Handbook - Northshore Rewired

Northshore Children’s Center
2015 Handbook
Director Tasha Smith
601-724-1411 • 498 Northshore Parkway • Brandon, MS 39047
The Church at Northshore, Doug Eltzroth: Pastor
NCC Handbook 3/2015
To provide quality Christ-centered childcare dedicated to nurture the “whole child” - the children’s
spiritual, social, emotional, physical and intellectual development.
Northshore Children’s Center’s mission will be achieved through:
Providing a ministry to the families of the Church At Northshore and the families in the surrounding
Providing a facility where parents can leave their children while they embark upon endeavors in life.
Parents can be assured that their children will receive excellent care in their surrogate home.
Providing a safe, developmentally appropriate environment for elementary age children that is conducive
to learning and social relationships.
Providing teachers/staff/volunteers who share a Christian-biblical worldview and principles.
Providing a variety of activities that are developmentally appropriate and recognizes the individual needs
and differences of children. The activities include language development, reading, creative-arts, (drama,
music, visual, movement, dance) supervised play, gardening, and field trips.
We believe, as Jesus demonstrated and the Scriptures teach, that children are very important people.
Jesus said "Let the little children come to me. Don't stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to
people who are like these children…” (Luke 18:16 NCV) The Scripture says, “Train up a child in the way he
should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6 KJV)
Northshore Children’s Center desires to help the children’s parents and family “train up the child in the
way he should go…” Each day we will initiate our dedication to teach, instruct, disciple and care for the
overall needs of all the children. All children (as all people young and old) should be trained in the way of
righteousness and godliness. And each child should be brought up according to the tenor of his/her way:
in harmony of their disposition, in light of their talents and gifts, in development of their unique character.
We want to assist the parents in developing their children to have the mind and attitude of Christ, helping
them grow - pointing the kids in the right direction – so when they’re grown they won’t be lost.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Waiting List Priorities
Priority for available spots is given to families already enrolled. Having priority does not guarantee that
space will be available when needed.
Registration Process
The child is not registered until the following steps are met.
1. Submit a completed and signed application with necessary forms.
2. Pay the registration fee.
3. Pay the supply fee.
4. Submit a copy of any court orders regarding child custody/visitation issues.
5. Submit Medical Authorization and Release
*All fees are nonrefundable
Insurance Coverage
Northshore Children's Center and The Church at Northshore do not carry an accident policy. Parents are
responsible for any and all medical or dental fees associated with accidents or injury their children may
receive while under the care of Northshore Children's Center or The Church at Northshore and /or their
staff and members. Northshore Children's Center and The Church at Northshore are not responsible for
injuries that may occur while participating in any programs or activities.
All enrollment forms must be completed before your child may attend. Applications are subject to review
and approval by Northshore Children's Center management. We reserve the right to deny any application
due to enrollment limitations or medical or behavioral problems, or any other reason we feel that
enrollment of a child is in any way not in the best interest of Northshore Children's Center . We do not
discriminate on the basis of sex, religion, or race for the enrollment of children. Please inform us of any
changes in addresses, work and home telephone numbers, places of employment, or individuals
authorized to pick up your child.
Hours of Operation
The Center is operating a full day program Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Late Fees
Late Pick-Up (per child): $10.00 for each 10 minutes or portion thereof.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
If we are unable to contact a parent or guardian within 30 minutes of the Center’s closure at 6:00 p.m., we
will notify the Reservoir Police Department and the Department of Human Services and release the child
to the appropriate authorities when they arrive. We may, at our option, remove children from our
program due to excessive lateness.
Tuition Rates
Registration fee: $40 per child / $80 per family due at registration
Supply fee: $70 due at registration
Tuition: $90 first child $80 second child $70 third child (for multi-sibling discounts please call
Tuition rates are subject to review and change each year.
Fee Payments: Fees are due via check with registration
Tuition: For your convenience and our preferred method of payment, Northshore Children’s
Center offers direct deposit. However, you may pay by check or money order made payable to
“Northshore Children’s Center.”
Please Note: There is a $30 charge for returned checks or Non Sufficient Funds on your account.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
No refunds in tuition are made for absences. All fees are non-refundable.
Please notify the Director, if your child will be absent on a scheduled day of attendance. We do worry. If
circumstances cause you to withdraw your child, you must submit a written notice of your exit date to the
office two weeks prior to your child’s last day of care. If Director is not notified in written form, we will
continue to bill your account for two weeks. Parents may secure from the Director a withdrawal form to
be completed and returned before any withdrawal request can be processed.
