File - Bainbridge Parish Council

FOR THE YEAR 1st APRIL 2014 TO 31st MARCH 2015
Administration Fees
Sexton’s Fees
Interment of Ashes
Reservation of Graves
Maintenance Fees
Erection of Memorials
Placing of Memorial
Superintendent’s Fees
Sexton’s Fees
Grass Cutting
Copy of New Plan
RDC Waste Contract
During the year 2014/2015 there were three burials and two interment of ashes, in the main
of former residents of the Parish.
Only one memorial was placed in the cemetery and no
plaques were placed on the Memorial Stone.
Only one grave reservation was secured during the year, but there were several other
enquiries about space and the possibility of making reservations.
A new plan of the cemetery was drawn up and a copy is ready to be mounted in a new
noticeboard fixed to the side of the Sexton's hut in the Memorial Garden. It is hoped that this
can be completed shortly to assist visitors to the cemetery in locating graves. A recent review
of space took place with the Sexton which has removed six spaces from use, due to poor
access, and the placement of the new war memorial. There are still a good number of free
The plan to create a new war memorial in the cemetery came to fruition in 2014, following
discussions between the Parish Council and local residents, and research undertaken by Ian
Canavan. A design was agreed upon and Jim Spensley was chosen to build the memorial using
local stone with plaques of Honister slate listing the names of the fallen. The memorial was
funded in the main through donations totalling £610.00 with the shortfall of £321.77 paid for
by the Parish Council.
It was a real joy to see the new war memorial completed, honorouring the names of all those
from the extended parish who lost their lives in the wars. A service of dedication was held on
the anniversary of the start of World War I which was very moving and well attended, by locals
as well as those further afield. The first short service of remembrance was then held at the
memorial on 11th November and it is intended that this will become an annual event, allowing
the memory of those fallen to remain with us.
Paul Metcalfe continues his role as Sexton and grass cutting has been undertaken throughout
the growing season by Horton Landscaping. Work is ongoing to tidy the trees and shrubs
around the perimeter of the cemetery.
As always, I am grateful to the Parish Council for their support of my role as Superintendent of
the Cemetery.
Karen Prudden – Superintendent to Bainbridge Cemetery