Child Abuse & Disability: A Training and Intervention Project

Child Abuse & Disability: A Training and Intervention Project
An ARC-Riverside Program
2100 Sawtelle Blvd. #303-1
Los Angeles, CA 90025-6237
Office: 310 281 6131
FAX: 310 996 5585
MATERIALS LIST (Rev. June 2006)
1. "Professional Determinants of Sexual Abuse and Consent among Developmentally Disabled
Adults", Tracee Parker, Ph.D., 1990
2. "Psychobiological Effects of Child Sexual Abuse" article in The Advisor, American
Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 1989.
3. "National Information Centre and for Children and Youth with Handicaps", Susan Ripley,
Exceptional Parent, June 1990.
4. "Conference Proceedings: Sexual Exploitation of Persons with Disabilities" Sept. 26-27,
1988 University of Michigan Medical School
5. "Light the Shadows" Responding to Abuse and Neglect of persons with Disabilities Across
the Lifespan", Conference at Kansas University Medical Center, 1996.
6. Doing Justice? Criminal Offenders with Developmental Disabilities, Joan Petersilia,
California Policy Research Center, 2000
7. The Future of Children, Domestic Violence and Children, The David and Lucile Packard
Foundation, Volume 9 - Number 3, Winter 1999
8. "Sexuality and People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Historical Perspective," Winifred
Kempton, M.S.W., A.C.S.W., Emily Kahn, M.Ed., Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 9. No 2,
9. "Crisis Intervention Teams," Law and Order, The Magazine for Police Management. June
10. Family Resource Guide, The ARC of the United States, September 2201
11. Criminal Justice Advocacy & Resource Booklet, The ARC of the United States
12. APSAC Advisor, American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Vol. 12, No. 4,
Winter 1999
13. InSight, The ARC, Issue # 2, 2002
14. "Use of Anatomical Dolls in Child Sexual Abuse Assessments", Practice Guidelines,
APSAC, 1995
15. Human Rights for People with Mental Retardation, AAMR Fact Sheet, Jean E. Tuller,
Department of Mental Retardation
16. "Older Adults with Mental Retardation and Their Aging Caregivers", AAMR, March 1997
17. "Sandra Jenson’s Story Prompts National Organ Donor Drive", New and Notes, Vol. 9, No. 3
May/June 1996
18. Youth Today, The Newspaper on Youth Work, Vol. 10, No. 4, April 2001
19. In Touch, ARC Riverside’s Newsletter, Spring 2001
20. "Child Sexual Abuse Cases Declined Since 1992", Reuters Medical News, The Decline in
Child Sexual Abuse Cases [Bulletin] 2001
21. "Disability and the Digital Divide", H. Stephen Kaye, Disability Statistics Abstract, No. 22,
July 2000
1. Checklist for Child Abuse Evaluation, Joseph Petty Ph. D., Pub., Psychological Assessment
Resources, Inc., copyright 1988 and 1990 .
Bibliographies / Materials Lists
1. McCreary Centre Society, Proposed list of materials to purchase. 1992
2. Disability, Abuse and Personal Rights, A Project of Spectrum Institute, List of materials,
information on training and consultation programs. 1994
3. CAN/DO Child Abuse & Disability, materials list. August 2002
4. Sexual Abuse and Young people with Disabilities Project: Annotated Bibliography,
McCreary Centre Society 1993
5. Disability, Sexuality, and Abuse an Annotated Bibliography, Dick Sobsey; Pub., Paul H.
Brookes, 1991.
6. Child Abuse and Neglect, User’s Guide, CD-Rom Disc, 1993
7. Bibliography on Counseling and Psychotherapy, Anne DesNoyers Hurley, Ph.D., Christine
Bellordre, 1996
1. Special Edition Survivor for People with Developmental Disabilities Who Have Been
Sexually Assaulted: Booklet One: For Those who Read Best with Few Words, Nora J.
Baladerian, Pub. 1987.
2. Special Edition Survivor for People with Developmental Disabilities Who Have Been
Sexually Assaulted: Booklet Two: For Individuals with Learning Disabilities, Nora J.
Baladerian, Pub. 1987.
3. Special Edition Survivor for People with Developmental Disabilities Who Have Been
Sexually Assaulted: Booklet Three for Family Members Advocates and Care Providers,
Nora J. Baladerian, Pub. 1987.
