.T Academy High School Army’s Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC). This course is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. Our mission statement reflects the overall meaning and purpose of JROTC, which is “To Motivate Young People to be Better citizens” by preparing high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. The program promotes graduation from high school by providing curriculum, Leadership Education and Training (LET), and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and nation in the present and future. As a cadet in this program, you can look forward to a rewarding and challenging school year by participating and taking advantage of the many opportunities that JROTC offers. COURSE TITLES: Army/JROTC - Leadership Education and Training (LET) INSTRUCTOR NAMES: Colonel (Retired) John Biggs, Senior Army Instructor (B.E.S.T.) First Sergeant (Retired) Kwame Slaughter, Army Instructor (B.E.S.T.) PREREQUISITES: LET I – Completion of the eighth grade LET II – Completion of the LET I LET III – Completion of the LET I and LET II LET IV – Completion of the LET I, LET II, and LET III CLASS LOCATION: Rooms 221 (Room 1) and 222 (Room 2) Contact Information TELEPHONE: 404-802-4911 EMAIL: COL John Biggs: jbiggs@atlanta.k12.ga.us 1SG Kwame Slaughter: kslaughter@atlanta.k12.ga.us Course Outline: Course Outline is based on the Georgia Standards for LET I. First Semester LET I Outline Weeks 1 – 3 Weeks 4 - 6 Foundations of JROTC/Getting involved Leadership Skills Know yourself /Socrates Learning to learn Weeks 7 - 8 Weeks 10 - 12 Physical Fitness Foundations of JROTC/Getting involved Leadership Lab Weeks 13 – 15 Foundations for JROTC Being a Leader Leadership Skills Course Outline: Foundations of JROTC/ Getting involved Leadership Skills Know yourself /Socrates Learning to learn Getting involved Study Skills Leadership Lab Weeks 16 – 19 Drug Awareness Leadership Skills Being a Leader Communication Skills Course Outline is based on the Georgia Standards for LET II First Semester LET II Outline Weeks 1 – 3 Achieving a healthy lifestyle Treating emergency and nonemergency situations Leadership Skills Weeks 4 - 6 Achieving a healthy lifestyle Nutrition Treating emergency and nonemergency situations Leadership Skills Weeks 7 - 9 Weeks 10 - 12 Leadership Applications Effective Writing (APA) Managing Conflict Weeks 13 – 15 You the People Citizenship Skills Leadership Applications Electives Course Outline: Leadership Applications Drug Awareness Map Skills Electives Weeks 16 - 19 Foundations of American Political System Study Skills Leadership Applications Course Outline is based on the Georgia Performance Standards for LET III. First Semester LET III Outline Weeks 1 – 3 Foundations of JROTC/Getting involved Leadership Strategies Leading others Administrative testing Weeks 4 - 6 Weeks 7 - 8 Managing Conflict Leadership Applications Administrative Inspections Electives Weeks 10 - 12 Weeks 13 – 15 Career Planning Planning Skills/Social Responsibility Leadership Application Electives Leading Others Presenting Skills Leadership Applications Electives Managing Conflict Career Planning Leadership Application Electives Weeks 16 – 19 NEFE H.S. Financial Planning Leadership Applications Administrative Testing Course Outline: Course Outline is based on the Georgia Performance Standards for LET IV. First Semester LET IV Outline Weeks 1 – 3 The Department of Defense The Active Army The Army Reserve Components Administrative testing Weeks 4 - 6 Weeks 7 - 8 Communication Motivation Administrative Inspections Electives Weeks 10 - 12 Weeks 13 – 15 Career Planning Insurance: Your Protection Thinking Maps and Graphic Organizers Leadership Application Electives Power Bases and Influence Styles of Leadership Management Skills Electives Credit: Buy Now, Pay Later Career Planning Leadership Application Electives Weeks 16 – 19 Preparing to Teach Using and Developing Lesson Plan Delivering Instruction Using Variety in Your Lesson Plan Administrative Testing COURSE DESCRIPTIONS and CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES: This course includes classroom instruction and laboratory instruction in the history, customs, traditions and purpose of Army JROTC. It contains the development of basic leadership skills to include leadership principles, values, and attributes. Development of core skills students should master an appreciation for diversity, and active learning strategies are integrated throughout the course. The performance standards in this course are based on the performance standards identified in the Cadet Command JROTC curriculum. Successful completion of at least three units of credit in the Army JROTC program will qualify the student for advanced placement credit in a Senior ROTC program at participating colleges or advanced rank in the Armed Forces. CORE ABILITIES: The JROTC Core Abilities describe the broad, life-long skills that every cadets needs for success in future life and career endeavors. The core abilities are a result of the goals and values that drives JROTC program and are built upon over the program’s four years through integrating various lesson competencies and skills throughout the JROTC curriculum. The JROTC Core Abilities are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Build your capacity for life-long learning Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques Take responsibility for your actions and choices Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world Treat self and other with respect Apply critical thinking techniques COURSE REQUIREMENTS: All cadets will read and complete the contractual agreement at enclosure 1 of this syllabus. No cadet may be retained as an enrollee in the JROTC program without a signed agreement from their parent(s) or guardian(s). Also each cadet must sign that they agree to the terms of the contractual agreement. There