APPENDIX B.4. SIMILARITY BETWEEN MEASURED CONCENTRATIONS CLUSTER ANALYSIS EVALUATION OF THE MONITORING NETWORK OF AIR QUALITY IN BAJA CALIFORNIA APPENDIX B.4 APPENDIX B.4. SIMILARITY BETWEEN MEASURED CONCENTRATIONS. CLUSTER ANALYSIS This section shows the results of the Cluster analysis to the records of concentrations in the BC monitoring network for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. No subsequent years have been included because they present a great lack of information. Cluster Analysis is a data analysis technique that allows to solve classification problems. Its objective is to sort objects, in our case Monitoring Stations, in groups (or clusters) so that the degree of association/similarity between members of the same cluster is stronger than the degree of association/similarity between members of different clusters. Cluster analysis is a method to discover associations and data structures that are not obvious a priori but can be useful once they are found. A hierarchical analysis was performed between groups with the Pearson correlation method. B.4.1 ROSARITO-TIJUANA-TECATE REGION Figure B.4.1 shows the average concentrations by season for the years 2005 to 2007, recorded by the monitoring stations of the Tijuana-Rosarito-Tecate region. From this figure stands out the great similarity between the levels registered in the stations Playas and Rosarito, and also can be seen the same behavior in the recorded concentrations of all the stations, except for Tecate. Location of the stations in Rosarito-Tijuana-Tecate region Evaluation of the monitoring network of air quality in Baja California 242 APPENDIX B.4 FIGURE B.4.1 AVERAGE OF RECORDED CONCENTRATIONS BY SEASON FOR THE YEARS 2005 TO 2007 IN THE MONITORING STATIONS OF ROSARITO-TIJUANA-TECATE.REGION. Figures B.4.2 to B.4.6, show the proximity matrices and dendrograms of the group of stations in the region of Tijuana-Rosarito-Tecate, for the pollutants O3, NOx, NO, NO2 and CO, respectively. The records of the average concentrations of the stations were compared to each other, using the same pollutant with the method of hierarchical cluster between groups with Pearson correlation, in order to compare the behavior of the registers of concentrations of the monitoring stations. From these figures, a high correlation can be seen between the average concentrations reported by the stations Playas and Rosarito. Evaluation of the monitoring network of air quality in Baja California 243 APPENDIX B.4 OZONE (O3) PROXIMITY MATRIX CASE 1: Rosarito 2: Playas 3: La Mesa 4: ITT CORRELATION BETWEEN VECTORS OF VALUES 1: Rosarito 2: Playas 3: La Mesa 4: ITT 1.000 0.978 0.928 0.974 0.978 1.000 0.946 0.984 0.928 0.946 1.000 0.975 0.974 0.984 0.975 1.000 This is a similarity matrix FIGURE B.4.2 PROXIMITY MATRIX AND DENDROGRAM OF O3 CONCENTRATIONS REGISTERED BY THE MONITORING STATIONS IN THE ROSARITO-TIJUANA-TECATE.REGION. NITROGEN OXIDES (NOx) PROXIMITY MATRIX CASE 1: Rosarito 2: Playas 3: La Mesa 4: ITT CORRELATION BETWEEN VECTORS OF VALUES 1: Rosarito 2: Playas 3: La Mesa 4: ITT 1.000 0.981 0.980 0.993 0.981 1.000 0.985 0.982 0.980 0.985 1.000 0.991 0.993 0.982 0.991 1.000 This is a similarity matrix FIGURE B.4.3 PROXIMITY MATRIX AND DENDROGRAM OF NOX CONCENTRATIONS REGISTERED BY THE MONITORING STATIONS IN THE ROSARITO-TIJUANA-TECATE.REGION. Evaluation of the monitoring network of air quality in Baja California 244 APPENDIX B.4 NITROGEN OXIDE (NO) PROXIMITY MATRIX CASE 1: Rosarito 2: Playas 3: La Mesa 4: ITT CORRELATION BETWEEN VECTORS OF VALUES 1: Rosarito 2: Playas 3: La Mesa 4: ITT 1.000 0.978 0.974 0.983 0.978 1.000 0.979 0.958 0.974 0.979 1.000 0.981 0.983 0.958 0.981 1.000 This is a similarity matrix FIGURE B.4.4 PROXIMITY MATRIX AND DENDROGRAM OF NO CONCENTRATIONS REGISTERED BY THE MONITORING STATIONS IN THE ROSARITO-TIJUANA-TECATE.REGION. NITROGEN DIOXIDE (NO2) PROXIMITY MATRIX CASE 1: Rosarito 2: Playas 3: La Mesa 4: ITT CORRELATION BETWEEN VECTORS OF VALUES 1: Rosarito 2: Playas 3: La Mesa 4: ITT 1.000 0.978 0.928 0.974 0.978 1.000 0.946 0.984 0.928 0.946 1.000 0.975 0.974 0.984 0.975 1.000 This is a similarity matrix FIGURE B.4.5 PROXIMITY MATRIX AND DENDROGRAM OF