4. Thinking the Unthinkable Papers on Sexual Abuse and People with Learning Difficulties,
Hilary Brown and Ann Craft, Pub. FPA Education Unit, London, England, 1989.
5. Caution: Do Not Open Until Puberty! An Introduction to Sexuality for Young Adults with
Disabilities, Rick Enright, Pub. Carter’s Printing of London, Ltd., 1995
6. Special Children Special Risks the Maltreatment of Children with Disabilities, James
Garbarino, Patrick E. Brookhouser, and Karen J. Authier, Pub. Aldine De Gruyter, NY, 1987.
7. Institutional Abuse of Children and Youth, Ranae Hanson, Editor; Pub. Haworth Press, 1982
8. Just Say Know! Understanding and Reducing the risk of Sexual Victimization of People
with Developmental Disabilities, Dave Hingsburger, Diverse city Press, 1995
9. Counseling People with Developmental Disabilities, Ed., Sheila Hollins, St George's
Hospital Medical School, London, England, 1993.
10. After You Tell, Susan Ludwig, Pub. SIECCAN, Ontario, Canada, 1995
11. The Aurora Project Counselor Training Manual: Providing Therapy to People with Dev
Elopmental Disabilities Who Have Been Sexually Abused, Shiela Mansell & Dick Sobsey,
pub. University of Alberta, Canada, 1993
12. Sexual Abuse Treatment for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Sheila Mansell, Dick
Sobsey, Peter Calder,; Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Manuscript No. 766, April 1992
13. Barbara and Fred: Grownups Now, Living Fully with Developmental Disabilities, Lotte
Moise, Pub. Cypress house, 1998.
14. Nebraska Law Review Expert Testimony in Child Sexual Abuse Litigation, Ed. John B.
Myers, Volume 68, Nos. 1 & 2, 1989.
15. Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect, National Research Center, National Academy Press
Washington D C. 1993
16. Victim/Witness Project for the Handicapped: Victim Justice for Disabled Persons: A
Resource Manual, Myra Per-Lee, Pub. Gaulledet College Washington D.C. ca 1984
17. Unequal Justice: what can Happen When Persons with Retardation or Other Developmental
Disabilities Encounter the Criminal Justice System, Robert Perske, Pub. Abingon Press, 1991
18. Harm’s Way: the Many Faces of Violence and Abuse against Persons with Disabilities,
Marcia Rioux, 1995
19. Handbook of Mental Health Care for Persons with Development Disabilities, Ruth Ryan
M.D. University of Colorado Health Sciences Center 1996.
20. Vulnerable Sexual Abuse and People with an Intellectual Handicap, Charlene Senn, Pub. G
Allen Roeher Institute 1960
21. Violence and Abuse in the Lives of People with Disabilities, Dick Sobsey, Pub. Paul H.
Brookes, 1994.
22. First Response to Victims of Crime Who Have a Disability, US Department of Justice, Office
of Justice Programs, Timothy O. Woods, J.D., M.A., 2001
23. First Response to Victims of Crime Who Have a Disability, US Department of Justice, Office
of Justice Programs, Timothy O. Woods, J.D., M.A., 2002
24. Monday’s Child, Brenda Beamon-Isabell, Xlibris Corporation, 2000
25. Women with Visible and Invisible Disabilities, Martha E. Banks, PhD, Ellyn Kaschak, PhD,
The Haworth Press, Inc., 2003
26. Self Governance in Communities and Families, Gary M. Nelson, Berrett-Koehler Publishers,
Inc., 2000
27. Counseling People with Developmental Disabilities: Treatment Stimulus Cards, The
Sovereign Series Books, Professor Sheila Hollins
28. Abuse and Neglect of Children with Disabilities, Linda M. Struck, M.S.W., The Deirdre
O’Brien Child Advocacy Center, 1999
29. Staying Healthy in the Nineties, Women with disabilities talk about health care, edited by
Fran Odette, DAWN Toronto, 1994
30. Child Abuse and Neglect, Guidelines for Identification, Assessment, and Case Management,
Marilyn Strachan Peterson, M.P.A., M.S.W., Michael Durfee, M.D., Volcano Press, 2003
31. Invisible Voices, Phil Smith, The Invisible Victims Awareness Project, 2001
32. Autism, Advocate, and Law Enforcement Professionals, Dennis Debbaudt, Jessica Kingsley
Publishers, 2002
33. Keeping Our Children Safe, A Booklet for Caregivers and Providers of Children with
Developmental Disabilities to Reduce the Risk of Abuse, Angela Bissada, Psy.D., Leslie
Scher Miller, Ph.D., Ann Marie Wiper, M.S.W., Michele Oya, Psy.D.,
34. Steps to Healthy Touching, Kee MacFarlane, M.S.W., Carolyn Cunningham, M.A., MFCC,