will be no exceptions to this policy. The signed contract must be returned within one week of enrolling in the JROTC program. Additionally, all cadets will sign and comply with the standards contained in the JROTC GUIDELINE information document and student handbook which will be issued by the homeroom teachers. CLASS REQUIREMENT FOR CADET: The standards and expectations for each cadet will be made as clear as possible. All cadets will follow both the intent and the letter of Cadet Command Regulations. Cadets will be required to listen attentively and do their best to promptly comply with the instructions or directions from the JROTC instructors and cadet leaders. The chain of command is responsible for conducting the day-to-day business of supervising attendance and tardiness, conducting uniform inspections, keeping order and discipline in the classroom and formation. Cadet leaders will also ensure that cadets are complying with regulation while outside the classroom or the JROTC area. Wearing of the Uniform: All cadets will be issued an Army Class A uniform. Uniform day will be on Wednesday, or any other day designated by the instructor. The uniform is to be worn all day. If for any reason you are not in school on the scheduled uniform day (with a valid written excuse signed by your parent or guardian) you are required to wear the uniform the next school day. Not wearing the uniform will result in demerit. Refer to JROTC GUIDELINES. Students and parents/guardians will accept responsibility for the uniform clothing items issued. Both student and parents/guardian agree to reimburse the U.S. Government for the value of any clothing items, which may be dirty, lost, or mutilated through misconduct or carelessness. These clothing items are the property of the U.S. Government and they are to be returned to the JROTC department in a “cleaned and serviceable” condition. Clothing cleaned by reputable cleaners will be accepted in the protected plastic only. REQUIRED ITEMS FOR CLASS: Pencils, paper, study assignments and textbooks indicated on the weekly training schedule are required for each class. It is your responsibility to monitor the daily/weekly training schedule posted on the bulletin board. Not knowing does not constitute a valid reason for not being prepared. Check the bulletin board daily! Required Attendance and Excessive Tardiness: All cadets are required to be present during all mandatory activities (i.e. Annual Inspection). These events will consist of weighed grades. It is imperative that you make yourself available for these activities. Cadets can also improve their grades by participating in other voluntary events such as parades, color guard and drill competitions, Empty Stocking Fund, and community-service related projects. Refer to JROTC GUIDELINES. Tardiness: Every cadet is expected to be in class when the tardy bell rings, unless you have a written excuse. Excessive tardiness will result in a reduction of rank and position in the battalion. JROTC cadets are expected to comply with all school rules and policies at all times which means they should not be tardy for any of their classes without an excuse. The instructors will dismiss the class and not the bell. Refer to JROTC GUIDELINES. Class Behavior and Military Courtesy: All cadets are expected to use military courtesy by saluting: when in uniform and outside and addressing all officers, when visiting officers are in the area, and when reporting attendance to their instructor. All instructors will be addressed by their rank, i.e. Colonel Biggs, and First Sergeant Slaughter (not Sergeant Slaughter). While in the classroom, or in formation, every cadet is expected to use self-control, self-discipline, and display proper behavior and military courtesy. Eating, drinking, chewing gum or disrupting class by talking and moving about are not acceptable in JROTC classes. JROTC instructors may authorize all cadets in a class to eat or drink on a case by case basis. Disruption and inappropriate behavior in class will not be tolerated. Should such disruption and inappropriate behavior continue, instructors will notify the cadet’s parents/guardians. If the cadet’s behavior persists, the cadet will be referred to the principal or assistant principal for action. Refer to JROTC GUIDELINES. Academic and Conduct Grades and Attendance: To qualify for an academic grade of 90–100 (A) you must wear the uniform on all assigned days. The uniform must be pressed, cleaned, and complete with hat and all accessories (e.g. nametag, black sock, ribbons, and medals). Additionally, you must have three (3) or less absences and three (3) or less instances of tardiness per semester. You must be present and in the proper uniform at all major functions (JROTC Program Accreditation, Cadet Challenge, Service Learning and Awards Day). You must also perform satisfactory on all assigned and graded exercises (Veteran Day, drill competition, color guard events, etc.). Finally, you must do your best on all assigned tasks and you must maintain a positive mental attitude as you complete all assigned tasks. Conduct and attendance will be in accordance with JROTC Regulations and school policies (see Cadet Regulations, Section VI, Discipline). Your conduct grade will be affected by your absences and your tardiness as well as your behavior in the class. Refer to JROTC GUIDELINES and the school’ tardy/late policy for additional information. Examinations: There will be at least two major exams every 9 weeks (Mid-term and Final). Additionally, the cadets will be tested on the annual inspection questions. 15% Classwork/Participation/Leadership Lab/Uniform: Cadets will be required to maintain a portfolio, notebook and participate in and outside the classroom. All cadets will be required to participate in the Cadet Command Essay writing contest. The essay will be due in February 2015. The title of the essay will be provided by the instructor. Cadets must participate in all leadership lab activities to include cadet challenge. They must do their best and comply with instructors and cadet leaders IAW cadet SOP and FM 3-21.5. Uniform Inspections (12 Uniform days-Uniforms must be worn all day). 