ZIMBABWE ASSOCIATION T/A ZIM BURIAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FORM First Name: __________________________________________ Surname: ____________________________________________ Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Widowed Date of birth: -------------------------------------------------------------Membership Type: -----------------------------------------------------------Gold/Policy Owner (Tick to confirm you will be the Policy Owner) Nationality: ----------------------------------------------------------------------I.D Number: -----------------------------------------------------------------Other I.D Type (Specify):-------------------------------------------------------------Name: _________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Home telephone: ______________________________________ Mobile: ______________________________________ Email address: ________________________________________ Beneficiaries In the event of you passing away, name two persons whom you would like to receive your funeral benefits and in trust them with your funeral arrangements and indicate their contact details below; 1. First name:_____________________________________ Surname: ______________________________________ Date of birth: ___________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ Home telephone: _______________________________ Mobile: _______________________________ Email address: __________________________________ 1 2. First name:_____________________________________ Surname: ______________________________________ Date of birth: ___________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ Home telephone: _______________________________ Mobile : _______________________________ Email address: __________________________________ Joining fee and Monthly Subscriptions It would be very convenient for the Burial Society if you can set up a Bank Standing order for your monthly payments. Account to be provided upon registration The amounts you will pay are: Joining fee: £20-00 Monthly payments as a subscription will be £5.00 per for Gold membership/Policy owner Silver members. and £2 for your A member shall have a maximum of 5 beneficiaries Your list of Silver members Number Name Surname I.D Number Relationship to applicant Full Address of Silver Member 1 2 3 4 5 Signed: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Contact Details: Secretary Ruth Mutaki 14 Almond Close Salford M6 5AT admin@zimassociations.com 2 3