A Treatment Workbook for Kids 5-12 Who Have Problems with Sexually Inappropriate
Behavior, Kidsrights Publishing, 1988
35. The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Sexual Health and Responsible Sexual
Behavior, 2001
36. Are Children with Disabilities Vulnerable to sexual Abuse? Minnesota Program for Victims
of Sexual Assault, January 1983
37. You Can’t Fool Me! Be a Safe Kid, Child Abduction Coloring Book, State of California
Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice Planning
38. An Advocate’s Guide to Full Faith and Credit for Orders of Protection, Assisting Victims of
Domestic Violence, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
39. Stop the Abuse: A Prevention Handbook for Young People with Disabilities, Youth with
40. Child Abuse Activity Coloring Book, Carolyn Cunningham, Ph.D., Mary Grace Blakeney,
M.F.C.C., Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice Planning
41. Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence, A Law Enforcement Officer’s Guide to Enforcing
Orders of Protection Nationwide
42. Photo-documentation in the Investigation of Child Abuse, Portable Guide to Investigating
Child Abuse, U.S. Department of Justice, March 2000
Curricula/ Training Handbooks
1. Empowerment: A Systems Approach to preventing Assaults Against People with Mental
Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities, Maureen Crossmaker, Pub., National Assault
Prevention Center, 1987
2. Being Me: a Social/ Sexual Training Guide for Those Who Work with the Developmentally
Disabled, Jean Edwards and Suzan Wapnick, Pub.EDNICK Communications, 1979.
3. Self Defense: Women Teaching Women a Training Manual for Instructors, A Project of the
Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women, 1986.
4. Los Angeles County Inter-agency Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Child Abuse
Handbook for Professionals. Pub. October 1987
5. Family Life/Health Education Curriculum, Level I, Los Angeles County Office of Education,
Division of Special Education, 1988
6. Family Life/Health Education Curriculum, Level II, Los Angeles County Office of
Education, Division of Special Education, 1988
7. Project Get Set: Sexuality Education and Training, A guide for Training Staff who work with
Adolescents & Adults Labeled mentally Handicapped, Diane Maksym and Joy Goudge,
Pub., Canadian Association for the Mentally Retarded, 1986.
8. Child Forensic Interview Training, OCJP, 2000 (Review Copy only)
9. Preventing Sexual Abuse of persons with Disabilities: A Curriculum for Hearing Impaired,
Physically Disabled, Blind and Mentally Retarded Students, Bonnie O’Day, pub. Minnesota
Program for victims of Sexual Assault, undated
10. Let’s Prevent Abuse Curriculum. Pacer Center, 1989
11. "The Pre-school Primary Child Abuse Prevention Program", Beatrice Rasof, Harbor- UCLA
Medical Center, 1984.
12. SOAR Manual: Survivors of Abuse in Recovery - A Guided Self Help Meeting Guide
"Manual", Dan Sexton and Dale Tarter, Pub. By Survivors of Abuse in Recovery, 1991
13. SOAR Manual: Survivors of Abuse in Recovery - A Guided Self Help Meeting Guide
"Tools", Dan Sexton and Dale Tarter, Pub. By Survivors of Abuse in Recovery, 1991
"Proposed Curriculum Life Skills Curriculum", Tustin School District, 1992
14. No More Victims: A Manual to guide families and friends in preventing the sexual abuse of
people with a mental handicap, L’Institut ROEHER, 1992
15. No More Victims: A Manual to guide the police in addressing the sexual abuse of people
with a mental handicap, L’Institut ROEHER, 1992
16. No More Victims: A Manual to guide counselors and social workers in addressing the sexual
abuse of people with a mental handicap, L’Institut ROEHER, 1992
17. No More Victims: A Manual to guide the legal community in addressing the sexual abuse of
people with a mental handicap, L’Institut ROEHER, 1992
18. Out of Harm’s Way: A Safety Kit for people with Disabilities who Feel Unsafe and Want to
do Something About It, Marcia Rioux, G. Roeher Institute, 1997
19. Teacher Training manual: Sexual Abuse of persons with Disabilities: Techniques for
Planning and Implementing a Self Protection program, Ellen Shaman, Seattle Rape Relief,