Payment Policy
Tuition is due in advance each Monday for the week. Monthly payments in advance (based upon the
number of Mondays in a month) are accepted and encouraged. For those parents paying weekly, if tuition
is not paid by Wednesday evening, a $10 late fee may be added to the balance due. Statements of your
payments are available upon request. There is a $30 charge for returned checks or Non Sufficient Funds on
your account. In the event that you do not make payments or do not give 2 weeks written notice of
withdrawal, you will be given a one-time written notice of charges owed. You will then have 15 days from
that notice to pay or resolve any disputes with the management of Northshore Children’s Center. You
agree to pay any reasonable attorney’s fees or collection agency fees and court costs. Please refer to the
current tuition agreement for prices.
Attendance and Tuition Charges
We understand that summer is a time for vacations. Please give us enough time to plan accordingly for
your child's absence.
Activities and Dismissal
By enrolling your child at NCC, you as a parent or guardian give permission for your child to be involved in
the activities and events at NCC. You further understand that NCC is a private childcare center whose goal
is to provide a positive, enriching environment. Although rare, a situation may arise in which it becomes
evident that the needs of a child cannot be met effectively by our center. A decision to dismiss a child will
only happen after we feel every option has been explored. Every measure will be taken to meet the needs
of the child in question, and our Director will assess each dismissal not only with regard to the individual
child’s needs, but also the needs of all the children served. The parent will be a central figure in the
discussions regarding this issue, but the decision to dismiss a child must be left to the discretion of our
Summer Holidays
May 25: Memorial Day – Center closed
July 4: Center closed
August TBD: Rankin County Schools open
August TBD: Northshore Children’s Center after-school begins
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Emergency Contact Information
Each parent must have on file a list of names and phone numbers of emergency contacts. The emergency
contacts are persons who are authorized by the parent(s) to pick up and/or care for the child in case of
illness or emergency when the parent cannot be reached. Please be sure the persons whose names you
give are aware that they have been listed for this purpose and that staff members will ask for
identification of any person with whom they are not familiar. In the case of legal issues, the registered
parent must indicate who has legal custody and who may pick up the child on the enrollment form. We
assume no liability if not properly advised. If you won’t be at the number you have listed to contact you
during your child’s day at the Center, leave a note with a staff member and/or on the sign-in sheet with
the number at which you can be reached. Whenever there are changes to be made, it is your
responsibility to update the emergency cards located in the Center’s front office and your child’s
classroom. Written authorization is required for changes in this respect. Children will only be released to
persons whose name appears on the emergency cards.
Special Circumstances
If a staff member suspects that the person picking up the child is under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
the child will not be released. Another person authorized to pick up the child will be called. The safety and
well being of the children in our care is of primary importance. If any child care staff believes that an adult
who is picking up a child is not in a condition to drive or adequately care for the child’s safety, the staff will
not release the child to the adult until the child’s safety is assured. Staff will offer to call another
authorized adult to assist in picking up the child.
Clothing and Personal Belongings
We ask that all clothing be appropriate for childcare. We do many fun and messy activities. Although
children always have access to smocks and are asked to wear them for messy types of activities, there may
be mishaps. We don’t want to ruin anything that is special to you or your child. We suggest that you leave
at least one complete outfit for your child here at Center. Because children grow so fast, it is important to
check the fit and weather appropriateness of these extra clothes from time to time. Always label
everything with your child’s name.
The parent bulletin boards contain items pertaining to parent involvement and many other items we feel
may be of interest to you.
Center’s webpage: Much general information can be found on website.:
Email: lmboatman.nscc@gmail.com
Phone: Call the office at 601.724.1411 or Lana Boatman 601.316.9229
Conference: Conferences should be scheduled. Please note that our teachers are in a supervisory role and
cannot conference in the hallway, during lunch, on field trips, or other times when they are with children.
Communication Procedures Relating to Non-Center Events: In order to ensure that all communication is
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consistent and accurate, The Director is designated to read all information that is distributed to parents,
children, and staff. Non Northshore Children’s Center activities will not be communicated to children or
parents without Director’s approval.
Your child will have a cubby at the Center for storing personal belongings.
Children are taught the importance of being a friend and treating others with care and respect. It is our
belief that the goal of discipline is to help young children gain inner self-control so they become aware of
what is acceptable behavior. If unacceptable behavior is displayed, we explain why the behavior is
inappropriate. If the behavior continues, the child will be directed to another activity. A child continuing to
have difficulty will be removed from the activity for a short period of time in order to regain his/her selfcontrol. The general rule for “time out” is one minute per year of age. Time out is used as a skill building
tool, not punishment. If you see a problem or have witnessed a situation you do not understand, please
schedule a conference with the teacher that works with your child.
We try to foresee and prevent problems by structuring an appropriate environment and setting basic
limits. These limits are mainly for reasons of safety and respect for oneself, for others, and for property.
These limits are explained or shown to a child at the outset in terms that s/he can understand. Negative
“attention seeking” behavior is ignored if at all possible.