30% Performance Assessment: Unit and lesson test/Projects/Ceremonies: 25% Homework: 10% Quizzes: Several quizzes will be administered throughout the school year. 20% Required forms/affidavits (1) JROTC Questionnaire (2) Parental Consent Form (4) Media Release Form (5) Private Act Statement (6) Clothing Record (7) Statement Regarding Syllabus (8) Statement Regarding Uniform Support Activities: Cadets can improve their grades (up to 10%) by fully participating in other voluntary events such as the Empty Stocking Fund, drill team, rifle team, color guard, JROTC parent night and community and service learning activities and events. The grade scale is as follows: 90 – 100 80 – 89 70 – 79 0-69 A B C F The first graded assignment is how quickly you complete your required forms and return the signed affidavits listed in this syllabus to your instructor. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: The following JROTC extra-curricular activities are available for any cadet who desires to participate: Drill Team, Color Guard Team, Raider Team, Rifle Team. NOTE: Georgia Athletic Association and State of Georgia “No-pass-No-play” rules apply to all of the activities (teams) listed above. Progress Reporting: Progress reports will be issued to all students every three weeks. Students will receive an Infinite Campus grade report and sign for these reports at the time of distribution. Parent Conferences at BEST Academy: Tuesday and Wednesday is the official parent conference days. Conferences are scheduled with the instructor from 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. To schedule a conference with instructors, please call COL Biggs or 1SG Slaughter at (404) 8024911 or email jbiggs@atlantapublicschools.us or kslaughter@atlanta.k12.ga.us Attendance Policy: MAKE-UP WORK: 1. Excused Absences: Students with excused absences will be given three days to make up work. This is dependent on the number of days the student was absent. Make up work will be given to the student upon request from the teacher 2. In-School Suspension: Students assigned an in-school suspension may make up work. However, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain such make-up work from classroom. The work will be available during teacher planning period. The teacher will provide the due date depending on the circumstances. STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING THE SYLLABUS I have read/reviewed and understand the JROTC Syllabus, which contains the rules and regulations for this course. I will return this certification along with the other forms no later than Friday, August 15, 2014. I will receive a grade which depends on how timely I return this signed statement. ___________________________ Cadet’s Printed Name __________________________ _______________ Signature Date I have read and understand the JROTC Syllabus, which contains the course requirements, rules and regulations that were issued to my son/daughter. I will ensure that my son/daughter return this certification along with the other forms no later than Friday, August 15, 2014. I understand that my son/daughter will be graded on the timely return of this signed statement. ______________________________ Parents’/Guardians’ Printed Name ___________________________ Signature ______________ Date STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING UNIFORMS I understand that the uniforms that I have been issued are regulation U.S. Army uniforms and as such when worn, represent the reputation of men and women who have worn them so proudly in the defense of our nation. I pledge never to tarnish this proud reputation by wearing my uniform in a manner that would bring discredit or embarrassment to the Army JROTC program, B.E.S.T. High School or to the U.S. Army. I understand the requirement to wear my uniform once a week (normally on Wednesday or Thursday) or when advised by my teacher and that it must be cleaned and neatly pressed. I further understand the requirement to abide by the grooming standards as set forth in the JROTC Cadet Field manual. These uniform items are the property of the U.S. Government and they are to be returned to the JROTC department in a “cleaned and protected “condition. Clothing cleaned by a reputable cleaner will be accepted in the protected plastic only. If I should lose or damage my uniform, I understand that I will be charged to replace it. Finally, I understand that failure to adhere to these standards could result in a failing grade and may jeopardize my chances of promotion and continuation in the Army JROTC program. Again I understand that my child will be given a grade based upon the timely returning of this signed statement no later than Friday, August 15, 2014. ___________________________ Cadet’s Printed Name _________________________ Parents’/Guardians’ Printed Name __________________________ Signature ___________________________ Signature _______________ Date _______________ Date Uniform Certification I accept responsibility for the uniform clothing items issued to my son/daughter. I understand that the clothing items are property of the U.S. Government and they are to be returned to the JROTC department in a “cleaned and protected” condition. I voluntary agree to reimburse the U.S. Government for the value of any clothing items, which may be dirty, lost, or mutilated through misconduct or carelessness. ___________________________ Cadet’s Printed Name _________________________ Parents’/Guardians’ Printed Name __________________________ Signature ___________________________ Signature _______________ Date _______________ Date