March - Tidewater Community College

Chesapeake Campus
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes DRAFT
March 17, 2015
Room 4113, new academic building
Kevin Brady
Vince Gary
Kelly Gillerlain
Machelle Kerr
David Kiracofe
David Ring
Bobby Rowe
Kay Sourbeer
Joy Yaeger
The meeting began with the approval of the February minutes and the introduction of Joy
Yaeger. Ms. Yaeger will be taking over Bob Harrison’s seat on the senate as the LRC
There was also a brief nod to Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, the President Emeritus of the University of
Notre Dame. Fr. Ted passed away on Feb. 26 at the age of 97. His impact on higher education
in the U.S. is far reaching:
Next, Dr. Kiracofe asked for approval of the proposed changes in the bylaws concerning the
number—and election—of senators for the CHFS (see the Feb. minutes). These changes were
Bobby Rowe attended a recent college faculty senate leadership meeting with Dr. DeMarte. In
short, Dr. DeMarte plans to visit each campus again in the coming weeks. These open forums
will be similar to those held during the fall; however, faculty do not need to submit questions
ahead of time. Look for the date and time of his special Chesapeake visit soon.
Mr. Rowe also shared that the leadership meeting included discussions about the inconsistent
use of release time college-wide. Dr. DeMarte also expressed some frustration with faculty
being “surprised” by the general education assessments. Clearly, communication needs to be
improved across the board.
Kevin Brady volunteered to develop a survey monkey for CHFS elections. The hope is to have
new folks elected in time for them to attend the April meeting.
In other new business, Dr. Brady also shared that the languages and humanities dean interviews
continue. The STEM dean search remains in the telephone interview stage.
Joy Yaeger shared that folks should keep an eye out for LRC assistance with information literacy.
The library is happy to offer classroom instruction concerning this important general education
component. (Information literacy was just assessed as part of the general ed assessment;
apparently, it did not go well.)
The meeting was then adjourned.
The next Chesapeake Campus Faculty Senate Meeting will be held on April ___ @ 12:30 in
room 4113.