20. Sexuality and Sexual Assault: Disabled Perspective, Virginia Stuart and Charles Stuart, Pub.
Southwest State University, MN, 1983
21. Understanding Mental Retardation, Leigh Ann Reynolds, The ARC of the United States,
22. First Response to Victims of Crime, US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs,
23. Informed Consent for Family Planning, A training manual, Margaret B. Dollar, Health
Education Materials Developer/Trainer, Jeanne Bille, Coordinator of Training, 1978
24. Physician’s Guide to Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation, Texas Department of Mental Health
Retardation Human Resource Development, 1999
25. Sexual Assault Prevention for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Curriculum and
Video, Victim Outreach Intervention Center, Esther Voelker, Jody Ola for PCAR
26. Domestic Violence Arrests, Beyond the Obvious, Improving Strategies in the New
Millennium (to be used in conjunction with the Domestic Violence Arrests video)
27. Neglect and Abuse of People Who Are Vulnerable, The Human Service Training Library,
Team Member’s Kit, includes cassettes and video
28. Fully Human, A Program in Human Sexuality for the Developmentally Disabled, Nancy
Howes, R.N, M.ED., 1987
29. Charting New Waters: Responding to Violence Against Women with Disabilities, Video and
Facilitators’ Guide, Justice Institute of B.C., 1996, (includes video tape)
30. Seattle Rape Relief, Developmental Disabilities Sexual Exploitation Prevention Program,
Volume 1, 1979
31. Domestic Violence Death Review Teams, Regional Training, The Attorney General’s Crime
and Violence Prevention Center, 2002
32. Victims’ Rights Manual, Institute for the Advancement of Criminal Justice, First Edition,
33. The Peace Officer and Prosecutor’s Guide to Combating Elder Abuse, Bureau of Medi-Cal
Fraud & Elder Abuse, Volume 1, August 2001
34. Mental Health Care for Child Crime Victims: Standards of Care Task Force Guidelines,
Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, June 2001
35. Stop the Violence, Break the Silence, Celia M. Hughes, MPA, Morgan Printing, 2002
36. Stop the Violence, Break the Silence Resource Kit, Disability Services ASAP, 2002
37. Healing Traumatic Grief in Children, Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice Planning,
38. Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities, City of Los Angeles, April 2001,
(in English and Spanish)
39. Officer Involved Domestic Violence, California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and
Training, San Diego Regional Training Center
40. Voices Ignored, Sexual Assault of People with Developmental Disabilities, Facilitator
Manual (including CDs), July 2003
41. Children’s Justice Act Task Force, Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice Planning, October
42. Being Safe in Your Home and Community, Personal Safety Awareness Training Curriculum
Guide for Women with MR/DD, The AVERT Project, 2003
43. Police Training to People With Mental Illness or Developmental Disability, POST Training
Instructor’s Guide, 2002 (includes Video and CD)
44. A Social Skills and Abuse Prevention Program for Adolescents with Developmental
Disabilities: A Case Study, Brenda Gail Hughes, May 1991
45. Colorado Guidelines for Cooperation Between Law Enforcement and Adult Protection
Services - A Training Manual, Adult Protection Services, 1992
46. Law Enforcement and the Disabled, Jim Edgar Secretary of State, 1985
47. Safety Zone Cops Talk (comes with video), A Personal Safety and Police Awareness
Curriculum for Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Portland Police Bureau, 1999
