Student Services - University of Worcester

Student Handbook
Updated: 01 August 2014
The University of Worcester is committed to ensuring that disabled people, including those
with specific learning difficulties and/or mental health difficulties are treated fairly.
Reasonable adjustments to provision will be made to ensure that disabled students and
other disabled people are not disadvantaged. This handbook can be provided in a variety of
formats upon request.
This handbook is for advice and guidance only and is not a substitute for the formal
Academic Regulations and Procedures of the University of Worcester. In case of any conflict
these formal statements and requirements take precedence over the student handbook.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the
handbook, as at 1st September 2013. The University reserves the right to change the
information given at any time.
© Copyright University of Worcester 2014
STUDENT HANDBOOK ............................................................................................................... 5
WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF WORCESTER ............................................................................... 5
SECTION 1: ESSENTIAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................... 6
SEMESTER DATES ....................................................................................................................... 6
REGISTRATION AND RECORD KEEPING ............................................................................................ 7
Data Protection Act ............................................................................................................ 7
Change of Address/Change of Name/Bank Details............................................................ 8
SECTION 2: ACADEMIC MATTERS .............................................................................................. 9
ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................................................. 9
EQUIPMENT & SPECIAL CLOTHING ................................................................................................ 9
ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 9
ANONYMOUS MARKING ............................................................................................................ 10
REFERENCING GUIDES ............................................................................................................... 10
RESULTS/GRADES AND FEEDBACK ............................................................................................... 10
MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES .................................................................................................... 10
APPEALS ................................................................................................................................. 11
SECTION 3: FINANCIAL MATTERS ............................................................................................ 12
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 12
TUITION FEES........................................................................................................................... 12
Tuition Fees: Postgraduate Students – Part Time ............................................................ 13
Tuition Fees: International Students ................................................................................ 13
Financial Support.............................................................................................................. 14
Full Time Undergraduate Students (Degree, HND or Foundation Degree) ...................... 14
Part-time Students ........................................................................................................... 14
Additional Support ........................................................................................................... 14
Insurance .......................................................................................................................... 15
Non-Payment of Fees ....................................................................................................... 15
SECTION 4: REGULATIONS, PROCEDURES AND POLICY DOCUMENTS .................................... 16
The Worcester Charter for Students................................................................................. 16
SECTION 5: A-Z OF ADVICE, HELP AND STUDENT SUPPORT.................................................... 21
A ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Academic Tutors ............................................................................................................... 21
Access to Learning Fund ................................................................................................... 21
Accommodation ............................................................................................................... 22
Address and contact details ........................................................................................... 223
Admissions........................................................................................................................ 22
Application ....................................................................................................................... 22
Alumni .............................................................................................................................. 22
Appeals ............................................................................................................................. 23
B ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Backing up your work ....................................................................................................... 23
Bursaries/Scholarships ..................................................................................................... 23
C ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Careers and Employability Service ................................................................................... 26
Car Parking ....................................................................................................................... 26
Cash Machines ................................................................................................................. 28
Catering ............................................................................................................................ 28
Chaplaincy (Multi-faith) ................................................................................................... 28
Childcare ........................................................................................................................... 28
Computer and Print Facilities ........................................................................................... 29
Confirming Student Status ............................................................................................... 29
Council Tax ....................................................................................................................... 29
Counselling ....................................................................................................................... 30
Course related issues - leaving ......................................................................................... 30
D ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Debt .................................................................................................................................. 31
Disability ........................................................................................................................... 31
Disabled Car Parking Spaces ............................................................................................ 31
Disabled Students Allowance ........................................................................................... 31
Dyslexia ............................................................................................................................ 32
E ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Email................................................................................................................................. 32
Exchange .......................................................................................................................... 32
F ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Faith ................................................................................................................................. 32
Fee Assessment ................................................................................................................ 32
Fees – Paying tuition fees ................................................................................................. 32
Fees – Problems with paying ............................................................................................ 32
Feedback .......................................................................................................................... 32
G ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Graduate Research School ............................................................................................... 32
Grants ............................................................................................................................... 32
Graduation ....................................................................................................................... 33
H ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Head of Institutes ............................................................................................................. 33
Health ............................................................................................................................... 34
Housing Advice ................................................................................................................. 34
I ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Identity Card ..................................................................................................................... 34
Immigration...................................................................................................................... 35
Information and Learning Services (ILS) ........................................................................... 35
Intercalation ..................................................................................................................... 35
International Students...................................................................................................... 35
L............................................................................................................................................ 35
Learning disability ............................................................................................................ 35
Learning/Study skills ........................................................................................................ 36
Leaving ............................................................................................................................. 36
Leave of Absence .............................................................................................................. 36
Lectures ............................................................................................................................ 36
Library .............................................................................................................................. 36
Lost property .................................................................................................................... 36
M .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Map .................................................................................................................................. 36
Media Services.................................................................................................................. 36
Mental Health .................................................................................................................. 36
Mitigating Circumstances ................................................................................................ 37
Money Management........................................................................................................ 37
N ........................................................................................................................................... 37
NHS Placements ............................................................................................................... 37
P ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Part -time Work ................................................................................................................ 37
Personal Tutors................................................................................................................. 37
Programme Advisers ........................................................................................................ 38
R ........................................................................................................................................... 38
Reception.......................................................................................................................... 38
Reference.......................................................................................................................... 38
Recycling and Re-use ........................................................................................................ 38
Registry Services ............................................................................................................... 38
Results .............................................................................................................................. 39
S ........................................................................................................................................... 39
Safety................................................................................................................................ 39
SOLE (Student On-Line Environment) ............................................................................... 40
Student Loans ................................................................................................................... 40
Student Services ............................................................................................................... 40
Study abroad .................................................................................................................... 41
Study Skills ........................................................................................................................ 41
Suspension of Studies ....................................................................................................... 42
T ........................................................................................................................................... 42
Telephones ....................................................................................................................... 42
Tier 4 Visa ......................................................................................................................... 42
Transcripts ........................................................................................................................ 43
Tuition Fees ...................................................................................................................... 43
Tuition Fee Loan ............................................................................................................... 43
Student Handbook
Welcome to the University of Worcester
Welcome to the University of Worcester - and to returning students - welcome back! I hope
your studies go well.
This student handbook contains essential information about being a student at the
University. Its main purpose is to provide you with information about the services within the
University and important information about the regulations and procedures which are in
place to help you. There is important information about start of session arrangements,
student loans and the Council Tax to which you should pay particular attention.
You are not expected to read the Handbook from cover to cover but you should familiarise
yourself with its contents so that you can refer to it when you need to as it is designed to
help you throughout your course of study.
Student enquiries, whether they are about accommodation, choosing modules, paying fees,
improving study skills, finding part-time work, getting help with money or choosing a career
– should be made via firstpoint, which can be found in the Peirson Study and Guidance
Centre on St Johns Campus (see page 39).
We have continued with ‘QR’ codes next to most of the websites. Smart-phone users can
scan these using an appropriate app so that you are directed to the links directly.
In addition to this Handbook, you will find further information about the course you are
studying and expanded information about some of the services on the “SOLE” web pages –
We very much hope your time at the University will be valuable and enjoyable and
remember, if you do have queries or problems and need advice, most services can be
contacted at firstpoint.
Finally, may I take the opportunity once again of wishing you every success in your time
Kevin Pickess
Academic Registrar
Section 1: Essential information
Things you need to know
Semester Dates
Semester 1
(Induction Week: 15h September 2014– 19thSeptember 2014)
15th September 2014 – 23rd January 2015
Worcester Week: 20th October 2014 – 24th October 2014
Worcester Week and Award Ceremonies: 17th November 2014 – 21st
November 2014
Christmas Break: 15th December 2014 – 2nd January 2015
Assessment & Academic Tutoring Week: 19thJanuary 2015 – 23rd
January 2015
Semester 2
26th January 2014 – 12th June 2015
Worcester Week: 26th January 2015 – 30thJanuary 2015
Easter Break: 30th March 2015 – 12th April 2015
Assessment Weeks: 11th May 2015 – 22nd May 2015
Marking weeks: 25th May 2015 – 5th June 2015
Feedback & Academic Advice Week: 8th June 2015 – 12th June 2015
Reassessment week: 6th July 2015 – 10th July 2015
Reassessment Marking Week: 13th July 2015 – 17th July 2015
Note: Students on semester based courses are expected to be in attendance
throughout both semesters with the exception of the Christmas and Easter breaks
You can find a detailed calendar of important dates via your SOLE pages.