Discipline shall be fair, reasonable, consistent, and related to the individual behavior. Children are not
spanked. Parents are not allowed to spank their children on Center property. This includes hitting,
shaking, beating, pinching, biting and other measures designed to produce physical pain. All teachers will
use a consistent discipline plan which includes: a visible system, a warning, disciplinary action by the
teacher, referral to the Director or Assistant Director. Our Director or Assistant Director will administer
any necessary discipline in love, working for the best interest of the development of the child and working
to cause change in the inappropriate behavior. If there are extreme problems, a discipline report will be
filled out. Please see "Severe Behavior" for the steps that will be enforced.
As your partner in caring for your child, it is important that good communication exist between the home
and our Center. If your child is experiencing a change in the home environment that may result in changes
in behavior, it is important for you to notify your teacher. Your teacher will keep you informed of any
behavioral concerns that may occur with your child at the Center. Every effort will be made to resolve any
problem that may occur.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Severe Behavior
Northshore Children’s Center is committed to using positive guidance strategies when teaching young
children how to manage their own behavior.
Developmentally appropriate guidance and classroom management promotes positive social skills, fosters
mutual respect, strengthens self-esteem, and supports a safe environment. However, at times some
children will exhibit severe behaviors that cannot be managed within the classroom setting. Severe
behavior is defined as:
Danger to self or others (examples include but are not limited to : head banging, excessive biting
that breaks the skin, hitting, hair pulling, using objects to inflict bodily harm, etc.) and/or
Disruptive behavior that creates chronic interference to classroom activities (examples include
but are not limited to: tantrums, screaming, foul language, spitting, crude or inappropriate
drawings, harassment such as name calling or threatening, destroying property, severe or
chronic non-compliance or defiance.)
If there are extreme problems, a discipline report will be filled out and the following steps will be
1st Report: Teacher, Director and/or Assistant Director will discuss the problem and agree upon a plan of
action to correct the inappropriate behavior.
2nd Report: Parent will be called to remove the child from the Center within one hour. Parent and
Director/Assistant Director will have a meeting to discuss why the plan of action is not working. No refund
on payment will be given for time missed.
3rd Report: Parent will remove the child from the Center within one hour. Parent will be required to keep
the child out of the Center for 48 hours. Director/Assistant Director will discuss a new plan of action. No
refunds will be given for time missed.
4th Report: Parent will remove the child from the Center within one hour. The child will not be able to
return to the Center. (Removal from enrollment) No refund will be given for fees. Any delinquent fees will
still remain owed until they are paid.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Northshore Children’s Center intends to provide its employees, volunteers, and students an environment
that is free of offensive kinds of behavior. Conduct, whether intentional or unintentional, that subjects
another person to unwanted attention, comments, actions, or robs the person of dignity, is unlawful and
contrary to our religious beliefs, and therefore, is not permitted.
Northshore Children’s Center does not condone or allow bullying or harassment of others, whether by
employees, supervisors, students, or other persons who may be present in our facilities. All students,
employees, and volunteers are expected to conduct themselves with respect for the dignity of others on
Center property, or at any Center function or Center-sponsored activity.
Harassment and bullying are defined as any electronic, written, verbal, or physical act or conduct toward
another person which is:
Based on any of the following actual or perceived traits or characteristics: age, color, creed,
national origin, race, religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical
attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political
belief, socioeconomic status, or familial status; and
Creates an objectively hostile environment that meets one or more of the following conditions:
Places the person in reasonable fear of harm to person or property.
Has a substantially detrimental effect on the person’s physical or mental health.
Has the effect of substantially interfering with academic or job performance.
Has the effect of substantially interfering with the person’s ability to participate in or
benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by this center.
The following activities, absent substantial aggravating factors, occurring inside or outside the classroom,
do not constitute harassment or bullying:
Instruction and participation in lessons and worship service.
Discussions and debate concerning issues important to Christian faith.
Electronic, written, verbal, and physical interpretation of Biblical scripture, and religious texts,
music, and opinion.
Witnessing and faith-sharing.
Any person/child who believes he or she has been subjected to bullying or harassment or believes they
have witnessed any act of bullying or harassment should report it immediately to an appropriate
teacher/superior or the Director. A student may report to a teacher, counselor, or the Director as well as
discussing the incident with the student’s parent or guardian. However, the Director is responsible for
receiving report and ensuring this policy is implemented.
All suspected bullying or harassment will be promptly and thoroughly investigated by the Director or
his/her designee. Subsequent investigations will be handled discreetly to avoid embarrassment of the
person making the report.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Any person who is determined to have violated this policy will be subject to corrective action and
discipline, including the possibility of termination (for employees), expulsion (for students), or criminal
charges if they are filed.
