Updated 2012-2013 [doc] - Portland Community College


Student Leadership By-laws



This organization, the Associated Students of Portland Community College (ASPCC) is dedicated to enriching the lives of Rock Creek Students while striving to maintain a productive relationship with staff, faculty, our district and community. ASPCC represents and serves all students of the Rock Creek Campus and will therefore design activities, events, policies and programs directed toward meeting this goal. Our mission is to improve and promote student interest.

II. Campus Administration

In order to actively address the needs and interest of our campus population, ASPCC

Rock Creek is divided into eight departments. While the group functions as a unit, each department will have a primary focus and responsibility to implement programs that enhances student life. ASPCC departments consist of:

1. Campus Affairs

2. Legislative Affairs











Public Relations

Queer Resource Center

1. Campus Affairs

This department consists of the following:

A. Director of Campus Affairs

B. Campus Affairs Coordinator

This department’s responsibilities consist of, but are not limited to, the following: a.

Ensuring that ASPCC Rock Creek has representation at the District

Student Council. b.

Promoting ASPCC and the college by serving as the voice of the students to the college administration, committees, and outside organizations.


Empowering members of the Student Congress to represent Rock Creek students on the college committees, the Board of Directors, OCCSA, and other outside organizations. d.

Promoting and allocating Classroom Enhancement Grants. e.

Working closely with the “Open Mind Open Mic” Committee and is responsible for hosting the weekly series.

A. Director of Campus Affairs a. b.

Chairs the weekly Student Congress meetings.

Serves as one of the three Rock Creek ASPCC representatives to the c. d.

District Student Council (DSC).

Oversees the Campus Affairs Department meetings and operations.

Serves on the Rock Creek Leadership Team. e. Serves on the Education Advisory Council.

B. Campus Affairs Coordinator a. b.

Assist the Director of Campus Affairs with projects and goals of the organization.

Maintain records for the student congress meetings, agenda minutes, and reports.

Helps with efforts to sustain the WRC Canteen. c.

2. Legislative Affairs

This department consists of:

A. Director of Legislative Affairs

B. Political Coordinator

This department’s responsibilities consist of, but are not limited to, the following: a.

Ensuring that Rock Creek students are represented on the Oregon

Community College Student Association (OCCSA). b.

Ensuring that ASPCC Rock Creek has representation at the District

Student Council. c.

Empowering members of the Student Congress to represent the Rock

Creek students on the college committees, the Board of Directors and other outside organizations. d.

Serving as the voice of the students to the college administration, committees, and outside organizations. e.

Coordinating political activity at Rock Creek including lobbying, voter registration drives and informing students of issues in the legislature relevant to them.

A. Director of Legislative Affairs a.

Promotes voter education and registration, GOTV and plans activities and projects related to the legislative process. b.

Organizes student lobby efforts. c.

Represents Rock Creek on the Board of the Oregon Community College

Student Association (OCCSA). d.

Serves as one of the three Rock Creek ASPCC representatives to the

District Student Council (DSC). e.

Oversees meetings and operations of Legislative Affairs.

B. Political Coordinator a. b. c.

Works with the Director of Legislative Affairs on campus campaigns designed to promote voter education and registration.

Assist the Director of Legislative Affairs with lobby efforts.

Participates in Legislative Affairs meetings and operations.

3. Programming

This department consists of the following:

A. Director of Programming

B. Events Coordinator

C. Evening Coordinator

This department’s responsibilities consist of, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e.

Ensuring that ASPCC has adequate representation at the District Student


Creating, implementing, and evaluating programs and service projects that enhance Rock Creek student life.

Serving on the district-wide Programming Committee.

Participates in Programming meetings and operations.

Assist with the “All District” programming activities.

A. Director of Programming a. b. c. d.

Ensures that activities and events relevant to the Programming Department are planned and accomplished.

Manages the quarterly book exchange.

Serves as one of the three Rock Creek ASPCC representative of the

District Student Council (DSC).

Plans activities and events that serve the students and the community.

e. Serving as a member on the district-wide Programming Committee.

B. Events Coordinator a. b.

Assist the Director of Programming with activities, events, programs and service projects that enhance student life.

Plans activities and events designed to foster community building and ensure that those events are accomplished.

C. Evening Coordinator a. b. d.

Plans activities and events for evening students and ensures that those events are accomplished.

Staffs the student help desk in the evenings and when required.

Assist the Director of Programming and the Events Coordinator as available. e. Ensures that the Student Center is organized and ready for the following morning by managing night time responsibilities.