NO2 CONCENTRATIONS REGISTERED BY THE MONITORING STATIONS IN THE ROSARITO-TIJUANA-TECATE.REGION. Evaluation of the monitoring network of air quality in Baja California 245 APPENDIX B.4 CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) PROXIMITY MATRIX CASE 1: Rosarito 2: Playas 3: La Mesa 4: ITT CORRELATION BETWEEN VECTORS OF VALUES 1: Rosarito 2: Playas 3: La Mesa 4: ITT 1.000 0.931 0.947 0.927 0.931 1.000 0.967 0.847 0.947 0.967 1.000 0.917 0.927 0.847 0.917 1.000 This is a similarity matrix FIGURE B.4.6 PROXIMITY MATRIX AND DENDROGRAM OF CO CONCENTRATIONS REGISTERED BY THE MONITORING STATIONS IN THE ROSARITO-TIJUANA-TECATE.REGION. B.4.2 MEXICALI REGION Figure B.4.7 shows the concentrations recorded by the monitoring stations of the Mexicali region. From this figure stands out the great similarity between the levels registered in the stations UABCITM and between UABC-COBACH; being the registers of the Campestre station different from the rest of the stations. Evaluation of the monitoring network of air quality in Baja California 246 APPENDIX B.4 FIGURE B.4.7 AVERAGE OF RECORDED CONCENTRATIONS BY SEASON FOR THE YEARS 2005 TO 2007 IN THE MONITORING STATIONS OF MEXICALI REGION. Figures B.4.8 to B.4.12, show the proximity matrices and dendrograms of the group of stations in the region of Mexicali, for the pollutants O3, NOx, NO, NO2 y CO, respectively. The records of the average concentrations of the stations were compared to each other, using the same pollutant with the method of hierarchical cluster between groups with Pearson correlation, in order to compare the behavior of the registers of concentrations of the monitoring stations. From these figures, a high correlation can be seen between the average concentrations reported by the stations ITM-UABC. Evaluation of the monitoring network of air quality in Baja California 247 APPENDIX B.4 OZONE (O3) PROXIMITY MATRIX CASE 1: ITM 2: COBACH 3: UABC 4: Campestre CORRELATION BETWEEN VECTORS OF VALUES 1: ITM 2: COBACH 3: UABC 4: Campestre 1.000 0.458 0.867 0.032 0.458 1.000 0.769 0.654 0.867 0.769 1.000 0.287 0.032 0.654 0.287 1.000 This is a similarity matrix FIGURE B.4.8 PROXIMITY MATRIX AND DENDROGRAM OF O3 CONCENTRATIONS REGISTERED BY THE MONITORING STATIONS IN THE MEXICALI.REGION. NITROGEN OXIDES (NOx) PROXIMITY MATRIX CASE 1: ITM 2: COBACH 3: UABC 4: Campestre CORRELATION BETWEEN VECTORS OF VALUES 1: ITM 2: COBACH 3: UABC 4: Campestre 1.000 0.969 0.997 0.947 0.969 1.000 0.978 0.902 0.997 0.978 1.000 0.959 0.947 0.902 0.959 1.000 This is a similarity matrix FIGURE B.4.9 PROXIMITY MATRIX AND DENDROGRAM OF NOX CONCENTRATIONS REGISTERED BY THE MONITORING STATIONS IN THE MEXICALI.REGION. Evaluation of the monitoring network of air quality in Baja California 248 APPENDIX B.4 NITROGEN OXIDE (NO) PROXIMITY MATRIX CASE 1: ITM 2: COBACH 3: UABC 4: Campestre CORRELATION BETWEEN VECTORS OF VALUES 1: ITM 2: COBACH 3: UABC 4: Campestre 1.000 0.756 0.937 0.753 0.756 1.000 0.933 0.879 0.937 0.933 1.000 0.884 0.753 0.879 0.884 1.000 This is a similarity matrix FIGURE B.4.10 PROXIMITY MATRIX AND DENDROGRAM OF NO CONCENTRATIONS REGISTERED BY THE MONITORING STATIONS IN THE MEXICALI.REGION. NITROGEN DIOXIDE (NO2) PROXIMITY MATRIX CASE 1: ITM 2: COBACH 3: UABC 4: Campestre CORRELATION BETWEEN VECTORS OF VALUES 1: ITM 2: COBACH 3: UABC 4: Campestre 1.000 0.984 0.997 0.903 0.984 1.000 0.974 0.873 0.997 0.974 1.000 0.920 0.903 0.873 0.920 1.000 This is a similarity matrix FIGURE B.4.11 PROXIMITY MATRIX AND DENDROGRAM OF NO2 CONCENTRATIONS REGISTERED BY THE MONITORING STATIONS IN THE MEXICALI.REGION. Evaluation of the monitoring network of air quality in Baja California 249 APPENDIX B.4 CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) PROXIMITY MATRIX CASE 1: ITM 2: COBACH 3: UABC 4: Campestre CORRELATION BETWEEN VECTORS OF VALUES 1: ITM 2: COBACH 3: UABC 4: Campestre 1.000 0.784 0.805 0.685 0.784 1.000 0.864 0.848 0.805 0.864 1.000 0.892 0.685 0.848 0.892 1.000 This is a similarity matrix FIGURE B.4.12 PROXIMITY MATRIX AND DENDROGRAM OF CO CONCENTRATIONS REGISTERED BY THE MONITORING STATIONS IN THE MEXICALI REGION. Evaluation of the monitoring network of air quality in Baja California 250