Example of title formating:
1) 2) 3)
The abstract must include sufficient information for readers to judge the nature and significance of the topic. It should summarize the objectives of the article, methodology, results and conclusions. In order to increase the visibility of the article, the abstract should reiterate key words and phrases while avoiding unnecessary repetition.
Four to seven keywords (words or expressions) that capture the essence of your paper should be listed in decreasing order of importance, ensuring consistency with the title and the abstract of the article.
JEL Classification
The article should follow the Journal of Economic Literature classification system (JEL), in one or several categories. All relevant code(s) must be shown here. Click her for JEL classification
The introduction familiarizes the reader with the context of the paper. It should briefly summarize rcurrent literature and research, as well as the aim of the work presented in the paper.
Paper Body
The structure of the paper should be clear, and well organized. Titles and subtitles should be placed in logical sequence. Please make use of accepted terminology in your field, provide a detailed description of methodology, clearly state your results, and discuss the implications of your findings.
Tables and figures should be placed in the body of the paper exactly where the authors want them to appear printed. They should not occupy more than one page each. The heading should be in Times New Roman 10 point type bold. Titles and numbers should be positioned above the table or figure. Please indicate the source of
data when appropriate. References to tables and figures in the text of the article should be made within parentheses, e.g. „(fig. nr.1), (table nr. 1)”.
Example of a table:
Table no. 1 Major differences in technical documentation
Organizational standards
Public disclosure
Analysis All interested parties
Members of professional organizations
The firm Industrial enterprises
Public administration
Adoption Consensus and validation by regulator
Members of professional organizations
The firm By consensus at committee level
Public administration
Implementation Economic agents
Members of professional organizations
The firm Economic agents
Economic agents
Source: Vasile Dinu, Standardizarea şi certificarea produselor şi serviciilor, 2006, Editura
ASE, p. 18
Example of a figure:
Fig. no. 1
Holding company
Investment bank
Investment banking and financing
Graphs must be uncluttered and easy to read, preferably in black and white.
Examples of graphs
Source: Revista de Comerţ, nr. 7/2003, p. 24
Examples of equations:
ICKc (1-α) ITFP (1) where:
Equations and formulas should be numbered. The numbers are to be justified to the right, within parentheses.
IGDPc – index of GDP in constant prices
– capacity utilization index
– elasticity of industrial output
ICKc – index of active assets at constant prices
ITFP – productivity index.
Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined the first time they are used in the text.
Examples of abbreviations and acronyms: agr. – agriculture biol. – biology cyb. – cybernetics ec. – economy
IT – information technology
CEEC – Central and Eastern Europe Countries
CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
GMES – Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security
MRA – Mutual Recognition Agreement
A conclusion section is required. Conclusions should provide a synthesis of the main contributions of the paper, discuss the importance of the work, and or suggest possible applications and extensions of the research.
It is required the Harvard referencing style, developed by Anglia Ruskin University. The referencing style can be accessed