4. Clubs

This department consists of the following:

A. Student Club Coordinator

B. Student Diversity Club Coordinator

This department’s responsibilities consist of, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c.

Provides leadership for the students interested in forming clubs and organizations to get them started.

Plans and implements the quarterly campus “Club Fair”.

Assist the Club and Programs Specialist to train the club leaders and advisors on policies and procedures. e. Tracks and maintains communication with chartered clubs throughout the year. f. Tracks and coordinates Service Projects for chartered clubs. g. Acts as the liaison for ASPCC and individual Club Coordinators. h. Tracks and coordinates the ASPCC Club Representatives program. i. Tracks and maintains club spending, requests and budgets. j. Assists the Club and Programs Specialist in coordinating the Club and

Programs Committee.

A. Student Club Coordinator

a. b. c.

Provides leadership for students interested in forming clubs and organizations.

Coordinates the Campus Club Fairs and assists with the District Club


Ensures policies and procedures regarding clubs and organizations are properly adhered to.

B. Student Diversity Club Coordinator a.

Provides leadership with a focus on International Students, in forming clubs and organizations. b.

Coordinates the Campus Club Fairs and assist with the District Club

Convention. c.

Ensures policies and procedures regarding clubs and organizations are properly adhered to.

5. Recreation

This department consists of the following:

A. Recreation Coordinator

B. Recreation Co-Coordinator

This department’s responsibilities consist of, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c.

Coordinating recreational activities in the Rock Creek GYM, fields, and student center related to recreational sports and activities.

Assist clubs that are related to sports and recreational activities.

Planning and developing tournaments each quarter.

A. Recreation Coordinator a.

Play a lead role for the Recreation Team. b.

Plan and implement recreational activities for the Rock Creek campus.

B. Recreation Co-Coordinator a.

Assist the Recreation Coordinator with planning and implementing recreational activities for the Rock Creek Campus.

6. Sustainability

This department consists of the following:

A. Director of Sustainability

B. Sustainability Coordinator

This department’s responsibilities consist of, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f.

Ensure that PCC’s Sustainability Policy is followed on the Rock Creek campus.

Serve on the Rock Creek Green Team and assist with other environmentally conscious clubs.

Collaborate with other campus Green Teams to implement any district wide initiatives.

Work with other ASPCC branches and the Rock Creek campus community to encourage environmentally conscious practices when planning an activities and events.

Ensuring that ASPCC Rock Creek has adequate representation at The

Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) Committee and at the Sustainability

Leadership Team (SLT).

Coordinates activities related to Earth Week and the Learning Garden in conjunction with the Rock Creek Sustainability Staff.

A. Director of Sustainability a. b. c.

Serve as the Rock Creek representative to The Green initiative Fund

(TGIF) Committee.

Serve as the ASPCC representative on the Rock Creek Learning Garden

Advisory Council (LGAC) meetings.

Implement sustainable practices around the Rock Creek Campus.

B. Sustainability Coordinator a.

Assist the Director of Sustainability with implementing sustainable practices around the Rock Creek Campus.

7. Public Relations

This department consists of the following:

A. Media Specialist

B. Bulletins Coordinator

This department’s responsibilities consist of, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d.

Coordinate with staff, and leaders to communicate and promote ASPCC

Rock Creek events, programs, student resources, and activities.

Create and distribute promotional materials in hard copy and electronically via social networking and other media.

Use sustainable practices for promotion and distribution.

Create and maintain a portfolio of projects.

A. Media Specialist a. b.

Maintain and distribute the ASPCC newsletter, or its equivalent, periodically during the academic year.

Coordinate with the Student Activities Administrative Assistant to maintain the ASPCC website current and accurate. c. Work with other ASPCC departments to create and distribute promotional materials. d. Assists in preparing press releases for the Bridge Newspaper. e. Act as the liaison between ASPCC, the Rock Creek Community Relations

Manager and the college’s Public Relations staff.

B. Bulletins Coordinator a. b.

Distribute promotional materials in hard copy via bulletins.

Assist the Student Activities Administrative Assistant as available.

8. Queer Resource Advocates

This department consists of the following:

A. Queer Resource Center Lead Advocate

B. Queer Resource Center Advocate

This department’s responsibilities consist of, but are not limited to the following: a. b. c. d. e.

Advocate for the rights and needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and queer by questioning students and allies on campus.

Research and recommend resources for the LGBTQ students.

Educate the campus community about LGBTQ needs and resources.

Reach and recruit members of the LGBTQ community.