48. Strong and Able: An Abuse-Prevention Program for Children with Disabilities, Caroline
Summer, Ph.D., The Rape Crisis Center of West Contra Costa, 1987
49. Strong and Able: An Abuse-Prevention Program for Children with Disabilities, The Rape
Crisis Center of West Contra Costa, 1990
50. Women’s Rights Handbook, State of California, Office of the Attorney General, 1990
51. Child Abuse and Neglect: Critical First Steps in Response to a National Emergency, U.S.
Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1990
52. Adult Protection Coordinating Council Training Manual for the Investigation of Abuse,
Neglect, and Exploitation of the Elderly and Other Vulnerable Adults in South Carolina,
South Carolina Justice Academy, 1999
53. Interviewing Skills to Use With Abuse Victims Who Have Developmental Disabilities, Nora
J. Baladerian, Ph.D., Spectrum Institute, March 1998
54. Abuse of Children and Adults With Disabilities: A Risk Reduction Guidebook for Parents
and Other Advocates, Nora J. Baladerian, Ph.D., Revised 1999
55. Grantee Handbook, Office of Criminal Justice Planning, July 1999
56. Forensic Assessment of Consent to Sex, An Interviewing Instrument to Assess Consent to
Sexual Relations through And Inventory on the Nature and Consequences of the Sexual Act
of Intercourse or Other Penetration for ?Adults with Cognitive Impairments, Nora
Baladerian, Ph.D., 1998
57. Introduction to APS/Self Awareness, Continuing Education Program, School of Social Work,
New Jersey
58. Abuse of the Elderly and Other Vulnerable Adults, Addressing Investigative Concerns,
February 2001
59. Key Issues in Working with Victims of Crime with Disabilities, Video Action Fund,
Advisory Board Meeting, February 2000
1. Psychotherapy: Theory/Research/Practice/Training, Vol. 38. No. 2, Summer 2001
2. Psychotherapy: Theory/Research/Practice/Training, Vol. 38. No. 3, Fall 2001
3. Children’s Services: Social Policy, Research, and Practice, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2001
4. Children’s Services: Social Policy, Research, and Practice, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2002
5. Children’s Services: Social Policy, Research, and Practice, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2001
6. Children’s Services: Social Policy, Research, and Practice, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2002
7. Survivor, A Creative Journal by Women and Men Survivors of Sexual Assault, Winter 1990
8. American Psychologist, 109th Annual Convention, San Francisco, August 2001
9. Child Maltreatment, Journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children,
Special Focus: Repeat Victimization, Dan Smith, Vol. 5, No.1, February 2000
10. Child Maltreatment, Journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children,
Special Focus: Controversial Issues in Child Maltreatment Practice, Vol. 5, No. 2, May 2000
11. Child Maltreatment, Journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children,
Vol. 2, No. 1, February 1197
12. The Forensic Examiner, Forensic Management of Sexual Offenders, Vol. 9, Nos. 9&10,
September/October 2000
1. Commission on Personal Privacy, Supplement One, 1982. A report from the Governor’s
Commission on Personal Privacy, Los Angeles, CA.
2. Child Sexual Abuse: Intervention and Treatment Issues, National Center on Child Abuse and
Neglect, U S Department of Health and Human Services, 1993.
3. Commission on Racial Ethnic Religious and Minority Violence Final Report in April 1990,
Attorney General's Office, State of California.
4. Sexual Abuse and Young people with Disabilities Project: Results and Recommendations,
McCreary Centre Society, 1993
5. Oregon Children's Justice Act Task Force Report for 1995
6. "The National Reform Agenda and people with Mental Retardation: Putting People First, US,
DHHS, PCMR (President’s Committee on Mental Retardation), 1994
7. Crime Victims with Developmental Disabilities: Report of a Workshop, National Research
Council, 2001
8. "Child Deaths in California", Related to Abuse and Neglect, California Attorney General’s
Office, Bill Lockyer, Attorney General, 1196 - 1998
9. "Abuse of Children and Adults with Disabilities" National Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children, Helen L. Wescott, 1993