Registration and record keeping
All students must register on-line each academic year. When ticking the box on the
declaration when registering on-line, you agree to abide by the University regulations
throughout the period of your registration.
Data Protection Act
As a user of personal data the University is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998.
One purpose of our registration is the maintenance of student records for the administration
of the University. It cannot operate effectively without processing information about you,
and requires your consent to do this. When registering with the University you indicate your
consent to the University in processing your personal data in accordance with the
University’s registration and in accordance with current data protection legislation. The
information we hold on you is largely that provided by you on application and registration
on-line. If you wish to check the accuracy of the information held on you, please write to
Student Records, Registry Services in Woodbury Building. You can complete a subject access
request (a charge of £10.00 is made).
The information you supply at registration will be used by the University’s central
administration and support services, the library, and departments for administrative and
support services only, including the Students’ Union. With regard to external transfers, the
University is legally required to submit data about students to the Higher Education Statistics
Agency. Any additional disclosures will only take place in accordance with the Data
Protection Act. Personal data will be released to institutions where University students are
involved in exchange programmes and to partner colleges which teach on University awards.
Information on progress will also be given to sponsors, loan organisations and scholarship
schemes to enable such organisations to establish whether or not the sponsorship/ loan/
award should continue.
At the end of your programme of studies, the University will disclose information about your
award to third parties without reference to you (e.g. to a prospective employer, or to your
previous school or college). The University’s central database will be used, on occasion, to
select information on groups of students. You may, therefore, be notified of opportunities
such as research projects and further courses. Data relating to ethnicity and disability status
will be disclosed only to those persons having a legitimate need to see it.
The University is required in some circumstances to disclose data, where there is a legal
obligation to do so, for example:a)
for the national student survey on teaching quality
in response to urgent need to prevent injury or damage to health.
in response to a statutory request from a Government department
to assist in the prevention or detection of crime.
In all other cases the permission of the student will be sought before data are transferred.
The University has developed a Code of Practice to ensure it complies with the Act: copies
are available on the University website:
Change of Address/Change of Name/Bank Details
It is very important that changes of address are reported to Registry Services. You can
maintain your current address details on-line via the SOLE pages.
It is also important that you inform us of any other relevant changes which we may need to
know about – for example name changes must be properly reported – please enquire at
firstpoint in the Peirson Study and Guidance Centre if you need advice.
Students who are in receipt of a University Bursary must ensure that their bank details are
accurate and maintained. If you change your bank, please ensure that you update your
record via the SOLE pages.
Section 2: Academic Matters
An introduction
Attendance at lectures, seminars, workshops or other specified forms of learning is required
according to the demands of the appropriate module. Some teaching sessions may be
designated as compulsory. These are usually sessions that involve student participation.
Students must attend all sessions in modules that have been designated as compulsory.
Students who fail to meet the attendance requirement will have to retake or substitute it, in
a future semester. Students who miss a compulsory session, because of illness or other
circumstances are required to notify the module tutor within 6 days after the session to
explain the absence.
Students who fail to meet an attendance requirement in a module render grades for all
assessment items for the module null and void. A grade of NA will be recorded.
Personalised timetables are published on your SOLE page.
Equipment & Special Clothing
Some courses will require students to provide special clothing and equipment and you
should have been sent details of this when you were offered a place. Where this
requirement results in hardship, students can apply to the Access to Learning Fund (see
Section 5).
All students are responsible for ensuring that they are aware of the assessment
requirements of the course for which they are registered and the dates of examinations and
when assignments are due in. Assessment requirements may be found in course handbooks
and also in module outlines. Dates may either be published in the University calendar (see
‘Academic Year Dates’ on the SOLE page), on notice boards or will be notified to you by your
Students should submit their assignments along with an assessment receipt form that is
available via the SOLE pages. Work should be submitted to the relevant department boxes
or to the appropriate Administrative office by the deadline at 3pm. Your tutor should advise
you of the locations of these areas during induction week. For those courses where work
can be submitted electronically via your SOLE page, your tutor will instruct you on the
Re-Assessment items should also be submitted to the relevant department boxes.
In order to gain entry to a formal examination, students are required to have their student
ID card with them and to display the card on their desk during the examination. Students
without an ID card and who cannot provide an alternative form of photo-based ID may be
prevented from sitting the examination.
Anonymous Marking
The purpose of anonymous marking is to eliminate any perceived bias which might exist on
the part of examiners and to reassure students of the impartiality of the marking process.
Assignments and exams are both anonymously marked, whereas oral presentations and
practical assessments cannot be.
The module outline should indicate if an assessment item is or is not anonymously marked.
Where it is you should record only your student number on a Student Feedback Form and
throughout the assessment item.
Referencing Guides
Plagiarism is using the ideas, words or findings of others without acknowledging them as
your source of information or inspiration. It is a form of cheating and is treated very
seriously in Higher Education. In order to avoid plagiarism you need to use a referencing
system to acknowledge other people’s ideas etc.
To make it easy for people to check references a number of referencing systems have been
developed, the two most commonly used are the Harvard system and the numeric system.
For further help on referencing, please visit the Study Skills website below:
Results/Grades and Feedback
Feedback refers to the information tutors give you about your work - either as written
comments on the Student Feedback Form or in discussion with them. This information is
designed to help you know what you are doing well and what you need to improve. Some
tutors may also provide generic feedback in lectures or workshops covering areas where
students in general seem to be struggling with, without reference to individual assessments.
If you are genuinely unsure why you have been awarded a low grade after reading your
feedback, you should consult your Module or Academic Tutor.
In normal circumstances assessed work should be marked and returned to students with
feedback within 20 working days of the date of submission. You are strongly encouraged to
collect your marked work and read the feedback provided. All feedback is provided
electronically via your SOLE page alongside your module results.
Mitigating Circumstances
Mitigating Circumstances are exceptional circumstances outside of your control that have
affected your academic performance. Claims must be submitted with evidence via the SOLE
page under “Assessments”.
For further advice on this, in the first instance please contact firstpoint in the Peirson Study
and Guidance Centre ( ) or email or telephone
01905 855396 or visit our webpage.
Sometimes things do go wrong. In most cases matters can be resolved quickly and informally
at a local level. If you continue to be dissatisfied with the response then you should make an
academic appeal or a complaint.
For further advice on this, please email or visit our
Section 3: Financial Matters
Money, money, money…
There is a very useful publication for students called “A Guide to Financial Support for new
full time students in Higher Education in 2014/15” published by Student Finance England.
Copies are available from firstpoint or the Students Union. The University’s Money Advice
Team also produces a handbook; Financial Information and support for Higher Education
students at the University of Worcester 2014/15, which is widely available at the University
and on the webpage:
There is also information on the web at:
or the Money Advice link available via the SOLE pages or alternatively speak with the
University’s Money Advisers who can be contacted via firstpoint, by telephone 01905
542551 or email
Tuition Fees
For students starting courses in 2014/15 the amount of fees you will be charged by the
University will vary depending on the course you are taking, whether you are a “home” or
international student and whether you are a new or continuing student.
Tuition Fees: Undergraduate Students (Degree, HND or Foundation Degree) - Full Time
If you are from the UK or another EU country and you are starting a full-time degree, HND or
Foundation degree in 2013/14 you will be charged £8,900 per year for tuition fees by the
You do not have to pay these fees up front. A tuition fee loan is available from the Student
Finance England, which will be paid direct to the University on your behalf (see Financial
Support below). You may, if you wish, choose not to take out a tuition fee loan, in which
case you will be invoiced for tuition fees at the start of your course with the fee due, in full,
on registration.