Organize social programming for QSA Club. f. Research and provide scholarship information specifically for LGBTQ students.

A. Queer Resource Center Lead Advocate a.

Play a lead role for the QRC advocates. b.

Maintain a strong communication between advocates. c.

Plan and implement programming that advocates for the LGBTQ community.

B. Queer Resource Center Advocate a.

Plan and implement programming that advocates for the LGBTQ community.

III. Blanket Statements

Blanket Statements are responsibilities that apply to all ASPCC official members.

They consist of the following: a.

Must abide by PCC Policies and the PCC Student Code of Conduct. b.

Maintain a good standing with the college. c. Must advocate for student rights and for the best of student interest. d. e.

Must maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 and a number of 6 credit hours at the Rock Creek Campus during the academic year.

Every ASPCC member is required to attend at least one committee with f. g. h. the exception of club representatives.

Help other student leaders with projects and events as available.

Each department is responsible for any content they post on their corresponding social media.

Each department and individual member is responsible to label, maintain, i. j. n. and organize their belongings within the storage room.

All official voting members must serve as an active voting member of the

Student Congress.

All ASPCC Members must prepare and monitor their department’s budget. k. Must assist in hiring personnel to fulfill ASPCC positions in accordance to the Hiring Committee guidelines. l. Develop and monitor annual budgets for ASPCC expenditures. m. Must contribute information to the ASPCC newsletter, or its equivalent, as available.

Abide by ASPCC yearly guidelines.

IV. Student Representatives

a. Student Representatives are not hired positions of ASPCC. However, they are official members who are approved by the Student Congress. Student

Representatives are voting members and receive compensation specified on the Student Representative Application. The maximum number of

Student Representatives will be determined every biennium by the Student


The responsibilities of Student Representatives are, but are not limited to, the following: a.

Serve as a voting member in the Student Congress. b.

Attend one committee per term.


Relay relevant information acquired during the Student Congress meetings and committees attended to the student body.

V. Club Representatives

a. Club Representatives are not hired positions of ASPCC. However, they are official members who are approved by the Student Congress. Club

Representatives are voting members and receive compensation specified on the Club Representative Application. The maximum number of Club

Representatives will be determined every biennium by the Student


The responsibilities of Club Representatives are, but are not limited to the following: a.

Serve as a voting member in the Student Congress as the representative of their club and as the voice of all ASPCC chartered clubs.

VI. Student Congress

The Student Congress is the governing body of ASPCC and its responsibilities consist of: a. b. c.

Developing and promoting ASPCC policies and procedures within the provisions of the by-laws.

Advocating for students rights and responsibilities.

Serving the voice of the students to the college administration, d. committees, and other outside organizations.

Publicly addressing matters of importance to students and deciding on which course of action benefits rock Creek students.

Ensuring that public congress meetings are held each week. e.

The Student Congress is the decision-making body of the organization. Its membership includes official and non-official members. Two thirds of the official members create quorum. Non-official members are not needed to establish quorum. If the chair wishes to advocate a particular point of view, he/she may relinquish the facilitator position to a proxy thus making him/her eligible to participate in the decision making process.

The Student Congress consists of the following:


A. Director of Campus Affairs



Campus Affairs Coordinator

Official Members


Director of Legislative Affairs


Director of Programming


Director of Sustainability


Student Club Coordinator


Recreation Coordinator


Political Organizer


Events Coordinator


Evening Coordinator


Sustainability Coordinator


Student Diversity Club Coordinator


Recreation Co-Coordinator


Media Specialist


Bulletins Coordinator


QRC Lead Advocate


QRC Advocate(s)


Student Representative(s)


Club Representative(s)

A maximum of one representative from each of the Rock Creek Student

Leadership Teams may be an official member.

Leadership Teams consist of the following:

A. Phi Theta Kappa (Beta Gamma Lambda)

B. The Multicultural Center


The Women’s Resource Center


The Veteran’s Resource Center

E. The Career Resource Center

Advisors consist of the following:

A. Student Leadership Coordinator

B. Club and Programs Specialist

C. ASPCC Administrative Assistant


Observers may monitor the activity of the student congress and express their opinion, but they are not a part of the decision making process.

VII. Decision Making Process

a. All members shall have one vote or voice in matters that come before the congress.

b. c.

Decisions will be made by consensus, two-thirds majority or a simple majority. The process is to be decided at the first student congress meeting of the academic year.

Quorum exists when 2/3 of the official members are present. If positions are not filled, that entity is not included in the quorum count.

