hauler_memo_2013 - Darien Disposal Services

Residential Haulers
The Darien Transfer Station Advisory Committee (TSAC)
March 26, 2013
Update on Residential Single Stream:
We appreciate the time, willingness, and participation of each of the Town’s Residential
Haulers in assisting the TSAC. Our research and our conversations with you have
highlighted common elements of successful Single Stream Recycling programs directly
related to the work of residential haulers: 1) customer education; 2) an appropriately
sized and labeled bin or tote with a top; and 3) separate day pick-up of recycling and
municipal solid waste.
To assist with customer education we are providing you with a digital copy of the
detailed Single Stream Recycling insert for distribution to your customers. We ask that
you coordinate with your customers so they have a recycling bin or tote that works with
your system and can handle the amount of recycling generated by each household.
The standard pickup in Greenwich, Stamford and Westport is once a week for garbage
and once a week for single stream. This standard has worked well for our neighboring
towns. TSAC supports this change as an efficient and effective way for the Darien
hauling companies to pick up the increased volume of recycling and the reduced
quantity of waste. We are gratified that the Darien haulers want to help make single
stream easy for our residents, and that all of you are encouraging your customers to call
with any questions, comments or concerns.
We, the TSAC, offer our support of your endeavors to help fully realize the potential of
Single Stream Recycling.