Tuition Fees: Undergraduate Students - Part Time
Part time fees are generally charged on a pro-rata basis, which for most BA/BSc courses
equates to £1,110 per 15-credit module for new students. Please consult the tuition fees
Tuition Fees: Nursing and Midwifery Students
If you are taking an NHS funded degree or diploma course in Nursing or Midwifery your
tuition fees will be paid by the NHS. Grants are available to all eligible students from NHS
Grants (contact them at and a basic loan from Student Finance
Tuition Fees: PGCE Students
Tuition fees in 2014/15 for home/EU PGCE students are £9,000 per year and you can apply
for a tuition fee loan to pay your fee. Home Students are also eligible to apply for a
Maintenance Grant of up to £3,387 pa.
Home students may also apply to Student Finance England for a maintenance loan, childcare
grant, disabled students’ allowance; parent’s learning allowance or adult dependent grant.
Help may also be available from the University’s Access to Learning Fund.
Full-time eligible home and EU students on a postgraduate course leading to qualified
teacher status may be eligible for a teacher training bursary, depending on the classification
and subject of their first degree. Visit the Department for Education website for further details
Tuition Fees: Postgraduate Students – Full Time
A full-list of fees is available from:
Tuition Fees: Postgraduate Students – Part Time
A full list of fees is available from:
Tuition Fees: International Students
Students who have been classified as overseas for fee purposes are required to pay a higher
fee and this will have been notified to you at the time you were offered a place. You must
pay at least half your fees before you arrive at the University, with the balance payable
when you register for your course. Further details on the University website:
Students should note that normally no refund of fees will be made. Students who withdraw
and who wish for a refund to be considered should write to the Director of Finance outlining
the circumstances.
Financial Support
There are various schemes to assist students financially. These include the Tuition Fee Loan,
maintenance grants, maintenance loans and University Scholarships. See also, Access to
Learning Fund, Scholarships, Student Loans and Grants, in Section 5.
Please note that previous study at Higher Education level (i.e. above Level 3) can affect
eligibility for financial support. Please contact Student Finance England for classification.
Full Time Undergraduate Students (Degree, HND or Foundation Degree)
In addition to the tuition fee loan described above UK students on full time undergraduate
or equivalent courses starting in 2014/15 can also apply for a maintenance grant and a
student maintenance loan to help meet living costs.
The tuition fee loan and maintenance loan do not have to be repaid until you have finished
your course and are earning a salary of over £21,000 per year. The maintenance grant is not
To obtain the tuition fee loan, maintenance loan and maintenance grant you should apply as
soon as possible to Student Finance England if you have not already done so. Application
forms can be downloaded from:
If you do not apply within nine months of the start of your course you may lose your right to
Part-time Students
New Home part-time undergraduate students undertaking 25% or more of an equivalent
full-time course may be able to obtain a loan from Student Finance England for the cost of
tuition fees which is not based on their income. Students should check with Student Finance
for details.
Part-time students can now apply to Student Finance England for support before starting
their course. If you do not apply within six months of the start of your course you may lose
your right to apply.
Additional Support
Where access to higher education might be affected by financial circumstances or where
students, for whatever reason, including physical or other disabilities, face financial
difficulties other schemes exist to help students. These include the Access to Learning Fund.
This Fund is administered through the University Money Advisers in Student Services.
Full details and application forms are available from firstpoint and The Students’ Union.
Scholarships and Fee Waivers – the University also offers many scholarships, details and
methods of application are shown on the University website:
There is other financial support available through:
Parent’s Learning Allowance
Adult Dependents Grant
Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA)
Contributions to childcare costs
All but the DSA are means tested.
Details of educational trust funds are also available on the website
You are advised to insure your belongings. The University cannot accept responsibility for
loss or damage to private property, which is brought onto and left on University premises
entirely at the owner’s risk.
Non-Payment of Fees
Failure to pay tuition fees by the payment date may mean that you will cease to be eligible
to use University facilities and could result in your exclusion from the University. Students
with tuition fee debts relating to a previous session will not be allowed to re-register until
the debt is cleared. Students who have a debt to the University at the end of their course of
study will not be permitted to attend an awards ceremony or to receive official confirmation
of their result.
Section 4: Regulations, procedures and
policy documents
The small print
The University has a number of regulations, procedures and policies of which you must be
aware during your time as a student. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar
with them and that you know where to access them.
It is particularly important that you read and understand the publications in the following list
at, or prior to, the beginning of your course of study.
These regulations are not included in the printed student handbook but are available from
the Registry Services website (
The Worcester Charter for Students
The University of Worcester seeks to be an outstanding university at which to be a student
and will provide an outstanding educational experience through inspiring and relevant
teaching and research. This Charter sets out the implications of those commitments for the
University, the Students’ Union and every student working together in a spirit of
partnership. The Students’ Union works with the University in their mutual interest of
continually improving the educational experience of students.
The Charter is intended to be a signpost, rather than a comprehensive source of
information. To ensure the continued relevance of this Charter, it is reviewed annually by
the University’s Academic Board and the Students’ Union Council.
Culture and expectations
Staff of the University, Students’ Union and Students on University awards will:
Interact with students and colleagues fairly and respectfully
Accept responsibility for their actions
Show fairness, professional impartiality and diligence
Value diversity across disciplines, cultures and expertise
Be respectful in their dealings with staff and students, clients and those in the local
Be committed to, and exercise responsibility for, their own personal, academic and
professional development
Accept and take due account of feedback, given in whatever form
Respect the physical environment and property of the University and Students’
Union and contribute in a positive way within the local community
Be aware of all documents published by the University and the Students’ Union
which relate in any way to being a student and/or a member of the Students’ Union
e.g. University and Students’
Union constitution etc.
Aim for excellence in educational endeavours.
Teaching and engagement
Staff of the University and Students Union are committed to the delivery of high standards
of teaching, support, advice and guidance. Opportunities for regular continuing professional
development exist for all staff.
Staff will make clear the contact hours and any detailed attendance requirements in the
module outline issued beginning of the module. Students are expected to attend induction,
participate in timetabled classes and attend meetings with tutors etc. On occasion it may be
necessary to be absent from teaching and students will seek agreement from their tutors, in
advance, when practicable. On occasion, it may be necessary to cancel classes and the
University will follow the procedures stated in the class cancellation policy if this is
The curriculum will include access to activities that will enhance employability and personal
The University will provide library, IT facilities and support.
Students are also expected to take responsibility for managing their own learning: actively
engage in their course; ensure they spend sufficient regular time in private study, and
participate fully in group learning activities.
Assessment and Feedback
Staff at the University will make clear the detailed assessment criteria and tasks in module
outlines and provide feedback to students in a timely way.
Students are expected to submit all assessed items or if appropriate bring to the attention of
the University details of any mitigating circumstances for consideration or when appropriate
seek an extension by stated deadlines. Students should actively seek and use feedback for
their academic development.
Course Management
All students will have access to a course handbook which will set out the formal
requirements of the course along with information on academic appeals and complaints.
Staff at the University and Students’ Union will encourage and support student participation
in academic development and course management through the election of student
academic representatives (StARs). Students are expected to support StARs and participate
in systems which will lead to improvements in the quality of learning and teaching.
Support for students
The University seeks to provide outstanding support through academic tutoring and a highly
professional range of services to support students including access to counselling and advice
on: health and welfare; accommodation; academic guidance, finance and careers etc. in
order to assist students with academic and welfare problems.
In addition the Students’ Union will provide independent support for students who
encounter academic or welfare problems. They will also provide a range of clubs and
societies to enhance students’ personal and professional development.
The University will make clear to students the course costs, payment options and deadlines,
and an estimate of necessary additional costs associated with the course. Students are
expected to make prompt payment of charges made by the university.
Further Information
Many of the areas referred to in the Student Charter are described in more detail in other
University documents.