Sexual harassment, one of the forms of harassment prohibited by this policy, is defined as follows:
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual
nature, or otherwise creating an intimidating, uncomfortable, bothersome, hostile, or offensive
working, learning or care environment.
Making submission to, or rejection of, such conduct the basis for employment, care or
educational decisions affecting any person.
This policy shall be published in the student handbook, the employee handbook, and the parent/guardian
It is the policy of Northshore Children’s Center to provide equal education and employment opportunities
and not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, age, marital status, gender, or
disability in its educational programs, activities, or its employment and personnel policies.
Students shall be integrated in all areas on the basis of race, national origin, gender, and disability. As a
Christian center, Northshore Children’s Center reserves the right to discriminate or impose qualifications
based on religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation as allowed by the Mississippi Code of 1972.
Nothing in this policy, or any other policies of the Center, shall be construed to limit, inhibit, or otherwise
restrict the genuine expression of religious belief or conviction, or the free exercise thereof, as expressed
in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Apparel advertising beer, other alcoholic beverages, any tobacco products, drug use, or places where
these products are used, as well as apparel advertising lewd behavior or places where it is practiced, is
strictly prohibited. Parents will be called to bring clothes if necessary.
Children will be encouraged to learn good hygiene habits. Children will be guided by teachers to wash
hands with soap and water before and after meals and snacks, after using the toilet, and before engaging
in any cooking activity or water play.
Outdoor Play
State licensing regulations require that children spend 2 hours per day outside. With the exception of an
extremely cold or hot days or smoggy days in summer, understand that your children will spend time
outside each day. Please bring appropriate clothing for the weather. Please remember to label all
clothing. Unless the weather is extremely severe, we will go outside for much needed fresh air and large
motor play. If a child is not well, and you do not want them to go outside, they are not well enough to be
at school and need to be kept at home that day.
Rest Time
The children have a rest period each day. Children can bring a blanket or comfort item. Please label all of
your child's belongings. To protect your child's health, all linens must be taken home on Friday and
laundered. Please send appropriate books, magazines, or cuddly toys for this rest time.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Parents provide their child’s lunch and one snack. The lunch should be labeled with the child’s name and
should avoid requiring any special storage temperature or heating. We will serve milk and/or water for
lunch. Children are not allowed to share food. Our snacks comply with the State and Federal Minimum
Nutrition Standards. We use a menu that rotates on a regular basis.
Please make lunch nutritionally balanced based on the Mississippi State Department of Health Guidelines.
Please see those guidelines in the appendices. Milk must be offered to all children. Children with a
dairy/milk allergy must have on file a written exclusion from their physician.
Each day, the Center furnishes the children with a morning snack. You will need to send another snack. It
needs to be nutritionally balanced based on the Mississippi State Department of Health Guidelines. Please
see the back appendices for that information. Snack menus are posted in the hallway outside the kitchen.
Arrangements may be made with your teacher if you would like to provide a snack for a birthday party or
special event. If you would like to provide a special snack, please see your child's teacher for a list of
ideas. No soft drinks should be in lunches.
In the case of special dietary needs as prescribed by a physician, parents must furnish the food items
and/or make arrangements with the Director. Please notify the Director and your child’s teacher of any
food allergy your child may have, including the severity of such an allergy, and what to do in the event a
child accidentally ingests such food.
We will take your child’s picture and post it in the kitchen and the classroom. Understand that we will
make every reasonable effort to accommodate children with food allergies or other food restrictions, but
there are limits to what can be done in a large group care setting.
Lunch Visitors: We can accommodate a limited number of visitors each day. If you wish to eat lunch with
us, please call the office to sign up before 10:00 A.M. of the day you wish to eat. This will be a pass for
lunch and not a visitor's pass to go to the playground or classroom after lunch. Visitor's should check in at
the office and pick up a visitor's pass.
We ask that all toys with the exception of a soft sleepy time toy stay at home. This assures they will not be
lost or broken while at the Center. Any toys that are brought to the Center will remain in the child’s cubby
until pick up time. Children are not allowed to have electronic gadgets, games, or cell phones in their
possession at the Center. All items will be confiscated and turned in to the office. Only parents may pick
up items that have been turned in to the office. In case of emergency situations or unusual circumstances,
cell phones may be allowed with written permission from the Director.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Campus Security Policy: For the safety of our children, no one will be allowed to enter a classroom or
hallway without a visitor's pass from the front receptionist. All parents or visitors will be expected to sign
in at the front reception desk before going to a classroom.