10. Inter-Agency Council on Child Abuse and Neglect (ICAN), The State of Child Abuse in Los
Angeles, County, 2000
11. Criminal Justice Task Force For Persons With Developmental Disabilities, Executive
Summary and Final Report, ARC California
12. Toward A State of Esteem, The Final Report of the California Task Force to Promote SelfEsteem and Personal and Social Responsibility, January 1990
13. SIECUS Report, Sexuality Education for people with Disabilities, Sexuality Information and
Education Council of the United States, Inc., Vol. 29, No 3, February/March 2001
14. Sexual Assault Report, Vol. 4, No 2, November/December 2000
15. Sexual Assault Report, Vol. 4, No 5, May/June 2001
16. California State Council on Developmental Disabilities, 2000 Annual Report
17. Child Welfare Services Stakeholders Group Progress Report, June 2001
18. Violence Against Women in San Diego, Criminal Justice Research Division, March 2000
19. California Children’s Justice Act Task Force, 2002 3-year report, The Governor’s Office of
Criminal Justice Planning
20. Abuse and Neglect of Adults with Developmental Disabilities: A Public Health Priority for
the State of California, Protection and Advocacy, Inc., 2003
21. Healthy People 2010, Disability and Secondary Conditions Focus Area 6, Reports and
22. Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting, A guide for the Mandated Reporter, County of
Los Angeles
23. California Criminal Justice (CJA) Task Force, 1999 Recommendations for Improving
California’s Criminal Justice System as it Relates to Child Abuse
24. New Federal Funds Available For Adoption Services, North American Council on Adoptable
Children, March 2002
25. The Guardian, National Association of Counsel for Children, Vol. 22, No. 1, Winter 2000
26. The Guardian, National Association of Counsel for Children, Vol. 22, No. 4, Fall 2000
27. Siecus Report, Sexual Pleasure, Vol. 30, No. 4, April/May 2002
28. Domestic Violence Report, Vol. 7, No. 3, Feb/March 2002
29. Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Packet, National Information Clearinghouse on Child
Abuse and Neglect Information
30. National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research NICHD, Report to the NACHHD
Council, September 2002
31. Violence Against Women with Disabilities, Center for Research on Women with Disabilities,
Baylor College of Medicine, 1992-1999 (various articles and reports)
32. Victimization of the Elderly and Disabled, Preventing Abuse, Mistreatment and Neglect,
Vol. 6., No. 3, Sept/Oct 2003
33. California State Council on Developmental Disabilities, S.C.D.D., 2001 State Plan
34. Project Heal, Advisory Board Meeting, Identification and Risk Reduction of Abuse Among
Children with Developmental Disabilities, April 2000
35. Caring for People with Severe Mental Disorders: A National Plan of Research to Improve
Services, National Institute of Mental Health, National Advisory Mental Health Council,
36. Research Update, California Office of Criminal Justice Planning, Vol. 2, No. 3, Summer
37. Doing Justice? Criminal Offenders with Developmental Disabilities, Detailed Research
Findings, Joan Petersilia, California Policy Research Center, 2000
38. California Council on Mental Health, Quarterly Meeting Report, April 1989
39. The Sexual Victimization of College Women, Bonnie Fisher, Francis Cullen, Michael
Turner, December 2000
40. Victimization of the Elderly and Disabled, Preventing Abuse, Mistreatment and Neglect,
Vol. 3., No. 5, Jan/Feb 2001
41. OVC Bulletin, Understanding DMA Evidence: A Guide for Victim Service Providers, April
42. OVC Bulletin, Sexual Assault nurse Examiner (SANE) Programs: Improving the Community
Response to sexual Assault Victims, April 2001
43. OJJDP, Juvenile Justice Bulletin, The Decline in Child Sexual Abuse Cases, January 2001
44. California, Children’s Justice Act Task Force, Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice
Planning, Three-Year Report 1999-2002
45. California Child Abduction Task Force, Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice Planning,
Summary Report, Second Edition, 2001
46. Psychiatric Disorders Mimicking Psychotic Disorders in people with Mental Retardation,
Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities, Beverly A. Myers, M.D., Vol. 2, No.
