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Abuse Prevention Information, Education and Training
Looking for materials on Abuse Prevention? Diverse City Press has been
creating materials regarding abuse prevention training for staff and for people
with disabilities for well over a decade. The following materials are presently
available and may be ordered through the Diverse City website at
<> , or by ordering directly at
<>, <> or 1-877-246-5226.
Take a look:
Books and Video Sets
Just Say Know: Understanding and Reducing the Risk of the Sexual
Victimization of People With Developmental Disabilities
Used as a textbook in colleges straight across Canada and the United
States. This book presents the ‘prison of protection’ and the ‘ring of safety’. This
book broke new ground when it was published. It was one of the first publications
to suggest that people with disabilities need to become their own first line of
defense. The book documents all the skills that people with disabilities need to
learn in order to be safe. It provides a ‘do-able’ road map to abuse prevention.
Engagingly written.
No How! An Abuse Prevention Training Film
This film, made by people with disabilities for people with disabilities, is a
short film that can be used in an abuse prevention training programme for people
with disabilities. It highlights a variety of options for people with disabilities when
faced with abuse. It is positive and informative and puts people with disabilities
on the screen, in the powerful position of trainers. It’s inspiring for both people
with disabilities and care providers.
The Whole Truth: An Abuse Prevention Programme for People with
Intellectual Disabilities
Perhaps the ‘gold standard’ in abuse prevention training programme! A
multi-session training programme which teaches a variety of skills including the
recognition of ‘grooming behaviour’, how to report abuse, the roles of the police
and courts. This training programme has been hailed by abuse prevention
trainers and sexuality educators. It includes a instructors manual and training
DVD’s. The Whole Truth is a whole curriculum.
The Ethics of Touch: Setting Boundaries
Understanding the appropriate boundaries that need to be set between care
providers and people with disabilities is the first step towards creating a safe
environment for those in care. The Ethics of Touch has been acclaimed as one of
the best trainings for front line staff in that it is practical and leads to immediate
change. The concepts are presented with examples and the instructors manual is
clearly laid out. This programme was named by the Surgeon General of the
United States as an example of the kind of training needed by staff in the field of
service provision.
The Rights Stuff
Developed by Skills in Edmonton, this book outlines how to develop a Bill of
Rights for people with a disability in a service agency. Written by Wendy Hollo,
the originator of the concept of a Bill of Rights developed by service recipients,
the guide is practical and clear. The book is accompanied by a DVD which shows
an example of a Bill of Rights as developed by people with disabilities. The DVD
is not intended as a training tool but simply as an example of what can be