Should you have any difficulties interpreting these documents, advice and support are
available from a range of sources including your Academic Tutor and the Students’ Union.
2. Diversity & Equality Policy
3. Dignity at Work and Study
4. Health & Safety Policy
5. Regulations for the use of IT, email and internet facilities
6. Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech
7. Student Code of Conduct
8. Fitness to Practice Procedures
9. Advise on Late Submission of Assignments
10. Procedures for Dealing with claims of exceptional mitigating circumstances
11. Procedure for Appeals
12. Procedure for Investigation of cases of alleged cheating
13. Policy concerning the assessment of students with special needs
14. Student Complaints Procedure
Section 5: A-Z of advice, help and
student support
A good starting point
Academic Tutors
The focus of the Academic Tutor is to encourage your personal and academic development.
You will receive structured support to develop:
• Awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses
• A clear vision of what you want to achieve through HE study
• Greater understanding of how study in your discipline area at the University can help you
towards your goals
• Responsibility for your choices in modules, work and social life
• A reflective approach to the feedback you receive on your work
• A sense and a record of progression and achievement in your development of subject and
generic skills and attributes (qualities)
• An ability to use this greater awareness to articulate the benefits of your HE experience to
others including employers
The Academic Tutor will also:
Be your regular point of contact within the University. Normally your Academic Tutor will
remain with you throughout your time at the University.
Respond to your requests for support and help with problems which affect academic work
either at subject level or by referral to other University facilities.
Provide information for and assist in the drafting of University references
How often should I meet my Academic Tutor?
You will have the opportunity to meet your Academic Tutor four times a year, either one-toone or in group sessions. The first of these will take place during Welcome Week or the first
three weeks of the semester. You may also contact your tutor at other times, should you
need help or advice.
Access to Learning Fund
A discretionary non-refundable payment for eligible students in financial hardship. The
amount varies from £100 to £3500 but awards over £2000 are extremely rare. Particular
help is given to:
• Mature students with other financial commitments
• Final year students
• Disabled students
• Students who are, or have been homeless
• Care leavers
• Students from a low income background
• Students whose financial commitments change unexpectedly
• Students with children, especially lone parents
• Students with high travel expenses and/or course costs
The fund is administered by the Money Advice Service. Application forms, which include
more details and conditions of eligibility, are available from firstpoint and Students’ Union.
Download form from: or email
or telephone: 01905 542551
The Accommodation Office assists students to find suitable accommodation whilst studying
at the University.
All advice and support regarding accommodation, landlords, welfare or finance can be
accessed via firstpoint in the Peirson Study and Guidance Centre, St Johns Campus.
If you are experiencing any problems with University Managed accommodation, please
contact firstpoint in the first instance. If they are unable to resolve your issue, then they will
put you in touch with someone who can.
Residential Services Manager is Lucy Blunt
Deputy Residential Services Manager is Judith Bick
Address and contact details
The contact details for the University are as follows:
University of Worcester
Henwick Grove
01905 855000
Staff in the Admissions Office can provide:
Advice on how to apply & application forms
Progress on your application made
Students on HNDs or Foundation Degrees who want to top-up to degree courses or submit
applications for credit transfer in respect of modules at the University should apply on their
SOLE page.
Students who wish to apply for postgraduate courses should visit:
See Admissions
When you leave the University, you become an automatic member of our worldwide
network of alumni. We hope you will stay in touch with us and follow future news and
developments with interest. The University offers a range of benefits to its former students.
Alongside a regular alumni magazine, Spirit, annual alumni reunion and alumni web pages
you can take advantage of our many facilities, often at preferential rates. These include:
Careers Service
Conference Facilities
Learning Resource Centre
Sports Centre and Facilities
Students' Union
Alumni Gifts
Please see Section 2
Backing up your work
It is your responsibility to make regular backups of important work.
There are many causes of data loss, including hardware failure, software corruption,
malicious or accidental loss and while it may feel like a waste of time performing regular
backups, it is a vital task,
Do not rely on saving important work to a single location, as disk drives can and do fail; and
it is often not possible to recover files.
Backup tips:
 Regularly backup important data to USB Flash Drive or external hard drive.
 Regularly duplicate backups to free cloud storage, such as SkyDrive, GoogleDrive or
 Make weekly backups of important data and more frequent backups of critical data,
such as assignments and dissertations
 Heed Murphy’s Law – if it can go wrong, it will go wrong, so don’t get complacent or
lazy as that’s the time you will lose critical work.
 Use backup folders that are ordered chronologically or file names concatenated with
the date and time
 Finally…make regular backups!
National Scholarships Programme at the University of Worcester
New eligible undergraduate students in 2014 who come from households with an income of
£25,000 or less will be awarded a scholarship of £3,000 which will take form of a £2,000
tuition fee reduction and £1,000 bursary in year one (or a pro-rata amount in the case of
part time students).
Recipients must be registering on courses for which they are paying at least £6,200 pa or the
part-time equivalent. EU and Home students are eligible for the scholarship, but not
international students or those normally resident in Scotland, Wales or NI.
Those students not eligible under the National Scholarship Programme are:
 NHS funded students
 Students funded by the National College for Teaching and Leadership
 Students directly continuing from one course to another (e.g. from a foundation
degree or HND to the final year of an honors degree)
 Students transferring in from another institution
 Students taking a postgraduate qualification
 Part-time students studying at less than 25% intensity of the full-time equivalent
 Any other students whose fees are paid or part paid through a sponsorship
 Students who have previously studied at Higher Education level (i.e. Level 3)
Awards will be made only on confirmation of household income, so it essential that students
submit an income assessed application to Student Finance England (SFE) and include all
evidence requested. You must ensure that you or your parents do not tick the box on your
application that removes the consent to share because this will prevent confirmation of your
income being shared with the University. Please see the Student Finance England Factsheet
“How you are assessed and paid” for further details about whose income is taken into
account when the household income is assessed. See for
further information.
EU and part-time students will receive a separate form from Student Finance England to
provide details of their household income and some scholarships will be reserved for parttime students whose income cannot be assessed by SFE until after they have started the
This scholarship will open in October for first year students (with the exception of students
in receipt of NHS bursaries) – students will receive an email to their official university email
account which will invite them to complete and submit an application form.
£1,000 Fee Waiver Scholarship
For 2014 only, and in addition to the National Scholarship referred to above, the University
will be awarding £1,000 scholarships, in the form of a tuition fee waiver, to new first year
students who qualify for a partial maintenance grant (i.e. from households with an income
between £25,000 and £42,611). This scholarship will be open in October for first year
students (with the exception of students in receipt of NHS bursaries) – students will receive
and email to their official university email account which will invite them to complete and
submit an application form.
University of Worcester Bursary
Continuing full-time undergraduates paying a tuition fee of £3,465 will receive a bursary
from the University of £500, £650 or £785 for each year of the course. The amount of
bursary received will depend on the amount of maintenance or special support grants you
have been awarded. The bursary will be paid in five equal monthly installments starting
December 2014. Bursaries will be paid directly into your bank account around the 15thday of
each month. If you have any updates your bank details, please enter these via your SOLE
page by the 1st day of each month.
Year One - £1,000 ABB or Equivalent Scholarship
In the academic year 2014/15, all students with ABB or equivalent will be awarded a £1,000
first year scholarship which will take the form of payments to the student of £250 in October
and February and £500 in May. The scholarship pages of the University website will give
details of equivalent qualifications (such as distinction or merit at BTEC). Applications are
not required for this scholarship as students grades are established during admissions
process. This scholarship is awarded automatically to qualifying students.
Students who are also eligible for the National Scholarship of £3,000 fee waiver can receive
both that and the ABB Scholarship.
Year Two and Three - £1,000 Academic Achievement Scholarships
The University awards scholarships of £1,000 to eligible undergraduate students after
completion of the first and second year of a degree course of the first year of a foundation
degree or HND based on their academic achievement at the University. Students do not
need to apply for these scholarships as they are awarded to eligible students with the best
academic profiles across the University.
