Memorial Service and Program Sample

MEMORIAL SERVICE: The Memorial Service is a "quiet" accumulation as the year
progresses and then asking for names in the newsletter and via e-mail. As soon as
each convention ends, I create a new Memorial Service file on my computer and move
some basics into it such as the printed program. As I hear of deaths, I will also Google
search for obituaries to have on file.
The program's format has become somewhat standardized and traditional over the
years. I already have the cover draft finished using a picture that Julie took at sunset in
the mountains earlier this year. The poem that is used has become a tradition for many
An unwritten guideline has been that we include in the printed program only those who
had active membership at the time of their death. Others can be mentioned during the
There is a plastic container of memorial service items...candles, lighter, etc.....that I
have that was passed to me from Ken.