City High/Middle PTSA (PTCC) Wednesday, January 21 October 15

City High/Middle PTSA (PTCC)
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 6:30 PM
City H-M PTSA Room 130#
1720 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids MI
Present: Sarah Lowen, Gretchen Mousel, Paula Eriksen, Donna VanGessel, Mike Pascoe, Charlie VanderVliet,
Renee Mika, Kenny Nunez, Heather Atkins, Joanna Kovarik, Jesse Carr, Cami Estep, Anne Domanski, Connie
Rabon, Christine Durocher, Joel Jason, Ingrid Orr, Gaelle Thibault, Coralee W. Lane, Deb Lockwood, Julie
Cuncannan, Tim Cone
PTSA President Gretchen Mousel called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM.
Approval of Minutes, PTSA Meeting from 10/17/14 (6:30 p.m.)
Motion to approve minutes from 11/19/14 and 12/27/24 meetings. Donna 1st, Jason 2nd. Motion passes
Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve agenda. Amended to add indoor plants and sign sales to announcements, fund request for
etiquette training to New Business and to move the District Personnel Report up on the agenda to be next topic.
Motion to approve amended agenda, Paula 1st, Sarah 2nd. Motion passes.
Reports and Updates
School Representative – John Helmholdt
School Uniforms – School Board is discussing allowing spirit wear as part of uniforms and/or spirit wear
optional on Fridays for City.
Robotics – Meeting with sponsors Steelcase and Consumers Energy. Program to grow to district wide, estimate
of 20 teams, next year.
School Bond for construction, safety and technology. Approximately $25,000,000 planned for use at City.
Questions were raised regarding timeline implementation once approved and what can be done for current
students. John indicated that the technology side could be immediate and some renovations could rely on the
warm, safe and dry millage funds. While other construction would be phased out and could take up to five
School of Choice Expo to be held at City, Thursday, January 29.
State of Schools Address to be held at Ottawa Hills School, 9 a.m. on March. A video of the address will be
posted to GRPS website for those who can’t attend.
February 23 – Recommendations for bond use to be presented.
Application invitations for City were mailed to GRPS students whose MAP test scores qualify.
Expansion of 5th and 6th grade gifted and talented at Grandville Avenue of the Arts.
No report on weighting grades for MYP. Research couldn’t find other schools that weighted MYP.
GRPS to have on staff, Christine Trovillion, a Center for Green Schools Fellow.
President, Gretchen Mousel
PTSA Treasurer needed to fill remainder of this year and next year. Donna VanGessel volunteered.
40th Anniversary Celebration will start with Friday night open house and homecoming basketball game.
Saturday Night will be a semi-formal event held at Kent Country Club.
Coffee with Principal – Wednesday, February 11 at 8:30 a.m. in Media Center.
Volunteers needed for concessions at Musical next week.
Dale HovenKamp Scholarship - Volunteers needed to read essays and chair committee. Applications are due
from students theWednesday following spring break. Renee, Cami, Sarah, Connie volunteered to read. Coralee
volunteered to be chair.
Vice President, Sarah Lowen
Auction Committee busy planning and securing donations.
Website Updates – minutes and a searchable events list to be added.
Vice President, Donna VanGessel
Current membership at 317.
Volunteers needed for box tops and membership coordinator for next year.
Donna will be treasurer next year.
Secretary – Paula Eriksen
No updates/reports.
Principal – Michael Pascoe
Open House at City for prospective families is February 11 at 6 p.m.
Bridge Magazine is recognizing City as one of the top 10 schools in Michigan. When learning about these
schools the common theme contributing to success was parent involvement regardless of economic resources.
Seniors class is doing well. Assessments have been submitted. The junior class were just introduced to the
extended essays and earned a bowling party by surpassing the ACT checkpoint. They are on track to hit the
goal of 27.
Tenth grade is working on their personal projects, which will be exhibited in April during the day so middle
school students can view and in the evening for families to view.
On the GRPS new website the Syllabi has been temporary taken down and will be put back up after updating.
The MYP evaluation in October went well. No matters to be addressed. An executive summary will be mailed
out to parents.
Core Sequencing Night for transitioning from MYP to DP on February 4 at 6 p.m.
Committee Reports/Standing Committee Reports
Senior Graduation Night Committee, Ingrid Orr – committee meeting Thursday evening. Seniors are making a
change this year and going to camp. Ingrid will present a request for funding of Etiquette Training to be
discussed under new business.
Auction, Sarah Lowe – Friday, March 20 at Kent Country Club. Currently committee members are working on
securing silent auction item donations and corporate sponsorships. The event will have a jazz theme with live
jazz band. Tickets will be $30. Volunteers interested in helping on the day of or during event can contact
Gazelle Thibault at
Hospitality, Sarah Lowen – Community Chair for next year to be Cami Estep
Nominating Committee, Sarah Lowen – Committee working to fill board positions for next year.
Music Boosters – Chairperson needed.
Odyssey of the Mind, Sarah Lowen - 6 teams. Regional’s February 21, 2015
Blandford, Jess Carr – Received new chicks. Suggested City visit Blandford to recruit for city.
Zoo – Deb Lockwood. First meeting next week Wednesday. Main goals are to organize the auction and
lasagna dinner.
Music Boosters – Committee meeting next week. Still need Chairperson.
New Business
Senior Graduation Night Committee Request for Funds - Ingrid Orr presented a $500 funding request from
the senior grad committee to pay for Etiquette training for seniors. Total cost to be $750 with the senior grad
budget to cover $250. Trial program to be reviewed for continuation in the future.
Motion for PTSA to donate $500 to Senior Grad Committee for etiquette training. JoAnna 1st, Renee 2nd,
Motion passes.
Old Business
Bylaw Vote – Bylaw wording change to allow members to stay in positions for 3 years instead of 2 to prevent
all five board positions changing members at the same time.
Motion to amend bylaws as previously mentioned, Anne 1st, Jess 2nd, motion passes.
40th Anniversary/Homecoming request for funding - Request $1,000 to help with refreshments and
decorations for the Friday evening homecoming basketball game and open house. Motion to fund up to $1,000
for 40th anniversary celebration, Sarah 1st, Anne 2nd, motion passes.
Tim Cone shared that the planning to install indoor plants in City School is underway and it looks like most or
all of the plants could be donated.
Joel Jason shared that the music boosters have sold 75 of the 100 spirit signs ordered and are preparing to order
the next 100.
Next Business Meeting – Wednesday, February 18, 2015 from 6:30-8:00pm
Motion to adjourn meeting. Connie 1st, Cami 2nd, meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m.