Extra-Curricular Scholarships
Extra-curricular scholarships of up to £1000 are also available to assist students with
appropriate activities. See the student SOLE page for details or view
£500 Wychavon Scholarships
The Wychavon Scholarship has been launched to help students from the district of
Wychavon studying at the University of Worcester. The scholarship is open to students from
the Wychavon district choosing to study full time at the University of Worcester and can be
taken up for courses starting in 2014. The scheme will initially run for students starting in
2014 and 2015 and will be open to undergraduates (except nursing and midwifery students
who do not pay University tuition fees) and will provide £500 per student, for up to 100
students in each of the three academic years. The scholarship will not be means tested and
will be available to applicants in the order in which they apply.
Scholarships for International Students
Overseas students who are currently holding an offer from us and are not being funded from
another source can apply for an International Scholarship.
Students may also apply for a range of scholarships and funding provided by UK and
International Government bodies, The European Commission, funding trusts and a number
of research councils, industry and employers.
For further information about scholarship funding and eligibility, please see:
Or email the International Office on for further details and an
application form. Other funding opportunities can be found on the British Council website.
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme
The Shared Scholarship Scheme is a joint initiative between the UK Department for
International development (DFID) and UK Universities, to jointly support scholarships for
students from developing Commonwealth countries who would not otherwise be able to
study in the United Kingdom. See the above link for further information about the
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme and how to apply. Further details can also be
found on the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission website.
PGCE Students now receive the same support package as undergraduates, so should be
subject to the same bursary conditions as stated above.
Nursing and Midwifery Students: NHS funded degree course in Nursing or Midwifery are
eligible for a reduced rate non-means tested grant of £1,000, a reduced non-means tested
maintenance loan and a NHS means-tested bursary. If you are taking a Nursing or NHS
funded Diploma course you will receive an NHS non-means tested bursary.
Careers and Employability Service
The Careers & Employability Service is here to help you to draw together your career plans
and put them into practice. Students from all University programmes, at whatever stage of
their course, are very welcome to use the service, as are those who have been offered a
place at the University, and those who have graduated within 3 years.
The Careers & Employability Service offers information and advice about a wide range of
options including graduate occupations, postgraduate study, improving your employability,
work experience and vacation jobs, full and part time job vacancies, job search, and making
applications, including CVs and interviews. The Careers & Employability Service can meet
students on a one to one basis and run a series of lunchtime workshops and also work within
subject modules.
For further details:
Car Parking
In order to further enhance our Environmental credentials and minimised our carbon
footprint, students are strongly encouraged to find other ways of travelling to and from
campus than by car and/or car share. However, should you bring your car onto the
University campus, and then the following charges and arrangements will apply from 1st
September 2014.
Car Park
Car Park A and N (St Johns Campus)
Riverside and all St Johns Campus car
parks (excluding short stay and long stay)
Car Park M (St Johns Campus)
0800- 1800
70p for 30 mins
1800 – 0800
Per 24hrs at weekend
50p per 30mins St Johns
£1.00 per hour St Johns
£1.00 per hour St Johns
£1.00 Riverside
Per 24hrs at weekend
£2.00 St Johns
0800-0000 at weekends
£3.50 Riverside
£2.00 up to 4 hours
£3.00 all day
Per 24 hours weekdays
Per 24 hours weekends
Per 4hrs weekends
Short stay
Standard stay
Long stay
Car Parking Permit
As an alternative to paying daily charges, it is possible to buy a car parking permit as follows:
Permit Type
Resident more than one mile from campus
Annual: 1 September 2014 – 31 August 2015
Resident more than one mile from campus
Semester 1: 1 September 2014 – 31 January 2015
Resident more than one mile from campus
Semester 2: 1 February 2015– 31 August 2015
Off peak/Coppertops permit
£40 per year
For those students that live on campus or within one mile of campus then there is Term
Time permit available at the cost of £300 per term. You are not guaranteed a parking space
on campus if you purchase a permit. Permits are available free of charge to disabled
All vehicles parked on the campus are parked at the owners’ risk. The University cannot
accept liability for any damage caused whilst the vehicle is on University property
Bus passes are available to purchase at firstpoint.
Cash Machines
There is a cash machine in the main building near Reception and in the Students’ Union
Building. It accepts all major credit and debit cards. The campus is close to the shopping area
in St. Johns where there are cash machines at Lloyds TSB and the Co-op & Sainsbury’s
There are a number of catering facilities across the Campus.
Chaplaincy (Multi-faith)
Rev Dr. Fiona Haworth is the University’s full-time Chaplain and is based in Bredon Building,
BB181. Fiona is in touch with representatives from other faiths who are happy to provide
support to students. Designated prayer and quiet rooms with adjacent washing facilities are
available at both St. Johns (BB 179) and City sites (CH LG 030). In addition, at St John’s, a
meeting room (BB 178) is available for private worship, bible study, student faith societies,
services of communion and small group use; used arranged with Fiona. Catholic Mass takes
place on Wednesday at 1.30pm in BB 178. Courses offering an introduction to meditation
and mindfulness are also run through the Chaplaincy. Further details of religious and
spiritual support available at the University and in the surrounding area can be obtained
from Fiona on 01905 542327 or
If you have children aged 3 months to 5 years and need to find affordable childcare to allow
you to study you may be able to book a place at the University’s own nursery, “Unitots”.
Located on campus in Bredon Building Unitots is an Ofsted –approved day care and early
year’s education centre rated “outstanding” in its last Ofsted report.
The Nursery is open all year round (except bank holidays and university closed days and one
week in August 2015) from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Fees for 2014/15 are:
• Children aged 3 months to 3 years £4.31 per hour.
• Children aged from 3 to 5 years £3.82 per hour.
Email: Telephone: 01905 855277
The nursery can also provide further information on help available to meet child care costs.
Computer and Print Facilities
Full information and help on using IT and print services can be found on the webpages at
The Peirson Study and Guidance Centre have 250 PC’s and Macs available 24/7 for both
scheduled classes and independent work. All machines have access to print facilities and the
The Hive has over 200 bookable PC’s, with additional computers available at City Campus,
Riverside and St Johns. The Hive and all University sites have full wireless network coverage.
The Peirson Study and Guidance Centre contain ICT support desks on the first floor where
you can find support officers available to offer ICT general advice. A range of equipment,
such as laptops and voice recorders are also available to hire from this desk. There is also
ICT support at the Hive and via the ICT helpline on Monday-Thursday 08:30 – 17:00 and
Friday 08:30 – 16:30. Contact 01905 857500 or further details can be found on :
Please note that ICT staff can offer advice and support for all University owned equipment.
They provide limited software support but no hardware support for personal devices.
Confirming Student Status
Various external bodies may require documentary proof that you are a student. Statements
confirming your status are available from your SOLE page and can be stamped for
verification at firstpoint in the Peirson Study and Guidance Centre. This is not generally
accepted for council tax exemption – you should use the specific certificate detailed below
for this purpose.
Council Tax
If you are a full-time student who either lives alone, with other full-time students, with
minors or people on Council Tax Benefit (e.g., an unemployed or disabled person) you will
not be liable to pay Council Tax.
Council Tax Certificates are available to download from your SOLE page. They are available
only to students who have registered and whose mode of study is recorded as full-time. If
you are unable to print your certificate, replacement certificates are available from
firstpoint but you will have to pay an administrative charge (currently £5). You should send
this to your Council Tax office quoting the Council Tax reference number and the bill will be
cancelled for the period that you are a full-time student. However, if you are a full-time
student who lives with other non-student adults or part-time students you will need to pay
at least a proportion of Council Tax. You will need to send your Certificate to your Council
Tax office to apply for a reduction.
Part-time students will be liable to pay Council Tax but may be entitled to a discount. For
further information, please contact your Council Tax office.