4, October/November/December 1999
47. Adventures in Child-Rearing: The Sexual Life of a child Growing Up With Down Syndrome,
Disabilities Studies Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 4, Fall 2002
48. Providing Therapy Services to People Who Have Been Sexually Abused, Sheila Mansell,
Ph.D., Vol. 5, No. 3, May/June 2002
49. Developmental Effects on Mental Health Disorders in Persons with Developmental
Disabilities, Lauren R. Charlot, Ph.D., Vol. 1, No. 2, April/May/June 1998
50. Advocate, The Child, Youth and Family Services, Division 37 of the American
Psychological Association, Vol. 24, No. 1, February 2001
51. CII, Children’s Institute International, Issues From the Front Line of Practice in Child Abuse
Prevention, Treatment and Training, Spring 2000
52. The Next Generation, Linking Today’s Wisdom with Tomorrow’s Imagination, President’s
Committee on Mental Retardation Next Generation of Leadership Report, Vol. II, 1999
53. The Next Generation, Linking Today’s Wisdom with Tomorrow’s Imagination, President’s
Committee on Mental Retardation Next Generation of Leadership Report, Vol. I, 1998
54. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Legislative Update, March 2001
55. Through the Looking Glass, Parenting with a Disability, A Publication of the National
Resource Center for Parents with Disabilities, Vol. 8, No. 2, Fall 2000
56. Windows on Wellness, Health and Wellness Publication for People with Disabilities, Special
Edition, Summer 1999
57. An Information Guide for Serving Crime Victims with Disabilities, Office of Attorney
General, Bob Butterworth, Division of Victim Services and Criminal Justice Programs
58. Archstone Foundation, Share the Vision, Critical Issues in Aging, Annual Report 1999
59. Healthy People 2010, Disability and Secondary Conditions, Chapter 6, Vision for the
Decade: Proceedings and Recommendations of a Symposium, Atlanta, December 2000
60. LECC Today, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Winter 2001
61. Search for Solutions, Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Nexus: Findings from the Office
of Criminal Justice Planning Public Policy Forums Report, Governor’s Office of Criminal
Justice Planning, 1998
62. Human Rights Watch, Beyond Reason: The Death Penalty and Offenders with Mental
Retardation, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2001
63. Mental Health and the Law, South Carolina, Department of Mental Health, December 1997
Conference Binders
The Eighth National and First International Conference on Abuse of Children and Adults
with Disabilities "Working Together to Make the Difference", ARC Riverside, 2002
2. A New Beginning for Partnerships for Children & Families in Los Angeles County,
California State Los Angeles, 1998
3. California’s Focus: Family Strengths, Speaker Handouts, California Department of Social
Services’ Office of Child Prevention, 2001
4. Child Advocacy Training Program, Judicial Council of California, 1996
5. Domestic Violence Prosecution, California District Attorneys Association, 1993
6. Abuse & Neglect of Children with Disabilities: A Collaborative Response, Virginia Institute
for Development Disabilities, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2000
7. Elder Abuse, The Essentials of Elder Crime Investigation & Prosecution, California
Department of Justice, August 2001
8. Building a Network of Professionals for Breaking the Maltreatment-Disabilities Cycle,
Charleston, South Carolina, April 1997
9. Dare to Vision, Shaping the National Agenda for Women, Abuse and Mental Health
Services, Proceedings of a conference, July 1994
10. Standards, Practice, and Training for Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Focus Group,
Violence Against Women Office, August 2002
11. "Building Partnerships" Communicating with Crime Victims with Disabilities, October 2002
12. Challenge the System, Open the Door to Victims with Disabilities, University of Wyoming,
June 2002
Catalogues / Resources / Directories
"Self-Help Instructional Materials: Preschool to Intermediate", 1991
"The Specialists in Special Education 1993 Spring Catalogue", James Stansfield Publishing
"Roeher Books", Catalogue 1997-98
EOF Furniture Works
NCJRS, National Criminal Justice Reference Service Catalog, US, Department of Justice,
November/December 2000
NCJRS, National Criminal Justice Reference Service Catalog, US, Department of Justice,
January/February 2001
National Domestic Abuse in Later Life Resource Directory, Wisconsin Coalition Against
Domestic Violence, 2003
Guide to the BJS Website, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Second Edition, May 2000
NCJRS Catalog, National Criminal Justice Reference Service, March/April 2000
OJJDP, Juvenile Justice Bulletin, February 2000
Safe at Home, Confidential Address Program, A project of the California Secretary of State,
October 2001
Mental Health Professionals’ Book Guide, Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers, Fall 1989
APA Books, American Psychological Association, Spring 2001
Training & Education Catalog, NADD, An Association for Persons with Developmental
Disabilities and Mental Health Needs, June 2000
Archstone Foundation and the Gerontological health Section of the American Public Health
Association Present 2000 Award for Excellence in Program Innovation
Aging Resources, A Directory of Agencies and Services for Seniors, The South Carolina
Department of Health and Human Services, May 2000
NCJRS, National Criminal Justice Reference Service Catalog, US, Department of Justice,
July/August 2000
South Carolina Resource List, Abuse of the Elderly and Other Vulnerable Adults
The Research Review, Selected Summaries, U.S. Department of Justice, December 2000
APSAC, Professional Publications Catalog
"Los Angeles County Division of Special Education: Family Life/Health Education, A Special
Education Curriculum for the Developmentally Delayed", undated.
