stone choir grading policy

♫Black 1” (must be 1” to fit shelves—and ½ inch is too small for our needs)
♫A THIN 3-hole pencil bag for inside the binder (not a bulky bag, please)
♫Inside pencil bag: at least 5 mechanical pencils & 1 dry erase marker
♫At least 10 plastic sheet protectors
♫One package of at least 50 sheets of notebook paper
The choirs at Stone MS are divided as follows:
♫--Beginner Choir is for all first-year choir students in or those who need additional help with fundamental skills.
♫--Girls Honor Choir (girls are selected for this class based on ability to read level 3 music and sight-read 3 part music), Girls Treble
Choir, and Boys Tenor/Bass Choir are made up of 7th and 8th grade students who have completed Beginner Choir and are ready to
compete in UIL contest. This means they have a mastery of reading music and the maturity to handle the next level of competition
and expectations of a UIL choir.
*Daily Grades & Test Grades include but are not limited to:
♫--Music worksheets or quizzes completed in class; Listening, ear training, and sight reading grades; Singing grades (in groups)
♫--Weekly In-Class Test Grade based on classroom participation and the following classroom standards…10 points will be lost from
the weekly grade for, but not limited to, the following: disrespect to teacher, classmate, or school property; lack of participation;
gum, candy, food, drinks other than clear water; talking or disrupting class, etc. The Choir directors may remove from choir any
student unable to maintain classroom standards or who repeatedly causes disruptions or discipline issues in the classroom or on trips.
♫--SEMESTER EXAMS: Even if a student is exempt to attend the exam day, ALL choir students will still receive an exam grade.
The exam is determined by attendance at and participation in choir concerts. Fall semester all choirs—December Winter Choir
Concert. Spring semester Beginner Choirs—May Spring Concert. Spring semester Girls Honor, Girls Treble, and Boys Tenor/Bass
Choirs—50% April Pre-UIL Concert, 50% Pre-UIL and UIL Contests.
*Choir Substitute Teacher Policy: In the event that the choir teachers are gone and a substitute is taking care of the choir classes,
students are expected to complete all assignments given by the substitute and to follow the same classroom standards listed above. If
a student is written down for discipline problems with a substitute, they will receive automatic detention and/or sent to the principal.
*Performance Grades for All Choirs:
♫--CONCERTS—Each concert is a test OR semester exam grade (see above). Students wearing proper attire, arriving prepared and
on time, and fulfilling performance expectations as well as proper concert etiquette will receive a 100. Points will be subtracted for
tardiness (10), inappropriate attire (20), or misbehavior (30). Any excessive misbehavior will be referred to the principal for further
action when we return to school. All students must participate in concerts regardless of academic eligibility (see below). Not having a
ride is NOT an excused absence. (Absences will require a director-approved note prior to the concert day in order to be considered
excused. Last minute emergencies require a doctor excuse or parent note and excused status will be determined by the director.)
♫--CONCERT COMPETITION—All competitions are required unless a student is academically ineligible (see below). Participating
students wearing proper attire, arriving prepared and on time, and fulfilling the performance expectations will receive a 100. Points
will be subtracted for tardiness (10), inappropriate attire (20), or misbehavior (30). Any excessive misbehavior will be referred to the
principal for further action when we return to school. Those who are academically ineligible to participate will be given an alternate
assignment in class. (Absences will require a director-approved note prior to the contest day in order to be considered excused. Last
minute emergencies require a doctor excuse or parent note and excused status will be determined by the director.) The Concert
Competition will take place in April or May and will involve a student fee. This fee can be paid for by the student/parent or can be
earned through the choir fundraiser during the school year.
♫--ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY—The state of Texas has a law commonly known as “no pass, no play.” This law states that students
must be passing all classes in order to participate in competitions in organizations such as choir, band, athletics, cheer, etc. “Passing”
means the student must have an average of “70” or above in ALL classes on the report card prior to the event; however, if a student
fails a class on the report card, they do have a chance to regain eligibility by passing the progress report given at the 3 rd week of the six
weeks if it falls before the competition date. (If a student passes their report card, the progress report has no effect on their
*ADDITIONAL GRADES FOR Girls Honor Choir, Girls Treble Choir, and Boys Tenor/Bass Choir:
♫--Pre-UIL and UIL CONTESTS—In music, this competition is equivalent to the “STARR” test in core classes. It is the most
important contest of the year for the Honor, Treble, and Tenor/Bass Choirs and participation is required. Academic eligibility applies
and behavior expectations are the same as mentioned in “Concert Competition” above. There is no student fee for this contest.
Performance attire will be provided for both boys and girls with the exception of: boys must provide their own black dress socks, girls
must provide their own black flats & black tank top. The student/parent is responsible for any damage to or loss of school uniforms.
♫--ALL-REGION—All-Region Choir Auditions (7th & 8th grades) count as an extra credit grade; however, improper behavior at
auditions and/or the clinic/concert will result in disciplinary action upon returning to school. $10 entry fee. Academic eligibility
♫--SOLO & ENSEMBLE—Solo & Ensemble is not held every year, but when held it counts as a test grade. Students wearing proper
attire, arriving prepared and on time, and fulfilling the performance expectations will begin with a 100. The final grade will be
determined by the score given by the judge (students participating in both a solo and an ensemble will be given highest grade of the
two): 1st division=95, 2nd division=90, 3rd division=80. Recognition from the judges as a 1+ will receive a 100. As with any
competition, points will be subtracted for tardiness (10), inappropriate attire (20), or misbehavior (30).