The Student Counselling and Mental Health Team is committed to supporting students
experiencing emotional or psychological problems so that they can gain maximum benefit
from their university experience and develop their potential to its fullest. As well as 1-to-1
help, the Counselling and Mental Health Tea, also provide a programme of workshops
throughout the year on themes such as: Exam & Assessment Anxiety, Procrastination,
Transitions (settling into and leaving university), as well as weekly Mindfulness Mediation
The University has four counsellors who offer a wide range of counselling approaches and
are able to help students with many emotional and psychological difficulties, including
adjustment and transitions at university, bereavement, relationship difficulties, traumatic
experience, depression and anxiety. The counselling service is BACP Accredited which
reflects the highly professional and confidential service that is provided.
You can pick up more information about the Counselling Service, including how to make an
appointment with a counsellor, from firstpoint or you can request an appointment by
emailing or telephoning 01905 855417. You can also download a
self-referral from Counselling and Mental Health Service webpage and either email it to the
address above or place it in the post-box outside WB 79 (Woodbury Building, St Johns
Campus). Copies of this form is also available next to the post-box at firstpoint
The following local groups can also provide support:
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Contact details
Calm Zone (supports men’s mental & emotional health)
0800 58 58 58
08457 909090
NHS Direct (for non-emergency advice/guidance)
West Mercia Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre
01905 724514
Mind (advice on mental health)
0300 123 3393
See also Mental Health.
Course related issues - leaving
If you are experiencing academic difficulties or you are considering leaving or taking time out
from your course, you may wish to discuss your options. We hope you won’t leave but in
some circumstances students decide that they need to withdraw from their course. It is very
important that anyone thinking of leaving should receive good advice. Your academic tutor
will be able to help you and you may also want to talk to a counsellor in Student Services or
the Student Adviser in Student Union.
Do not take a hasty decision to withdraw – it may be possible to suspend your course for up
to one academic year instead (See Suspension of Studies below). In the event that you do
decide to leave you will want to think about your next step – consult the Careers Service in
Student Services who will be able to suggest alternative courses or possible jobs. You will
also need to contact the Student Records Office to withdraw formally from the University –
staff can advise you on what you need to do to inform Student Finance England, and what
the position may be for your future entitlement for student support. We will also ask you to
complete an exit survey to help us understand why you are leaving.
Students will be able to withdraw from a full time course within 14 days of commencement
without charge. After this date the course will be charged on the date of withdrawal and in
which liability point the date falls. Tuition fees for part time students are not refundable if
withdrawal takes place 14 days after the start of semester. Part-time students will be
charged by module.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties or have unmanageable debts, contact the Money
Advisors, who may be able to help.
email: or telephone: 01905 542551
The Disability and Dyslexia Service is part of Student Services. It co-ordinates support for
disabled and dyslexic students, as well as students who have a medical condition. There is a
whole range of support available, including note-takers, specialist study skills support, short
term loan of specialist software and ensuring lecturers and other staff understand a
particular students support needs.
All enquiries concerning mental health should be directed to the Counselling and Mental
Health Service; all other disability related support enquiries should be made to the Disability
and Dyslexia Service.
Disabled Car Parking Spaces
See map.
Disabled Students Allowance
Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) is a non-means tested allowance to help students meet
the cost of disability-related support.
In academic year 2014/15 an individual package of DSA funded support could include
specialist equipment and software as well as funding to cover human support. Eligible
students are urged to apply directly through their funding body as soon as possible,
preferably several months prior to joining University (examples of funding bodies: Student
Finance England or NHS Student Bursaries).
Some students, such as international or very part time students, may be ineligible for DSA –
however these students are still encouraged to discuss their support needs with the
Contact the Disability and Dyslexia Service Email: or telephone 01905
85 5531. Further details on the website:
See Disability
All students are provided with a University email account and should ensure they check their
inbox regularly as official University communications are sent via email. You can arrange for
your email to be forwarded to another email account, if you prefer.
Studying abroad can be a very valuable experience. The benefits are many. It provides the
opportunity to travel, to learn a new language, or to improve on a second language, to make
new friends and to become immersed in a foreign culture.
Further details can be found in the Overseas Exchange Programmes Handbook.
See Chaplaincy
Fee Assessment
You will have been assessed which level (Home/EU, Channel Islands or Overseas) of tuition
fee you are expected to pay during the application process. If you dispute your assessed fee
status you should contact the Admissions Office before you complete the enrolment process
Fees – Paying tuition fees
See Section 3
Fees – Problems with paying
See Section 3
See Section 2 - Assessment
Graduate Research School
The Graduate Research School is located in Woodbury and provides a service to all Research
Degree students. Staff in the School can advise on all matters relating to registration for
MPhils and PhDs.
Students at Worcester are fully eligible for the UK Government's student grant, fee waiver
and loan support package. This includes tuition fee loans, maintenance loans and
maintenance grants. For further details go to:
Our growing scholarship and fee waiver programme offers eligible students the opportunity
to earn a scholarship/prize or fee waiver for every year of their studies.
You can get more information on teacher-training support and related issues on the
following website:
Nursing and Midwifery Students: See Bursaries
You will have your qualification conferred at an awards ceremony held at Worcester
Cathedral in November. There is normally room for two guests.
The name under which you graduate will be the name that you are known by on your official
student record, and you will have an opportunity to review that name prior to graduation.
There is no charge to students for graduating but please note that you will be expected to
hire a graduation gown from a specialist company and this will have a cost, which will be
advised to you at the time.
Graduation is a free service to students, but there is a standard charge for each guest ticket
to offset the high costs of such events; this includes a programme and a drinks reception
after the ceremony.
Please note that students who are in debt to the University will be unable to receive a
degree certificate, until the debt has been paid.
Head of Institutes
Professor John Newbury
Professor Antonia Payne
Mark Richardson
Ann Jordan
Dr. Jan Quallington
Mick Donovan
Head of Institute of Sciences and the Environment
Head of Institute of Humanities and Creative Arts
Head of Worcester Business School
Head of Institute of Education
Head of Institute of Health and Society
Head of Institute of Sport and Exercise Science
You are strongly advised to register with a local doctor if you have not already done so. Do
not wait until you are ill. In particular ensure you are fully vaccinated against mumps and are
fully aware of the symptoms of meningitis and Swine Flu. The Student Support and
Wellbeing Team in Student Services will be able to provide you with more information
regarding local GP surgeries and looking after your health. They can be contacted via email or telephone 01905 542551 or you can drop in to firstpoint and speak
to an adviser. The Student Experience Team also runs numerous campaigns and events
throughout the year promoting good student health and wellbeing.
A free and confidential sexual health clinic is held in Woodbury Building, Room 78 on most
Mondays during semesters from 12.00 to 14.30.
If you ever need first aid, or encounter someone else who does, just contact the main
Reception desk in the foyer on extension 5150 or dial 0 and someone will find a First Aider as
quickly as possible.
Heating and Water
The University of Worcester is working towards reducing both energy and water use in halls
and throughout the campus. Heating in halls is switched on all day from 07:00 – 23:00, but
will be switched off for an hour every two hours during this to time to save energy. Hot
water is available constantly from 06:00 – 23:00. Radiators are fitted with a thermostatic
radiator valve (TRV) to allow room temperature to be set to suit room user and to help save
energy. Please remember to reduce the setting on the TRV if the room gets too hot or if you
open a window, the TRV needs to be set at 0.
Toilets are fitted with two buttons, the smaller button provides a short flush and the larger
button gives a longer flush. Please use buttons as appropriate.
The University has a student switch off campaign to encourage you to save energy. There
are prizes and competitions. Visit the website for further details:
Housing Advice
See Accommodation
Identity Card
All students will be issued with an identity card and you must carry this with you. Your ID
card combines five functions:
• It provides proof of identify and you may be asked to produce it as proof of identify in
certain situations. You must carry your card when you are going to sit an examination;
 It provides access to university accommodation and some other rooms
• It is your Library card, and must be used when you want to borrow books from the Hive;
• It can be topped up with credit to spend at the St Johns Refectory and to pay for printing at
photocopiers/printers located around the campus;
• It is your Student Union membership card
When you want to transfer money onto the ID card, there are top up kiosks at St Johns
Reception, The Hive, The Peirson Building and City Campus Reception (Charles Hastings
Building) You can also top up online through the student portal.