"Just Say Know! Understanding and Preventing the Sexual Victimization of People with
Developmental Disabilities", by Dave Hingsburger
Child Abuse and Neglect Disability Outreach Project CAN Do, A Project of ARC Riverside,
California State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Council Meeting Notice, November
Rapists Are Using a New Weapon to Overpower Their Victims, Rohypnol, Ruffies, and GHB
ARC-Riverside Child Abuse and Disability Project, Our Projects
Lexington County Detention Center, Mental Health Services Interesting Facts
Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) for Seizure Control, VNS Therapy: Use in the Cognitively
Let’s Prevent Abuse, A Pacer Center Project
The Journal of Adult Protection, Subscription Order Form 2000
1. Sexual Assault & Abuse Survivors Special Needs Special Tactics, A Guide for Prosecutors,
CDAA, IMO Productions 916 443 2017
2. OVC: There are 2 videos in this program, "Serving Crime Victims with Disabilities: "Meet
Us Where We Are: Service Crime victims with Disabilities" and "The Time is Now". Both
are created in 3 versions: Open Captioned, Close Captioned, and Visually Described.
Available from OVC:
3. Self-Defense: Women Teaching Women, A Training Video for Instructors, Los Angeles
Commission on Assaults Against Women, Self-Defense Project: Part I - Basic Instruction,
Part II - Elderly, Disabled and Deaf (captioned)
4. Spectrum Institute, 8th Conference on Abuse of People with Disabilities - Window/Dub:
There are 5 videos in this program.
5. Domestic Violence Arrests, Beyond the Obvious, Improving Strategies in the New
Millennium (to be used in conjunction with the Domestic Violence Arrests curriculum)
6. Voices Ignored, Sexual Assault of People with Developmental Disabilities, The Center for
Child and Family Studies, 2003
7. Voices Ignored, Final Draft Review Copy, The Center for Child and Family Studies, College
of Social Work, USC, 2002
8. North Side Story, ARC Riverside, March 2003
9. Sexual Assault of Adults with Developmental Disabilities, NYS Office of Children and
Family Services, November 2003
10. Sexual Assault & Abuse Survivors, A Guide for Prosecutors, California District Attorneys
Association, 2000
11. Law Enforcement / Awareness of Disabilities
12. Understanding Mental Retardation: Training for Law Enforcement, The ARC, 1998
13. POST - Law Enforcement Awareness of Disabilities, June 1995
14. Fairview Survivors, Geri Newton P.O. Box 4106 Salem, OR 97302 503-363-6347 or Email
15. Disability Awareness for Law Enforcement, Institute on Disability, University of Illinois at
16. Realistically Speaking, A practical Approach to the Basic Sounds and Rhythms of American
English (comes in DVD)
17. Countrywide Mortgage-Backed Securities Training Tape
18. POST - Stalking 2001, California POST Television Network
19. Voices of Victims, New Mexico Roundtable, IMO Productions, September 2002
20. Safety Training for Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Portland Police Bureau, 1999
(comes with training manual)
21. Breaking the Maltreatment-Disabilities Cycle, The Center for Child and Family Studies,
Video and Discussion Guide
22. Murder for Hire, California District Attorneys Association, 2000
23. Standards of Decency: The Howard Neal Story, 14-minute sample tape
24. Financial Abuse Specialist Team, Santa Clara County, Social Services Agency, Department
of Aging & Adult Services, 2002
25. The Time Is Now, Edit in Progress, Advisory Board Review Copy, January 2001
26. Meet Us Where We Are, Edit in Progress, Advisory Board Review Copy, April 2001
DVDs / CDs
1. Conference Highlights of the 9th National / 2nd International Conference on Abuse of
Children & Adults with Disabilities, March 2003
2. Hands in Healing Documentary, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
3. Realistically Speaking, A practical Approach to the Basic Sounds and Rhythms of American
English (comes in VHS)
4. Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, (RAINN) PSA’s
5. In the Now, A One-Woman Show, Terry Lene