Chicken Soup ESSAY Components

Summative Assessment / Essay #1— Does Chicken Soup Truly Soothe the Soul? (Argumentative):
In the introduction, the claim is made that “This is a book you never finish.” This phrase has two possible meanings. It
could mean that you will love the book so much you will read it over and over again. However, it could also mean that you
will hate it so much, you will quit reading it. Based on what you have read so far, which opinion of the book do you
hold? Using evidence from the book (quotes, summaries of stories, explanations of cartoons, etc.), write an
argument to defend your opinion about the book and to convince your audience to love or hate this book.
You are allowed to use the pronouns, “I” and “you” in this essay.
Each paragraph you write should be 6-10 sentences long
You must have at least one direct quote in your essay; the rest of your textual evidence can be paraphrases.
When you quote and/or paraphrase parts of any story/poem/etc. from this book, remember to cite the page
number in parentheses.
As part of our pre-writing, you have filled out a T-chart. After you have taken a stand (the book is terrific or
hideous), use the information you recorded there to fill in the outline below. Your paper will be written
according to this outline:
I. Introduction
 Hook
 1 sentence that includes the title of the book and the authors’ names
 1-2 sentences stating what the Chicken Soup book(s) are about, in general
 THESIS STATEMENT (what your ESSAY is all about—NOT what the book is all about; the thesis lists your
three main points)
II. Body Paragraph—Claim/Reason #1 why someone would love (or hate) this book: _________________________
Topic Sentence – State your first reason as to why the book is awesome (or hideous)
Name a story from the book that explains your reasons; include the page number [citing evidence]
Summarize the story in 1-2 sentences [citing evidence]
Explain how the story relates to your claim/reason (1-2 sentences) [your commentary]
Explain to the reader/audience why they will also love/hate the book for your same #1 reason
III. Body Paragraph—Claim/Reason #2 why someone would love (or hate) this book: _________________________
Topic Sentence – State your first reason as to why the book is awesome (or hideous)
Name a story from the book that explains your reasons; page number is included [citing evidence]
Summarize the story in 1-2 sentences [citing evidence]
Explain how the story relates to your claim/reason (1-2 sentences) [your commentary]
Explain to the reader/audience why they will also love/hate the book for your same #2 reason
IV. Body Paragraph—Claim/Reason #3 why someone would love (or hate) this book: ________________________
Topic Sentence – State your first reason as to why the book is awesome (or hideous)
Name a story from the book that explains your reasons; include the page number [citing evidence]
Summarize the story in 1-2 sentences [citing evidence]
Explain how the story relates to your claim/reason (1-2 sentences) [your commentary]
Explain to the reader/audience why they will also love/hate the book for your same #3 reason
V. Conclusion
Topic sentence reminding the reader of your stand (love or hate the book)
Rephrase THESIS statement in 1-3 sentences
Call the reader to action – why s/he should love or hate this book / why s/he should read/not read this book
I. Introduction
1 sentence that includes the title of the book and the authors’ names
1-2 sentences stating what the Chicken Soup book(s) are about, in general
THESIS STATEMENT (what your ESSAY is all about—NOT what the book is all
about; the thesis lists your three main points)
Have you ever read a book that may have changed your life? Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
is written by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger. This is one of a series of
Chicken Soup books. These novels include stories and cartoons that express people’s feelings,
problems, and experiences. This book is awesome because the stories are relatable, because
the passages are funny, and because the entries are interesting.
Ninety-seven percent of people love chicken soup, but what about the book?
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is organized by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor
Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger. This is one of a series of Chicken Soup books.
The stories, poems, and cartoons in the book explain about life, love, and
relationships. I love this book because I can relate to it, it has true stories, and it gives life lessons.
You will love it, too!
Have you ever read a book that you absolutely hated? Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is edited
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger. This is one of a series of Chicken Soup
books. The stories, poems, and cartoons in the book are about life lessons, love stories and drama, and
family situations. I hate this book because it is too depressing, it is not interesting, and it is weird.
II. Body Paragraphs—Claim/Reasons #1, 2, 3 why someone would love (or hate) this book
Topic Sentence – State your first reason as to why the book is awesome (or hideous)
Name a story from the book that explains your reasons; page number is included [citing
Summarize the story in 1-2 sentences [citing evidence]
Explain how the story relates to your claim/reason (1-2 sentences) [your commentary]
Explain to the reader/audience why they will also love/hate the book for your same #1
There are many reasons why Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is awesome. One reason is that you
can relate to the stories. One particular story that relates to me is “My Big Brother” on page 80. The
writer of the story tells how her big brother inspired her to always go for her dreams. I can relate to
this story because I have an older brother, too. He inspired me to finish college even when it was difficult.
You will love this book because, even if you don’t have a big brother who inspired you, you can find a
story that does relate to your situation.
Another reason why I like this book is that some of the stories are funny. The cartoon on page 86
really makes me laugh! A teenage girl’s dad is wearing a silly hat in public, which embarrasses the
girl. I can understand how that girl feels, and even though I know the teen is mortified by her dad’s
behavior, it is still hilarious. I know you will laugh just as much as I did at the quirky cartoons in the book.
