Ratios and Tape Diagrams

Solving Ratio Problems Using Tape Diagrams
Objective 6.RP.3: SWBAT solve ratio problems using tape diagrams.
Notes: View the following sites from Mr. McDowell’s webpage, click on the math tab,
and record notes below.
Tape Diagrams and Double Number Lines
Solving Ratio Problems Using Tape Diagrams (Show Me)
Explore, Practice Activities, and Tutorials:
 Learnzillion – “ratios and tape diagrams” (Try the 2 on tape diagrams)
 Thinking Blocks - http://www.thinkingblocks.com/tb_ratios/ratios.html
1. Find the missing quantity
2. Find the total or difference
3. Use the total or difference to find the quantity
4. Work with part:total ratios
5. Work with ratios that compare three quantities
6. Apply ratios to more challenging problems
7. ?
 Learning Communities and/or web search – Your choice!