Sunday 31st January 2016 Church. ChurchCommunity Church Welcome to Fakenham Baptist Community Welcome to our service at Fakenham College Conference centre. Pastor Bob McKay will be speaking to us today. Love one another with genuine affection,and take delight in honoring eacother.Romens12 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits. Psalm 68;19 The coming weeks meeting’s and events are; Sunday 31st. 10.30 service, Pastor Bob McKay. Life group duty – Mike and Lena 1st February. Safeguarding training at Dereham BC. Led by Richard Lewis. Children’s workers invited 2nd 9.30am Little Fishes at Colkirk Pre School – See Mel 2.30pm CAMEO at the Salvation Army. Speaker - Tim Holland rd Wednesday 3 Mike Mcgill’s Life group at Fakenham community centre 7.45. Leadership team meeting Friday 5th 2 – 3pm Prayer at the manse, to cover all involved in the new build. See Sue. Today Monday Tuesday Sunday 7th February @ Fakenham College Conference Centre @ 10.30am. Leaders Joy and Tim Holland Life group duty – Rob and Anne All Age Activity Afternoon. Saturday 27th February at the Conference Hall . Children’s activities, knit and natter, pamper, craft, cooking, table top games, or just sit and chat, a time to be family. This is for everyone and bring your friend/ neighbour/family. Let Joy know if you are interested. For all life groups and other meetings please see your group leader or William Strong for venue and details. If you are not a member of a small group please talk to Bob or William, see which group you could join. Letton Hall Church family weekend away. 3rd – 5th June. Booking forms now available. These will need completing, enclosing in an envelope with your deposit and placing in the collection box ASAP. Thank you. Prayer Please pray for each other including those who have been unwell – Sue Cuthill, Alan Perkins, Joan Williamson, Mary Woodley, Peter Benton. Pray for full healing for Rachel Hughes’ back, she has 2 slipped discs, is In a lot of pain and may need an op. pray for no more pain. Margaret King has ongoing health issues, she is often unable to attend church, please pray for healing. Pray for families who have children in school who are facing difficult issues at this time, bullying, fitting in, appropriate teaching and care to meet their children’s needs – see Joy if you wish to pray for specific families. Pray for our teachers. Womens world day of prayer – Friday 4th March. 2.30pm. St Anthony’s Catholic Church. Praying for Cuba. Fundraising for the new build. EDP Community Chest vouchers – Please cut out the vouchers and give them to Joy this Sunday. Please start collecting again on 1st February, we need a second 500 to enable us to apply for funds for equipment for kitchen etc – please give your tokens to Joy or William. Sue McKay is going to walk 100 miles ! wow Sue is going to walk the Wells Causeway 100 times – (making the most of the coffee shop and loo at each end). She would like others to go and join her when they can. This is over 4 Saturdays – 16th, 23rd,30th April and 7th May. Sue will be collecting sponsors for this. Church Move Update 31st January 2016 This last week a couple of meetings were held with Stuart Finn who is our consultant from London helping us with the church move project. The afternoon meeting covered a long list of items relating to the new build itself including; . Heating . Possible alterations to the toilet and kitchen plans . Details of the main entrance . Possible inclusion of a dedicated space for a soft play area for toddlers These matters will now be examined further by Stuart (in consultation with Gareth, the architect,) the New Build Vision Group and its sub groups. The evening meeting looked at non building topics and these included; . The development of an overall timetable of the many actions required so we can get a better idea of when we might be able to move into the new building. . The sale of Mill Court . The setting up of the church as a registered charity . Bidding for external funding including the production of a presentation pack Members of the NBVG and others from the church will be continuing to work on these matters over the coming weeks and months, keep them in your prayers. Further details of were we are in the process and who to talk to about the churches move were set out in the January news sheet. If you are leading a Sunday Club group please let Joy have any photocopying by 9am Fridays. Please give Tim any keys you have for the church building. For information you wish to be included on the weekly sheet please contact Joy – (by 9am Fridays), you will also find information on the website and facebook and blog