A final reason why the Chicken Soup book is so good is that many of the submissions are interesting.
I love the poem called “Paint Brush” (143-44). It is about a person who is scared to show herself to
the world because she may be rejected or made fun of for being who she is. Therefore, she
“paints” a mask that she hides behind. She finally reveals herself to one person whom she trusts
but keeps her paintbrush close by in case she needs to hide herself again. This poem is very
interesting because I know sometimes I don’t let the real me show through to others. I don’t want to be
rejected for being who I am, either. I know you will love exploring the varied and intriguing stories, poems,
and cartoons.
V. Conclusion
Topic sentence reminding the reader of your stand (love or hate the book)
Rephrase THESIS statement in 1-3 sentences
Call the reader to action – why s/he should love or hate this book / why s/he should read/not
read this book
In conclusion, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is awesome! It has interesting stories about
dating, life lessons, and relatable experiences. I think you should go out and read the book because
you are a teen who may have problems, and this book can help you!
In conclusion, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is horrible! It has boring stories about
dating, too much love, and is too mature for a teen. You can do other activities that interest you
besides reading a boring, serious novel.
In conclusion, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is awesome! I can relate to the
stories. I love that the stories are true. Also, I learned many lessons about life. You will love this book,
too. Go out and buy one today!
In conclusion, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is horrible! Some of the stories make me cry while
some of them make me fall asleep. Some of the entries are just plain weird. You should never, ever read
this book!
Canfield, Jack, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.
Deerfield Beach: Health Communications, Inc., 1997. Print.
OR (check your version of the book)
Canfield, Jack, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger. Chicken Soup
for the Teenage Soul. Cos Cob: Backlist, LLC, 2012. Print.
Have you ever read a book that may have changed your life? Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is written
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger. This is one of a series of Chicken Soup books.
These novels include stories and cartoons that express people’s feelings, problems, and experiences. This
book is awesome because the stories are relatable, because the passages are funny, and because the
entries are interesting.
There are many reasons why Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is awesome. One reason is that you can
relate to the stories. One particular story that relates to me is “My Big Brother” on page 80. The writer of
the story tells how her big brother inspired her to always go for her dreams. I can relate to this story
because I have an older brother, too. He inspired me to finish college even when it was difficult. You will love
this book because, even if you don’t have a big brother who inspired you, you can find a story that does relate to
your situation.
Another reason why I like this book is that some of the stories are funny. The cartoon on page 86 really
makes me laugh! A teenage girl’s dad is wearing a silly hat in public, which embarrasses the girl. I can
understand how that girl feels, and even though I know the teen is mortified by her dad’s behavior, it is still
hilarious. I know you will laugh just as much as I did at the quirky cartoons in the book.
A final reason why the Chicken Soup book is so good is that many of the submissions are interesting. I
love the poem called “Paint Brush” (143-44). It is about a person who is scared to show herself to the
world because she may be rejected or made fun of for being who she is. Therefore, she “paints” a mask
that she hides behind. She finally reveals herself to one person whom she trusts but keeps her
paintbrush close by in case she needs to hide herself again. This poem is very interesting because I
know sometimes I don’t let the real me show through to others. I don’t want to be rejected for being who I
am, either. “Paint Brush” is just one example of the interesting entries in this book. I know you will love exploring
the varied and intriguing stories, poems, and cartoons.
In conclusion, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is awesome! It has unique submissions that anyone
can relate to. A lot of humor is included in the book, and every type of entry is interesting. I think
you should go out and read it today because you are a teen who could benefit from all that the book has to
Have you ever read a book that may have changed your life? Chicken Soup for the
Teenage Soul is written by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger. This is
one of a series of Chicken Soup books. These novels include stories and cartoons that express
people’s feelings, problems, and experiences. This book is awesome because the stories are
relatable, because the passages are funny, and because the entries are interesting.
In conclusion, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is awesome! It has interesting stories about
dating, life lessons, and relatable experiences. I think you should go out and read the book because
you are a teen who may have problems, and this book can help you!
In conclusion, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is horrible! It has boring stories about
dating, too much love, and is too mature for a teen. You can do other activities that interest you
besides reading a boring, serious novel.
Ninety-seven percent of people love chicken soup, but what about the book? Chicken Soup for
the Teenage Soul is organized by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger.
This is one of a series of Chicken Soup books. The stories, poems, and cartoons in the book
explain about life, love, and relationships. I love this book because I can relate to it, it has true
stories, and it gives life lessons. You will love it, too!
In conclusion, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is awesome! I can relate to the stories. I
love that the stories are true. Also, I learned many lessons about life. You will love this book, too.
Go out and buy one today!
Have you ever read a book that you absolutely hated? Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is
edited by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kirberger. This is one of a series of
Chicken Soup books. The stories, poems, and cartoons in the book are about life lessons, love
stories and drama, and family situations. I hate this book because it is too depressing, it is not
interesting, and it is weird.
In conclusion, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is horrible! Some of the stories make me
cry while some of them make me fall asleep. Some of the entries are just plain weird. You should
never, ever read this book!