To obtain a range of student discounts you may want to consider purchasing an NUS Extra
Lost ID card? If you lose your card, or if you suspect it has been stolen, you should
immediately report the loss to firstpoint. There is a charge of £10.00 for cards replaced as a
result of loss, or because of accidental damage. If your card has been stolen and you can
provide a Crime Reference number from the police in support of this, you will not be
charged for a new card.
The new card will have a new ‘issue number’. As soon as you have been given a new card
you should notify the library that you have a new card/issue number. This will prevent your
old card being used by anyone else, but you are responsible for any borrowings undertaken
up to the time when the card is reported lost.
See Visas
Information and Learning Services (ILS)
Information & Learning Services (ILS) supports students by providing library, IT, e-learning,
print and media services and a range of study spaces across all University sites. There are
spaces to facilitate group study as well as quiet individual work. Help and support is
available to get the most from all the facilities and resources.
There is further information, including opening hours on all of the services on the ILS
website and for information on LibGuides
See Suspension of Studies
International Students
The International Centre provides support to students from outside the United Kingdom
who come to study at the University. The Office is located in Woodbury Building.
For further information: Section T – Tier 4 VISA’s
Or contact the International Office Manager - Lois Lewis 01905 855146
Learning disability
See Disability
Learning/Study skills
See study Skills
See Graduation or See Course Related Issues or Leave of Absence
Leave of Absence
Students who feel that they have grounds for Leave of Absence should discuss the matter
with their tutors. Students who wish to be away more than five days should complete the
relevant form (obtainable via SOLE) at least 7 days before they wish to leave.
Lectures will be based in the different buildings around the University.
The locations of the buildings can be found on the map at the back of the handbook.
You automatically become a member of the library when you become a student of the
University. The library based in the Hive, supports your studies by providing a wide range of
resources and specialist staff to help you find the information and study space you need.
The Hive is a unique new facility, giving you access to the Worcestershire County library
collections in addition to around 130,000 university print books and 800 print journals, as
well as DVD, video and audio materials. We also have many electronic information
resources, including tens of thousands of e-books and e-journal articles, most of which you
can access from both on and off campus using the library search engine ‘Library Search’. If
we do not have what you want, you can make use of the inter-library loans service. The
Hive is open 08:30 – 22:00 every day (except Bank Holidays) and you can access the online
resources at any time. Meeting rooms in the Hive are reserved for University students at
key times during the academic year.
To help you get the most out of the library, we run sessions and provide online guidance on
finding and using information appropriately and effectively for your studies. For specific
information for your subject, including contact details of your subject librarian, please check
our online guides at if you need one to one help or guidance,
there is a desk staffed by experienced library staff on Level 3 of the Hive and you can also
contact us by email at
Lost property
Contact Reception; items which remain unclaimed for 28 days may be disposed of.
A map of the campus can be found on the back page of this handbook.
Media Services
See computer facilities
Mental Health
The University has three mental health advisers who work with individual students with prediagnosed and emerging mental health conditions and those experiencing emotional or
psychological difficulties. The advisors also carry out activities to promote mental health and
the well-being of students and staff. You can make contact with the advisors through
firstpoint, or telephone 01905 85 5447/2645 or email
You can also download a self-referral form from Counselling and Mental Health Service
webpage and either email it to the address above or place it in the postbox outside Room
80, Woodbury Building (St Johns Campus). Copies of this form are also available at
Further details on counselling and mental health services can be found on
Mitigating Circumstances
Please see Section 2
Money Management
See Debt
NHS Placements
Nursing and Midwifery students will find out more about clinical placements within their
course handbooks.
For further information, contact the Work Based Learning Support Office at
Part -time Work
Working part time during semesters and during vacations is a good way or earning money as
well as gaining experience and developing useful skills for a future career. The Earn as you
Learn programme will help you gain important experience while you are studying. The
Careers & Employability Service promotes part time opportunities on campus and in the
local area and also produce a weekly Part Time Jobs Bulletin during semester time.
We would normally suggest that you limit your part time work during semester time to 15
hours a week to ensure that you can balance your study and part time work requirements. If
you are from outside the European Economic Area and have a student visa you can usually
work up to 20 hours per week while studying a full-time course. For confirmation, check the
sticker on your passport or identity card.
Personal Tutors
See Academic Tutor
Programme Advisers
See Registry Services
The role of reception is to be the first point of contact to University students, staff and
visitors. Reception is a ‘signpost’, enabling people to be directed to the most appropriate
department to obtain advice and information on all aspects of the University.
Requests for references are dealt with centrally in the Registry Services Student Records
Office. Students are asked to name The Registrar as their referee and give the contact email
address so all requests are received centrally by the Referencing
Team. In the first instance, registry Staff will approach Personal Tutors to write references
for Students in their tutee group, whether for course or job applications. Please note that if
you do not keep in touch with your Personal Tutor throughout your course only a Basic
Statement can be provided. If a student’s personal tutor is no longer at University, we will
ask the Independent Study supervisor, or another tutor who has taught the student on
modules to draft a reference.
References will not normally refer to your state of health, unless there is a specific reason
for its inclusion (normally this is at the prospective employers request). If you are found
guilty of cheating, then your reference will normally refer to this fact.
Requests for reference for past students where a purely factual response is appropriate (i.e.
dates of attendance and confirmation of course) is dealt with by the Referencing Team.
Otherwise, the request will be passed to the Personal Tutor.
Recycling and Re-use
Recycling and re-use is encouraged in halls and throughout the campus. Green bins/bags are
in use for all types of recycling just make sure it goes in clean and dry. All recycling goes in
the one bin, you don’t have to sort it. Look at the information notices displayed in hall
kitchens and classrooms to let you know what can be recycled. At the University of
Worcester, actually it’s most things as long as they are not covered in food or drink. There
are recycling banks for bras, textiles and books use these to help out charities. Batteries go
in the battery shape bins dotted about campus.
Caddies are provided in halls kitchens for you to put all food waste. It’s for left over
takeaways, pot noodles not just apple cores and banana skins.
Use the Black bins for crisp packets, sweetie wrappers, any foil based wrappers and
polystyrene foam takeaway boxes. Look out for the notices next to bins if you are unsure.
Re-use. At the end of the year bags are provided for you to put in any unwanted items and
these are given to a local charity.
Registry Services
Registry Services is based in the Woodbury Building, opposite the Student Union. You will
need to contact Registry Services to:
• Authorise change of course or change of programme and obtain the necessary forms
• Authorise withdrawal, transfer or suspension of studies
• Report change of address/status
• Receive necessary signature for grant and travel forms
• Obtain official copies of semester dates and certificate of acceptance where required by
• Obtain replacement ID cards
• Submit claims of mitigating circumstances, Appeals and Student Complaints
• Receive information relating to the presentation of your Independent Study and hand into
office by the due date
• Obtain Job References
The Registry Services has four distinct offices within it:• Recruitment and Admissions (See Admissions)
• Student Records – the Student Records section is responsible for maintaining records of all
students on undergraduate courses at the University, including examination results
• Complaints and Appeals – this office deals with formal complaints, academic appeals, late
submissions and claims of exceptional mitigating circumstances
• Programmes Advisory Office – This office assists students in the planning and registration
advice on module choice within the Undergraduate Modular Scheme, explore the
implications of changing your subject or pathway and discuss a possible course transfer deal
with matters arising from decisions of the Examination Boards
Further information about the Registry Services can be obtained from their website:
See Section 2
The University recognises that it has responsibilities for the health, safety and welfare of its
students. We aim to provide an environment which is stimulating and safe to study in, and
which promotes high health and safety standards. This includes:
• Information, training and supervision to ensure that during your course of study, any risks
to you are minimised.
• Premises and equipment which are safe and fit for purpose.
• Arrangements for dealing with emergencies such as fires.