The Center opens at 7:00 a.m. each morning during the summer. We encourage children to arrive by 8:00
a.m. so they may fully participate in the morning activities. Parents must always accompany their children
in and out. During inclement weather, the alternate entry and exit door will be the set of double doors
under the Portico according to the inclement weather policy. Upon your child’s arrival and departure,
please be sure you sign in and out with a staff member present. Upon arrival, you will sign in the date,
your child's name time of arrival, and your signature. When departing, you will sign time of departure,
show your I.D. and write your signature. For the safety of your child and in the case of an emergency,
please be sure to always follow this regulation.
Guidelines for a Smooth Separation
It is important that your child’s day begin on a positive note. Upon arrival, please sign your child in and
make sure your child’s teacher knows your child has arrived. From time to time, your child may
experience some separation anxiety. This is normal. Experts suggest you hug and comfort your child, let
them know you are leaving and will see them later, then promptly leave the classroom. While leaving a
crying child can be a difficult thing, most children stop crying within five minutes, and your lingering in the
classroom most often makes matters worse.
At pick-up, please sign your child out and check for any notes, messages, or permission slips you may need
to sign.
Please arrive by 5:50. The Center closes promptly at 6:00 p.m.
Late Pick-Up (per child): $10.00 for each 10 minutes or portion thereof. This is necessary because of
staffing ratios, which must be strictly followed. This fee will be added to your next billing cycle. If we are
unable to contact a parent or guardian within 30 minutes of the Center’s closure at 6:00 p.m., we will
notify the proper authority and release the child to them when they arrive. We may, at our option,
remove children from our program due to excessive lateness. We will NOT release children to any adult,
regardless of relation, who is not duly authorized in writing to pick up the children. It is especially
important for custodial parents to leave written instructions regarding non-custodial parents. We may, at
our option, request picture ID of adults attempting to sign children out.
Inclement Weather Arrival and Departure: Please drive under the covered area and a staff member will
sign you in there.
Use of Alcohol or Tobacco Products
The use or presence of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs is prohibited in the building or anywhere on the
grounds by any staff, parent or visitor. Smoking is NOT allowed in the facilities or on the parking lot and
we ask parents to not dispose of cigarettes on the grounds. Therefore, alcohol or tobacco use of any kind
will not be allowed on the campus or any Center-sponsored event.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Emergency Medical Care
Should your child become ill during the time that he/she is in the care of Northshore Children’s Center, or
suffers a serious accident, the center will contact a parent or guardian immediately and shall be
authorized to secure such medical attention, transportation, and care for the child as may be necessary
(The parent shall assume responsibility for the cost of any such care). Northshore Children’s Center uses
Baptist Hospital as its designated emergency care center.
We will make all attempts to contact you and other emergency contact numbers first, so it is important
that you keep the center informed in writing as to changes in your telephone numbers (cell, pagers, work,
home), as well as those of emergency contacts.
Sick Child Policy
If your child is sick and will be absent, it is very important that you contact the Center to let us know.
For the safety and health of all our children and teachers, sick children need to be at home. Please do not
send your child to the Center if s/he has had any of the following described conditions during the previous
24 hours. Also be advised, if your child exhibits any of the following signs while at the Center, s/he will be
isolated immediately and you will be contacted to come pick up your child. When you have been
contacted because of illness, please pick up your child within the hour. It is very important you have
alternative care for your child when s/he is sick. We know it can be a very frustrating time when a child is
sent home because of illness. No tuition adjustment will be made for absences due to illness.
Medical Conditions
Diarrhea (2 or more loose stools).
Difficulty or rapid breathing.
Asthma or severe upper respiratory infection unless parent provides evidence that child is under
physician’s care.
Vomited within last 6 hours.
Yellowish skin or eyes.
A temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher and/or has had a fever during the previous
24 hours.
Mucus with green or yellow color, unless child has been on antibiotic therapy for 24 hours.
Undiagnosed rash.
Sore throat.
Severe cough.
Chicken pox, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, impetigo, diphtheria or herpes simplex.
Untreated scabies, tineacorporis or capitis (ring worm).
An ear infection, unless provided notification that child is under physician’s care.
Untreated head lice.
Please notify the Center at once if your child has been exposed to a communicable disease (See Appendix
B – Communicable Diseases, pages 19-20).
Our staff is not medically trained. Children will not be permitted to self-administer medication or
treatment with the exception of a breathing inhaler. This self-administered medication must be preapproved by the Director; he/she may seek advice from a medical doctor prior t o approval. If your child
has continuing medication or other medical needs, then you should make arrangements for your child to
NCC Handbook 3/2015
receive such medication or treatment outside of regular Center hours. You may request that necessary
medication or treatment be administered by a licensed physician, nurse, custodial parent or legal guardian
at reasonable times during regular Center hours at your own expense. Alternatively, if your child requires
medication during Center hours and you are unable to arrange medical personnel, a custodial parent, or a
legal guardian to administer the medication, you may request that Northshore Children’s Center
office/administration administer medication to your child by completing a Medication Administration
Request and Consent Form. You may obtain this form from the office. Northshore Children’s Center
reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to approve or deny all such requests. No medication will be
dispensed without written authorization. The only exceptions to the above policy are the use of
epinephrine pens in a life threatening situation and the use of medically prescribed asthma inhalers for
children who have been diagnosed with asthma problems. The parents must sign a statement authorizing
Northshore Children’s Center personnel to administer the epinephrine pen to their child and should
supply the epinephrine pen to Northshore Children’s Center for use or use of asthma inhalers for children
who require the use of such.