VII. Grounds for Dismissal

ASPCC personnel will not be dismissed based on their political opinions, personality, or outside interest; however, personnel can be dismissed for one of, but not limited to, the following reasons: a. b.

Failure to meet job requirements.

Violation of the ASPCC Constitution, Rock Creek By-laws, College c. d.

Policies, or ASPCC Policies.

Gross misconduct and violent behavior directed towards colleagues or patrons.

Accumulation of three (3) strikes in a quarter or five (5) strikes over the year.

VIII. Removal

A review board shall be established by a congress consisting of the three executive officers (Campus Affairs, Legislative Affairs and Programming) to oversee personnel matters, strikes, and grievances. A simple majority vote is needed to empower this body to act on behalf of ASPCC Rock Creek and the

Student Congress. The Board will: a. b.

Hear grievance(s) against the individual.

Recommend a course of action to ASPCC Rock Creek and the Student c.


If it is a very sensitive matter, then it will be brought in front of the Dean of Students.

IX. Grievances

Where any member feels he/she has been unfairly treated, threatened or harassed by any member of the ASPCC Rock creek or the Student Congress, that member can file a grievance. The member should report the grievance in writing to the

Student Leadership Coordinator. If all parties involved agree, the Student

Leadership Coordinator can attempt to address and resolve the matter free of

ASPCC Rock Creek or the Student Congress’ involvement. http://www.pcc.edu/about/affirmative-action/nonharassment.html

X. Strike Policy

A. Strikes

A strike is a warning given to any ASPCC staff or congress member for one or more of the following: a. Failure to fulfill or staff a scheduled commitment or shift without proper notice, even if it is due to another ASPCC meeting, function or event.

Any member issued a strike will receive a written notification and a record of the strike will be kept on file.

B. Appeals

Appeals concerning strikes can be made to the ASPCC executive board (Directors of Campus Affairs, Legislative Affairs and Programming). This board will convene and review the appeal and decide whether to uphold or overrule the strike by simple majority. In the event that one of the executive board members receives a strike and subsequently appeal, the Student Leadership Coordinator will convene a special committee to oversee the appeal process.

XI. Term of Office

A. Students: a. b.

The term of office for ASPCC positions is one year beginning at the June transition meeting and ending at the following year’s transition meeting.

The transition will be held during the Student Congress meeting of finals week of Spring Term.

A member may serve a combination of three terms (years) in any ASPCC c. d. position and not to exceed two terms (years) in the same position.

A member may not concurrently serve a combination of positions on different PCC campuses, councils or boards.

All students are required to maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (G.P.A.) as well as maintain a number of 6 credit hours at the

Rock Creek Campus during the term of office.

B. Advisors: a. b.

The faculty and classified advisors will be selected by the incumbent congress during the spring term.

There is not limit on the number of terms the advisors and the

Administrative Assistant can serve.

XII. Chartering a Club

a. Each club must submit a completed charter form to the Student Club b. c. d. e. f. g.


Each club must have a minimum of eight (8) members.

Each club must have an advisor. An advisor is any individual employed by

Portland Community College as a classified, casual or administrative faculty.

Each club must adhere to open membership and non-discriminatory policies.

Each club can elect or appoint a representative to the Congress until all club representative positions are filled.

Each club must update their club roster throughout the term and keep the clubhouse updated of any new members.

Each club must complete a club status update form each term to remain active and have access to their club funds.

XIII. Club Funding Policy

$200 will be allocated for each chartered club at Rock creek. The amount decreases depending on the term that the club is chartered in. This money may be used to purchase supplies or as seed money for fundraisers. The use of these funds does not have to be approved by the Student Congress; however, the use of the funds must be in accordance with the college’s policies.

Clubs also have an opportunity to earn an additional $250 per quarter by completing a Service Project. Service Project proposals must be approved in advanced by the congress. The remuneration amount will be determined by the congress once the club community service project has been approved and completed but will not exceed $250 or 30 valid hours per term. Funds will not be released until a written evaluation is submitted to one of the Club Coordinators.

XIV. Travel Policy

All students who travel as representatives of ASPCC Rock Creek or the Student

Congress shall follow the guidelines listed below. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action taken against that member. a. b.

Act in accordance with Portland Community College policies and travel guidelines.

Attend and participate in the conference, seminar, meeting or retreat.

In the event a member, who agreed in writing to travel on ASPCC or the congress’s behalf, is unable to meet the obligation, that members is required to reimburse ASPCC or the congress for committed expenses.

Revised 05/06/06

Revised 05/08/12

Revised 09/25/2012
