STEP 2 ノート・テイキングのサンプル { Lesson10 Water いま地球規模で水不足が進んでいます。 早紀のプレゼンテーションを聞いて,私たちに何ができるか考えてみましょう。 Over 70 percent of the surface of the earth is covered with water. That is why the earth is called the “water planet.” As you can see on this chart, however, the water available for human use is only about 0.03 percent of the total amount of the earth’s water. More than seven billion people and all other animals and plants must share this limited resource. Over 70 percent of the surface of the earth is covered with water. That is why the earth is called the “water planet.” As you can see on this chart, however, the water available for human use is only about 0.03 percent of the total amount of the earth’s water. More than seven billion people and all other animals and plants must share this limited resource. ~以上 = more than 厳密には70を含まない ⇒70%and over Over 70 percent of the surface of the earth is [sə́ːrfəs ] covered with water. That is why the earth is called the “water planet.” As you can see on this chart, however, 副 逆接 頻出!discourse marker the water available for human use is only about 0.03 percent of the total amount of the earth’s water. More than seven billion people and all other animals and plants must share this limited resource. ~以上 = more than 厳密には70を含まない ⇒70%and over Over 70 percent of the surface of the earth is [sə́ːrfəs ] covered with water. That is why the earth is called the “water planet.” As you can see on this chart, however, 副 逆接 頻出!discourse marker the water available for human use is only about 0.03 zero point zero three percent of the total amount of the earth’s water. More than seven billion people and all other animals and 7,000,000,000 plants must share this limited resource.