Any child with special medical conditions or needs must have written documentation from a physician
stating his/her individualized medical plan and protocol for action in an emergency.
All students are required to have a medical release agreement signed by the parent or legal guardian. If a
child has a communicable disease, the parent must notify the office immediately. He must have a
statement from a physician or the health department stating that he is no longer contagious before he can
return to Center. In the case of head-lice, Northshore Children’s Center strictly enforces a “no-nit” policy.
Students should not attend Center with persistent cough, chills, skin rashes, severe runny nose, or
diarrhea. If a student is picked up from the center because of illness, they WILL NOT be allowed to return
that day.
Because young children are vulnerable to infectious diseases, we encourage you as the parent to be aware
of our health policies as stated. Prevention of illnesses or contagious diseases is critical. We encourage you
Do a brief assessment of your child’s health each morning. Please do not bring a sick child to the
Be aware that low-grade fevers may be associated with an infection or illness.
Keep front office and classroom emergency cards up-to-date.
Dress your child appropriately – according to weather, etc.
Be aware that on short notice you may have to pick up your child due to illness.
Sanitation Procedures
Licensing regulations are adhered to in all areas of sanitation procedures. Our current Child Care License is
posted in the front office. The Health Inspection Certificate is posted in the main kitchen.
The staff makes every effort to ensure the safety of your child. Unfortunately, accidents do occur. As a
partner in the care of your child, we realize that you will want to be aware of your child’s injuries or
illnesses that occur at the Center. In order to keep you informed, we will provide you with an Accident and
Incident Report for each occurrence. In case of a serious injury, we will make every attempt to contact you
for instructions. If we cannot reach you, we will call the person you have indicated on the emergency card
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to make medical emergency decisions about your child. Please keep all these numbers updated. Your
signed emergency medical release will also assist us in obtaining prompt medical attention. A staff
member will stay with your child until your arrival. Staff will not administer medical treatment, other than
emergency first aid. Staff will be provided with CPR and First Aid Training.
Child Abuse: We are obligated by law to report signs of child abuse to the proper authorities. We take
child abuse very seriously.
Mandated Reporting Information
Teachers and Directors are required by law to report evidence of child neglect or abuse. Those who fail to
report according to state regulations can be held accountable under the law. No one, including school
management and/or a child’s parents, can interfere with this reporting requirement. We take child abuse
very seriously.
Water / Sun Safety
Sun-safe practices will be followed to promote and ensure the safety of all children. NCC will apply
sunscreen to children as necessary. When children swim, lifeguards will be on duty and the staff/child
ratio will be met. NCC staff along with pool lifeguards will ensure all children follow all swimming rules.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Fire Drills
Emergency fire drills are held monthly to acquaint your child with evacuation procedures. This may make
quite an impression on your child the first time a drill is held, but your child will soon become accustomed
to it and know just what to do. Our Center is equipped with fire extinguishers that are placed throughout
the building. The Fire Marshall Inspection Certificate is posted in the front office.
Tornado Warnings
Places of shelter from tornadoes have been designated by a member of the National Weather Service. As
soon as Rankin County is placed under a tornado warning, all children will be moved to places of maximum
safety. To maintain order and protect the lives of all students, parents will not be allowed to pick up a
child during a warning.
Emergency Evacuations
The Center has developed an evacuation plan to be followed in the event that an evacuation and
relocation of children and staff becomes necessary. Events such as chemical spills, poisonous gases, fire,
etc. could necessitate an evacuation.
If the Center must be evacuated, Center Staff will move children to the following locations.
Reservoir Fire Department located on the Northshore Parkway
Oakdale Baptist Church, 1872 Highway 471, Brandon, MS
If the event of any emergency, Reservoir Police will have been contacted. Parents are asked to call 601316-9229 for any information related to the emergency.
As soon as children have been safely moved to one of these alternate locations, staff will begin contacting
parents to inform them of the situation.
Emergency Closings
Information when the Center is not in session due to any emergency conditions can be obtained by calling
Fire Drills
We evacuate the Center whenever the Center Fire Alarms sounds. Fire Drills are scheduled every month.
