On Level Unit 3 Quiz 1 Study Guide

Honors Unit 4 Quiz Study Guide
Quiz Date: Thursday, December 11, 2014
All Topics from Unit 1, Unit 2, and Unit 3
Ratios (pgs. 399-403, 437-438)
Unit Rates (pgs. 405-408, 437-438)
Ratio Tables and Graphs, Tape Diagrams, and Double Line Diagrams (see below)
*To study, you should complete odd numbered problems from the pages above so that you
can check if you got the correct answer or not in the back of the textbook. Selected answers
begin on Pg. SA1.
 All vocab from Unit 1
 All vocab from Unit 2
 All vocab from Unit 3
 Ratio table
Ratio Tables and Graphs:
 Tape Diagram
 Double Line Diagram
1. Jeremy and Abby are saving money for Christmas shopping. Jeremy saves $2 for every $5
Abby saves. Create a ratio table and graph to show the relationship on a coordinate plane. If
they save a total of $49, how much more did Abby save than Jeremy?
2. There are 3 boys in Math class for every 2 girls. Create a ratio table to and graph to show
the relationship between boys and girls in class. If there are a total of 30 kids in the class, how
many are boys?
Tape Diagrams: Create a tape diagram to solve each problem:
4. Two numbers are in a ratio of 5 : 3. Their sum is 80. Find the largest number.
5. Mr. Smith and Mr. Kelly are business partners. They agreed to divide the profits in the ratio
of 3 : 2. The profit amounted to $24,000. How much did each person receive?
6. The measures of the angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 4. Find the number of
degrees in the smallest angle of the triangle. (Hint triangles have a total of 180 degrees).
Double Line Diagrams:
7. A train travels 200 miles in a total of 4 hours. Create a double line diagram to answer the
following questions.
a. At this rate, how far would the train have traveled in 1 hour?
b. At this rate, how long would it take the train to travel 500 miles?
8. A 72-inch sub sandwich will feed 8 people. Create a double line diagram to answer the
following questions.
a. How many people will a 45-inch sub sandwich feed?
b. What size sub sandwich will be needed to feed 10 people?