• Listening to any concerns of students about your health and safety and taking appropriate
To help us to do this, it is important that as a student you appreciate that you also have
responsibilities to look after your own health and safety and that of others. At all times you
• Conduct yourself both socially and in your studies in a mature, safe and considerate
• Take all reasonable steps to ensure your own health and safety, and the health and safety
of others.
• Cooperate with the University by complying with all health and safety requirements (for
example by attending any safety briefings). This includes evacuating the University premises
following the sounding of the fire alarms, or a request to vacate the building.
• Not interfere with any equipment provided for reasons of health and safety.
• You must not bring equipment onto campus which is not compliant with electrical safety
or other standards applicable in the UK
All accidents should be reported to a responsible person in the area where they occur as
soon as possible after their occurrence. This includes any accident occurring in Universityowned/managed areas and elsewhere when involved in activities which are part of your
course (e.g. field trips, teaching & work placements).
SOLE (Student On-Line Environment)
SOLE holds personal information for every student. You are able to view your module
selections, timetables and grades once logged into SOLE. All new students are automatically
issued with a password for SOLE when they register for a course at the University.
Student Loans
For UK students starting full time undergraduate or equivalent courses in 2014/15 there are
two types of student loans available, one to pay tuition fees and one to help with living costs
such as accommodation, food, clothing, travel etc. For information about tuition fee loans
see Section 3.
For the academic year 2014/15 the maximum student maintenance loan is £5,555 pa or
£4,418 pa for those living at home with their parents. 65% of the loan is the basic
entitlement and does not depend on household income.
Student Loans are repaid once you start earning at least £21,000 pa and the rates of interest
are linked to inflation, plus up to 3% depending on income. More information regarding the
repayment of Student Loans can be found on the Student Finance England website. Apply to
Student Finance England for a Student Loan preferably at least four months before the start
of your course; you can apply as soon as you have made your UCAS application. You can
apply on line or download an application from If you do not
apply within nine months of the start of your course you may lose your right to apply.
Student Loans are paid directly into your bank account in three installments a year.
Student Services
Student Services aims to support you to enable you to reach your potential whilst at the
University, through a range of services, including:
• Careers & Employability Service
• Counselling and Mental Health Service
• Disability and Dyslexia Service
• firstpoint
• Internationalisation and Study Abroad Team
• Money Advice Service
• Multi-faith Chaplaincy
• Student Achievement Service
• Student Support and Wellbeing Service
• Unitots Nursery
For more information visit firstpoint email: or look on the University
firstpoint is the first point of contact for all students’ enquiries. We can provide information
on accommodation, fees, finance, registration, ID cards, disability support, module choice,
international student issues, purchasing a bus pass or car parking permits, in fact anything to
do with student life at Worcester! Based in the Peirson Study and Guidance Centre on St
Johns Campus, firstpoint Advisers will be able to resolve the majority for enquiries, but can
also refer students on to colleagues with specific expertise or make appointments with
specialist services, such as Counselling and Mental Health, when necessary.
Confidential consulting spaces are available, so you can discuss more sensitive issues in
Also in firstpoint, you can meet with our Careers &Employability Team, who can help you to
find part-time work which will fit round your study commitments, develop your career plans
and enhance your employability. In addition, you will find information on our Study Abroad
programme, which offers you the opportunity to spend time studying overseas, and details
of study skills workshops and materials to help you succeed in your chosen course.
firstpoint is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am to 5pm and on Tuesday
10am to 5pm. Call in to talk to us at any time during opening hours, or alternatively, email or telephone 01905 542551
Study abroad
See exchange
Study Skills
Effective study skills are a vital element in achieving academic success on your course.
During your time at the University, you will be judged on your performance in coursework
and exams, and you will need to develop successful study, revision and exam techniques in
order to do well.
Study Skills Advice Sheets have been developed in order to help you to plan and carry out
your coursework and assessments, making the most of the time available and helping you to
achieve your potential. Copies are available on the web (see link below) or firstpoint in the
Peirson Study and Guidance Centre. There is also a programme of study skills workshops,
open to all students; for further details and to book your place, go to:
Suspension of Studies
For a variety of reasons – medical, personal, financial – some students find it necessary to
suspend their studies temporarily (for up to one academic year). This is described at the
University as “intercalation”. Anyone contemplating this should seek the advice of their
tutors in the first instance; they may also find it helpful to seek the help of the Counselling
Service in Woodbury. Further advice, particularly on the implications for funding and student
support, can be obtained from the Student Records Office.
Students who intend to intercalate should note that during the time they have suspended
their studies they will not usually have access to the library or to computer facilities on
campus. SOLE pages will still be accessible as long as the student has registered for the
facility prior to intercalating.
Tuition fees for full-time students will be payable up until the liability point of intercalation
occurs. No fees in respect of semester one will be refunded if intercalation takes place 14
days after the commencement of semester. Tuition fees for part-time students are not
refundable if intercalation takes place 14 days after the start of the semester.
Students should also be aware that intercalation may not be considered the most
appropriate form of action if a request is received towards the end of the semester in which
they wish to intercalate. All intercalations must be approved before a student leaves and
there is a form which must be completed and returned (preferably in person) to the
Assistant Registrar in the Student Records Section.
There are telephones in reception areas, for use internally, free of charge, to call staff and
help lines.
Tier 4 Visa
While you are in the UK with Tier 4 Student Immigration permission then it is very important
that you are aware of the rules that you need to follow and the responsibilities that the
University has as a Tier 4 Sponsor.
As an international student with Tier 4 Student Immigration permission, the UK Home
Office expects you to meet a number of conditions which are listed below:
 Provide the University with a copy of your passport and visa/biometric residence
 Inform Registry Services every time you obtain a new Tier 4 (General) Student visa
by bringing your Biometric Residence Permit and your passport into the firstpoint to
be copied.
Remain registered as a full-time student and attend all of your lectures/classes. If
you are not able to attend then you should inform your department as you must not
have any unauthorised absences.
Inform Registry Services if you change immigration status and no longer have Tier 4
immigration permission. You can do this by bringing your new visa into firstpoint.
Keep your contact details up-to-date via the SOLE pages.
Leave the UK if you stop studying (for example if you interrupt your studies or have
retake exams and will not be attending during the year). You should always seek
advice from the International Centre if your registration status is about to change.
Register with the police if it states on your visa that you are required to do so. You
must also make sure that your police certificate is kept up-to-date with your current
address and immigration permission.
Respond promptly to any emails you receive from Registry Services about your Tier 4
Not breach the conditions of your visa. This includes ensuring that you do not work
more hours than you should.
Inform Registry Services if your application to the UK Home Office is refused. (We
advise you to also seek advice from the International Centre if this happens)
If you change to a shorter programme, you must inform the UK Home Office by emailing them at
As a Tier 4 Sponsor, the UK Home Office requires the University to do the following:
 Keep up-to-date copies of the passport and visa of all students with Tier 4 student
immigration permission
 Ensure that we have up-to-date contact details for all Tier 4 students
 Inform the UK Border Agency of any students who fail to register for their
programme of study
 Inform the UK Border Agency of any students who interrupt or withdraw from their
programme of study and confirm the date that they intend to leave the UK.
 Monitor the attendance of Tier 4 students and report to the UK Border Agency any
students who fail to meet the UK Border Agency's requirements. Registry Services
will check attendance throughout the year. If the University is not satisfied that your
attendance is meeting the UK Border Agency's requirements then Registry Services
will email you before any further action is taken.
 Inform the UK Border Agency about any significant changes to a student's
circumstances or programme of studies (e.g. if a student completes the programme
When you leave the University (at any point) you are entitled to an official transcript which
sets out the detail of your academic performance and award outcome (if you successfully
complete the programme of study). The first copy of your transcript will be free of charge
but an administrative charge will be made for subsequent requests. Please note that finalists
who are in debt to the University will not be entitled to receive a formal transcript until the
debt situation has been resolved.
Tuition Fees
See Section 3
Tuition Fee Loan
See Section 3
Edited by: Registry Services
University of Worcester
Henwick Grove
Worcester WR2 6AJ
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