Inclement Weather
We will attempt to let you know if the weather is too severe as early as possible.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Summer Day Camp 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
7:00 – 7:45 arrival check in time
7:45 – 8:00 snack (provided by the Center)
8:00 – 8:45 Nature lessons “edible garden”
8:45 – 9:00 prepare for Creative Arts Camp
9:00 – 10:30 Creative Arts Camp
10:30 – 10:45 snack
10:45 – 12:30 Creative Arts Camp
12:30 – 1:00 Lunch (milk provided by the
1:00 - 2:00 Quiet Time – Reading
2:00 – 3:00 Planned Activities
3:00 – 3:15 Snack
3:15 – 6:00 Supervised Play, pick up
Transportation/Field Trips
Parents will be notified prior to any field trips. Parental permission is required before children may be
transported on a field trip. Please watch for special event information.
Children will not be photographed without a signed consent of parents allowing photographs. Such a
form is on file with the enrollment application. The question is asked as part of the enrollment process,
and the answer is kept on file.
A copy of Regulations Governing Licensure of Child Care Facilities shall be kept at the Center at all times
as required by state law. A MSDH licensing official can be reached at 601-364-2827. All parents are
welcome to visit the Center at any time.
We reserve the right to change items in this handbook at any time. Changes and amendments will be
posted and all parents will receive the changes in writing.
NCC Handbook 3/2015
Nutritional Guidelines
(The Mississippi Department of Health)
5 year olds: select 2 out of the 4 components listed:
1. 1/2 low fat or skim milk
2. 1/2 c vegetable or fruit juice
3. 1/2oz meat/meat alternative/cooked meat, no bone
1/2oz cheese
1 egg
1/8 c cooked dry beans/peas
2 oz or 1/4 c yogurt, plain or sweetened
4. 1/2 slice bread
1/3 c or 1/2 oz dry cereal1/3 c hot cereal
1/4 c pasta or noodles
6 year olds-12 year olds: select 2 out of the 4 components listed:
1. 1 c low fat of skim milk
2. 3/4 c vegetable or fruit juice
3. 1 oz meat/meat alternative/cooked meat, no bone
1 egg
1/4 c cooked dry beans/peas
4 oz or 1/2 c yogurt, plain or sweetened
4. 1 slice bread
3/4 c or 1 oz dry cereal
1/2 hot cereal
1/2 c pasta or noodles
5 year olds: select items from each of the 4 components listed:
1. 3/4 c low fat or skim milk
2. 1/2 c vegetable or fruit juice
1/4 c vegetable and 1/4 c fruit must include 2 different foods- 1 fruit and 1 vegetable to total the
serving amount
3. 1 1/2 oz cooked meat, no bone
1 1/2 oz cheese
1 egg
3/8 c cooked dry beans/peas
6 oz or 3/4 c yogurt, plain or sweetened
4. 1/2 slice bread
1/3 c or 1/2 oz dry cereal
1/3 c hot cereal
1/4 c pasta or noodles
6 year olds-12 year olds: select items from each of the 4 components listed:
1. 1 c low fat or skim milk
2. 3/4 c vegetable or fruit juice
3/8 c vegetable and 3/8 c fruit
3. 2 oz cooked meat, no bone
2 oz cheese
1 egg
1/2 cooked dry beans/peas
8 oz or 1 c yogurt, plain or sweetened
4. 1 slice bread
3/4 or 1 oz dry cereal
1/2 c hot cereal
1/2 pasta or noodles
Appendix B
Communicable Disease Information
(The Mississippi Department of Health)
Chicken Pox
- Symptoms: Sudden onset of mild fever, sometimes vomiting. Eruption appears within 24 hours in the
form of small blisters on body, face and forehead. There may be a few skin lesions or many. Do not
give aspirin.
- Incubation Period: 13 to 21 days.
- Isolation of Case: Until 7 days after appearance of skin rash. Highly contagious. After all sores have
dried & crusted (usually 6 days).
German Measles (Rubella)
- Symptoms: Mild illness. Rash resembles (but less red than) measles or scarlet fever. Swelling of
lymph glands behind ear and neck.
- Incubation Period: 14 to 21 days.
- Isolation of Case: 5-7 days after onset of rash.
Measles (Rubeola)
- Symptoms: Cold, runny nose, redness of eyes, sensitivity to light, coughs or fever. This is the most
infectious stage of the disease. After 3 days, a dark rash appears, first behind the ears, then on neck
and face, becoming generalized.
- Incubation Period: 10 to 12 days.
- Isolation of Case: 4 days from appearance of rash.
- Symptoms: Swelling and pain in one or both glands, fever 101 to 104 degrees, headache, earache,
sore throat, pain when swallowing, tiredness, muscle & joint aches, poor appetite and vomiting.
- Incubation Period: 16 to 18 days.
- Isolation of Case: 4 days after onset of symptoms.
