Nature`s Beauty

Конспект уроку у 4 класі з теми “Природа та навколишнє середовище”
за підручником О. Карп’юк, Н. Когут Англійська мова: підручник
для 4 класу загальноосвітніх спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим
вивченням англійської мови
-to develop listening, reading and writing skills; to practice speaking;
-to develop pupil’s attention and imagination;
-to extend pupil’s knowledge about the world around us;
-to bring up love for our planet;
Equipment: cards, pictures, pupils’ projects, a tape - recorder.
Procedure of the lesson
I. Greeting
T. Good afternoon dear children! Nice to see you!
Greet each other at the beginning of our lesson:
Pupils’ dialogues:
P1: Are you fantastic?
P2: Yes, I am.
P3: Are you so-so?
P4: No, I am not.
II. Warming-up
Phonetic Drills
T. Read the poem and improve your pronunciation:
Red, red is the rose,
Blue, blue is the sky,
Green, green is grass in spring,
Yellow, yellow is sun so high,
Grey, grey is the cloud brining rain,
Brown is the Earth below,
Black, black is the darkest night,
White, white is the cold snow.
Many colours I know,
Many colours I love,
Many colours are painted
In the rainbow above.
T. Circle and read the odd one out:
- Seeds, beet, beans, lettuce, sea – sea;
- Hottest, cloudiest, warmer, sunniest – warmer;
- Weather, winter, vest, whale, water, wet – vest;
- Ukraine, Europe, North America, England, the Moon - the Moon;
- Canada, country, continent, star, cold, cloudy – star;
- The Black Sea, the Alps, the Pacific Ocean, Italy, the Universe – Italy;
T. Let’s play the game "Chinese Whispers"
The hottest continent / Dolphins are clever / It is hot in summer
The warmest weather / Pandas are nice / It is cold in winter
The biggest animal / Tigers are strong / It is chilly in spring
III. Main Part
T. Motive:
Today we are going to talk about our planet!
The Earth is the most beautiful planet in the Universe. It is full of unusual things and
wonders. Let’s know more about the Earth, our nature and amazing animals.
T. Put the words into the right row and read them. Work in group.
The weather - Windy Cloudier Hottest Sunniest
Gardening - Bush Ground Hole Seeds
Oceans - The Pacific ocean The Indian ocean The Atlantic ocean The Arctic ocean
Continents - North America Australia Europe Africa
Countries - Italy England Ukraine France
The Universe - The Sun The Moon The Sky The Earth
T. Let’s listen to the text “The Earth” and do the task:
True or false:
The universe has thousands of galaxies.
We live on the Earth.
The Moon is the central and the biggest in the galaxy.
The Earth looks like a big red ball.
It is the most beautiful planet in our galaxy.
There is a lot of water on our planet.
Well done.
T. Do you want to have a short rest?
Let's sing and dance "High up in the sky”
T. I know there is a very interesting letter in our PB. Let's read about two countries and
their nature (Ex. 1 p. 141) and do the tasks:
Choose the right variant:
Ukraine is famous for its beautiful ---, too.
a) nature,
b) water,
c) planet
2) Wolves and foxes are a part of --- in Ukraine.
a) life,
b) beauty,
3) The nature in the --- is different.
a) Polissia, b) Crimea, c) Carpathians
4) --- is deep.
a) the Black sea. b) the Azov Sea. 0) the North Sea
5) My family and I invite you to visit --- .
a) England, b) France, c) Ukraine
Read and match:
1) Here we can find rare birds and animals. There are exotic kinds of fish and animals in
the sea.
2) There are many picturesque places here. Synevir lake is a deep lake in the mountains.
a)The Carpathians
b)The Crimea
Well done.
T. Look at the blackboard, write down the right words:
1. Africa is the (hat)
2. Whales are the (big)
3. Autumn is (cloudy)
than summer.
4. The Nile River is (long)
than the Dnipro river.
5. Winter is the (cold)
season of the year.
6. Koalas are (small)
than pandas.
T. Make up questions using the scheme:
1. … ?
2. … or … ?
3. +, - …?
4. Why … ?
T. Make up short dialogues using the questions you’ve just written: (pair work)
- Is Africa ...?
- Yes / No
T.I know that you have prepared your own projects on the topics:
The world around us is
full of wonders
The Universe
Amazing animasl
Nature’s Beauty
The Universe
We live in the galaxy which is called Milky Way. Our
planet is a big round blue ball…
We live on the Earth. It is very, very big. There is a lot
of water on the earth. It is in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it.
The earth is full of wonders. Different animals live on the
earth. Different plants grow on it. The Earth is beautiful.
There are large countries and small countries. There are
warm countries and cold countries…
Nature’s Beauty
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, winter. All seasons
are beautiful.
I like winter most of all. There are a lot of holidays in winter. The weather is
cold and frosty. It usually snows. Children like skating, skiing, and sledging down the
My favourite season is spring. There are three spring months. They are March,
April and May...
The best season for children is summer. They have a lot of fun and rest. They
usually visit their grandparents or travel to different countries...
Autumn is not a dull season. Forests are beautiful in autumn. The leaves are red,
yellow and orange. Autumn is a “tasty” season – there are a lot of vegetables and fruit
in autumn.
T. Thank you for your projects. Great work!
At the end of our lesson answer the questions of our reporter:
-How many oceans are there on the Earth?
-Can you name all the continents?
-What countries do you know?
-What sea animal is the biggest?
-Where do pandas live?
-What animals have got pouches?
-What season is the hottest?
-When do children start to go to school?
-When can we play snowballs?
-What is your favourite season?
IV. Summarising
1. Homework. WB p.81, ex.1 make up the questions, ex.2 fill in the right word.
2. Conclusion. You worked hard and helped each other that is why your projects
are bright and interesting. I am sure this work helped you to be helpful and friendly.
You all get good marks.
Thank you. The lesson is over.
Goodbye children. I’ll be glad to see you next time.