Weekly Infosheet

Sunday 17th January 2016
Church. ChurchCommunity Church
Welcome to Fakenham Baptist Community
Welcome to our service at Fakenham College Conference centre.
Pastor Bob McKay will be speaking to us today.
.......... The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad, let the distant shores rejoice............Psalm 97.
The coming weeks meeting’s and events are;
17th @ 6.45 Level up Youth Cell group will meet at Joy and Tim Holland’s.
19th 9.30am Little Fishes at Colkirk Pre School – See Mel
2.15pm CAMEO will join with week of prayer at the Methodist Church. (not at Salvation Army this week)
Wednesday 20th Mike Mcgill’s Life group at Fakenham community centre
7.45pm Leadership prayer evening
Sunday 24 January our service will be at Fakenham College Conference Centre @ 10.30am.
Speaker Pastor Bob McKay
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th – 25th January
Monday 18th
10.30am Bob Mckay / Baptist Church will lead at the Salvation Army
Tuesday 19
2.15pm at the Methodist Church
Wednesday 20th 10am Mass at the Catholic Church
Thursday 21st 9.30am Communion at the Parish Church
Friday 22nd
12.30 at Salvation Army, followed by soup
Sunday 24
5pm Joint service at the Citadel. Ian Randall to preach
For all life groups and other meetings please see your group leader or William Strong for venue and details.
If you are not a member of a small group please talk to Bob or William, see which group you could join. It is
important we meet together and keep in touch with what is happening whilst we are homeless.
Letton Hall Church family weekend away. 3rd – 5h June. Booking forms now available . These will need completing,
enclosing in an envelope with your deposit and placing in the collection box ASAP. Thank you.
New Build Team: heading up teams are the following people, if you wish to help in any way see the appropriate
team leader.
Please pray for those who have been
David Hanson – New Build coordinator
unwell including – Sue Cuthill, Nora
William Strong – Transition arrangements
and Alan Perkins, Joan Williamson,
Cathrine Lane – Finance / Legal issues
Barbara Scott, Mary Woodley and
Tim Holland – Moving from old building / storage
Peter Benton.
Esther Philpot – Vision
Pray for families who have children in
Paul Hughes – Minutes
school who are facing difficult issues
at this time, bullying, fitting in,
Joy Holland – Communication
appropriate teaching and care to
Brian Watkin – Chair
meet their children’s needs. – See Joy
if you wish to pray for specific
Your Fundraising for the new build.
EDP Community Chest vouchers – Please cut out the vouchers and give them to Joy. We need 500 a month to
enable us to apply for funds for Little Fishes and Youth group equipment, kitchen etc – please give your tokens to
Joy or William. So far I have 200 – amazing start – keep it going.
Other fundraising events coming up soon.
Clearing away after services. Please could all who are able assist in putting out and packing away chairs. Coffee
teams – please put everything into the store cupboard after use – do not leave any of our items in the kitchen.
Sunday Club leaders, please pack all equipment into cupboard. Please also help worship team – Thank you
New Build Update
As most of you will know initial groundwork’s have now been carried out, namely the excavation of
the whole site to the required levels and the installation of hard core on the area where the actual
building will be located.
We are now concentrating on three important work activities;
1, finalising the plan for the inside of the building following changes agreed by the New Build
Vision Group – these include an increase in the size of the kitchen and two rooms on the mezzanine
2, agreeing changes to the external appearance of the building which need approval from the
planning authority – these include changes to the position of roof lights, windows and doors, and
details of the entrance
3, agreeing work which will need approval under Building Regulations – this includes agreeing the
type of heating and ventilation we will need, as well as finalizing fire wall and fire escape details.
Consultation with various sub groups in the church will continue as we progress these work areas,
such as Teri Watkin and team – Internal décor, Heather Benton and team - kitchens
If you are leading a Sunday Club group please let Joy have any photocopying by 9am Fridays.
Please give Tim any keys you have for the church building.
For information you wish to be included on the weekly sheet please contact Joy – joyholland@live.co.uk
you will also find information on the website and facebook