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
- Symptoms: Cough, which develops into sharp, rapid, repetitive coughing. Extremely contagious; may
be quite severe.
- Incubation Period: 7 to 10 days (usually not exceeding 21 days).
- Isolation of Case: Up to 14 days after treatment begins.
- Symptoms: High fever followed by rash 12-24 hours after fever has gone. Rare before 6 months and
after 3 years.
- Incubation Period: Not known (Estimated 5-15 days).
- Isolation of Case: None.
Fifth Disease (“Slapped Cheek” Fever)
- Symptoms: On the face, rash is intensely red with a slapped cheek appearance. Face rash fades and a
pink lace-like rash appears on arms, legs, and trunk. No itching; no blisters.
- Incubation Period: 4 to 20 days before rash.
- Isolation of Case: No isolation. No treatment.
Strep Infections (Respiratory)
- Symptoms: Headache, vomiting, sore throat, fever (may be high or slight), rash (may appear within
24-48 hours). The rash may be slight or transient or there may be no rash.
- Incubation Period: 1 to 3 days.
- Isolation of Case: 24 hours after start of antibiotics and cessation of fever.
Hepatitis A
- Symptoms: Viral infection of the liver. Symptoms can vary: loss of appetite, nausea, fever, abdominal
pain. Transmitted through stool of infected person, contaminated hands, and being swallowed.
- Incubation Period: 15 to 30 days.
- Isolation of Case: Notify Health Department. Use careful hand washing to prevent spreading. Vaccine
now available.
Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) Bacterial or Viral
- Symptoms: Redness, yellow discharge, swelling of lids. Easily spread to others. Clear discharge may
indicate allergies.
- Incubation Period: 24 to 72 hours.
- Isolation of Case: 24 hours after treatment has begun.
Impetigo Contagiosa (Staph or Strep Infection)
- Symptoms: Scattered blistery or pustular lesions, which become crusted. Commonly found on the
face, arms, or scattered over the body.
- Incubation Period: Undetermined, but probably 2 to 5 days.
- Isolation of Case: 24 hours after treatment has begun.
Ringworm (Capitis)
- Symptoms: Fungal infection of scalp or body. Flat, spreading, ring-shaped lesions, red on edge and
clear in center. When they occur in scalp, hair tends to break off, leaving bald spot.
- Incubation Period: None.
- Isolation of Case: Exclusion until condition is healed or, if single lesion, same as impetigo.
- Symptoms: Skin infection caused by mites. Spread through direct skin contact and shared bedding.
Symptoms include: Itchy bumps, scratch-like lines under skin around hands, wrist, and between
- Incubation Period: 2 to 6 weeks without previous exposure.
- Isolation of Case: Exclusion until treatment is completed.
Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease (Coxsackie Virus)
- Symptoms: A viral rash. Mild fever, small painful sores in mouth and throat, rash on palms or hands,
soles of feet and legs may be noted.
- Incubation Period: 3 - 7 days.
- Isolation of Case: Until temperature normal for 24 hours.
Head Lice (TineaCorporis)
- Symptoms: “Itchy scalp” caused by insect (louse). Eggs (nits) appear as tiny gray-white pearls glued to
hair, especially around neck and behind ears.
- Incubation Period: Immediate
- Isolation of Case: Exclude until treated with recommended shampoo. Remove all nits before
returning to the Center.
Appendix C
Intestinal/Diarrhea Diseases Which Require Laboratory Diagnosis
(The Mississippi Department of Health)
- Symptoms: Small intestinal worms that cause itching of anal area, especially at night. Transmitted
through contaminated finger or hand contact.
- Incubation Period: 6 weeks
- Isolation of Case: Return after treatment.
Infectious Diarrhea
- Symptoms: Increased number of stools per day or loose, watery stools. May be accompanied by
fever, abdominal pain, and cramps.
- Incubation Period: Varies with type.
- Isolation of Case: Varies with case. Prevent with proper hand washing.
- Symptoms: Acute bacterial disease. Symptoms: fever, abdominal pain, cramps, bloody diarrhea.
- Incubation Period: 1 to 7 days.
- Isolation of Case: Notify Health Department.
- Symptoms: Fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.
- Incubation Period: 6 hours to 4 days.
- Isolation of Case: Notify Health Department.
2015 Parent Handbook Agreement Signature Form
Student's Name: ___________________________________________________________________
To: Parents
From: Northshore Children's Center
I have received a copy of the 2015 Parent Handbook and have read the contents to become familiar
with all policy and procedures at Northshore Children's Center. By signing, I also agree to abide by
and support Northshore Children's Center's policies and procedures.
Policy violations: Parents who violate Center policies may be contacted and informed of the
violation. Repeated violations may be cause for the family to be removed from the Center.
Print Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Parent's Signature: __________________________________Date:_______________