Youngstown State University Middle Childhood Final Student Teaching Evaluation: Completed by Cooperating Teacher Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher University Supervisor District School Date Directions: Please complete this evaluation form and discuss it with the teacher candidate during the last week of the student teaching experience. An average of a “2” on each standard is required for passing the student teaching experience. Use the following scale: 1: Unsatisfactory: A teacher candidate who has met none or few standard elements and shows evidence of major deficiencies. 2: Satisfactory: A teacher candidate who has consistently met some of the standard element with minor deficiencies. 3: Competent: A teacher candidate who has consistently met most or all of the elements without noticeable deficiencies. (It is necessary that the element must be observable 80% of the time for the ST to reach this score.) 4: Exemplary: A teacher candidate who has consistently exceeded meeting all elements and significantly impacted student learning as well as impacted the school and/or community. Standard 1: Young Adolescent Development Element a. Knowledge of Young Adolescent Development: Element b. Knowledge of the Implications of Diversity on Young Adolescent Development: Element c. Implications of Young Adolescent Development for Middle Level Curriculum and Instruction. Element d. Implications of Young Adolescent Development for Middle Level Programs and Practices Comments: 1 2 3 4 Standard 2: Middle Level Curriculum Element a. Subject Matter Content Knowledge Element b. Middle Level Student Standards Element c. Interdisciplinary Nature of Knowledge Comments: 1 2 3 4 Standard 3: Middle Level Philosophy & Organization Element a. Middle Level Philosophical Foundations Element b. Middle Level Organization and Best Practices Comments: 1 2 3 4 Standard 4: Middle Level Instruction and Assessment Element a. Content Pedagogy Element b. Middle Level Instructional Strategies Element c. Middle Level Assessment and Data-informed Instruction Element d. Young Adolescent Motivation Comments: 1 2 3 4 Standard 5: Middle Level Professional Roles Element a. Professional Roles of Middle Level Teachers Element b. Advocacy for Young Adolescents and Developmentally Responsive Schooling Practices Element c. Working with Family Members and Community Involvement Element d. Dispositions and Professional Behaviors Comments: 1 2 3 4 Review Date: Cooperating Teacher’s Signature Student Teacher’s Signature