
Bachelor Programme
Code Name
45.03.02 Linguistics
Mode of study
Educational Programme
4 years
Academic Bachelor
Field of Professional
Language education
Consultative and Communicative
Informational and linguistic research
ability to navigate the system of human values and take
into account value-semantic orientations of different
social, national, religious, professional communities and
groups of Russian society (GCC-1);
ability to be guided by the principles of cultural relativism
and ethical standards, presupposing the refusal of
ethnocentrism and respect for the culture and identity of a
foreign language and values system of a foreign language
society (GCC-2);
ability to take part in sociocultural and intercultural
communication, providing the adequacy of social and
professional contacts (GC-3);
ability to work in a team, demonstrate social cooperation
on the basis of accepted moral and
legal rules, to respect people, be responsible for
maintaining trust partnerships (GC-4);
ability to implement the importance of humanistic values
to preserve and develop modern civilization; willingness
to accept moral obligation to respect natural environment,
society and cultural heritage (GC-5);
Major Professional
ability to understand the value of heritage and
implement the national idea aimed at solving
humanities and human problems;
ability to analyze, synthesize the information, set the
goals and ways of achieving them;
ability to use the methods and means of knowledge,
training, and self-control for one’s intellectual
development, to increase cultural level, professional
competence, maintain health, moral and physical selfimprovement;
ability to stand a firm grounding in the social and
personal situations and conflicts;
ability to follow one’s rights and responsibilities as a
citizen of a country; demonstrate willingness to use
existing legislation system and commitment to improve
and develop society on the principles of humanism,
freedom and democracy;
ability to develop one’s talents, improve qualifications
and skills; ability to assess strengths and weaknesses, to
plan the ways and means of self-development;
ability to understand social importance of a future
profession, bearing high motivation in implementing
professional activities.
ability to use the conceptual apparatus of philosophy,
theoretical and applied linguistics, translation studies,
linguistics and the theory of intercultural communication
in the decision of the professional tasks;
ability to see interdisciplinary communication of the
studied subjects, understanding their importance for the
future professional activities;
ability to improve linguistic knowledge, including
knowledge of basic phonetic, lexical, grammatical, word
formation phenomena and regularities of a foreign
language functioning (GPC-3);
ability to demonstrate ethical and moral norms of
behavior accepted in other cultures, ability to use models
of social situations, typical modes of interaction between
the participants of Intercultural Communication
ability to use general discursive ways of implementation
of communicative goals statements in relation to the
characteristics of the current communicative context
(time, place, purpose and terms of cooperation) (GPC5);
ability to use general modes of expressing semantic,
communicative and structural continuity between the
parts of the statements and compositional elements of
the text (introduction, the main part, conclusion), superphrasal unity proposals (GPC-6);
ability to express thoughts, using a variety of languages
in order to indicate relevant information fluently (GPC7);
ability to understand peculiarities of formal features,
neutral and informal registers of communication (GPC8);
ability to overcome the impact of stereotypes and to
carry out intercultural dialogue in general and
professional spheres (GPC-9);
ability to use an etiquette formula in oral and written
communication (GPC-10);
ability to demonstrate computer skills as a means of
receiving, processing and managing information (GPC11);
ability to work with various media, distributed databases
and knowledge of global computer networks (GPC-12);
ability to assess the quality of research in subject fields,
to relate the new information with the existing one, to
present logically and consistently the results of one’s
own research (GPC-17);
ability to work with electronic dictionaries and other
electronic resources to solve linguistic problems (GPC13);
ability to obtain basic knowledge of modern
bibliographic information and culture (GPC-14);
ability to make hypotheses and consistently develop the
arguments (GPC-15);
ability to work out the standard techniques of search,
analysis and processing the research material (GPC-16);
ability to focus on the labour-market and employment as
it relates to their professional activities (the study of the
labour-market, resume writing, interviewing, and
negotiating with a potential employer) (GPC-18);
ability to organize group and mass activities aiming at
achieving common purposes of the workforce (GPC-19).
ability to solve common tasks of professional activities
on the basis of bibliographic information and culture
with the use of information and linguistic technologies
with the view of providing informational security (GPC20).
ability to teach foreign languages on the basis of
intercultural communication principles (PC-1);
ability to use a command of means and methods of
foreign language teacher's work (PC-2);
ability to use manual and didactic materials on foreign
languages for the development of new studying
materials on certain subject (PC-3);
ability to use achievements of national and foreign
methodical heritage, modern methodical tendencies and
concepts of foreign language teaching (PC-4);
ability to analyze the studying process and studying
materials from the point of their effectiveness (PC-5);
ability to make the studying process effective,
implementing educational activity in preschool,
elementary, secondary, vocational educational
institutions, and also additional linguistic education
(including additional education of children and adults
and additional professional education) according to the
objectives of special study foreign languages teaching
courses (PC-6);
ability to make a pre-translating analysis of the text
making the perception of initial phrase more precise
ability to make translation including the information
retrieved in references, special literature and network
ability to achieve equivalence in translation and ability
to use basic methods of translation (PC-9);
ability to make written translation observing
grammatical, syntactic, stylistic standards and standards
of lexical equivalence (PC-10);
ability to observe grammatical, syntactic and stylistic
standards (PC-10);
ability to draw up the translation in computer text editor
ability to perform consecutive interpretation and
unprepared translation in compliance with the rules of
lexical equivalence, observance of grammatical,
syntactical and stylistic standards of the target text and
temporal characteristics of the source text (PC -12);
ability to work with the abbreviated translation notes
system while performing consecutive interpretation (PC 13);
ability to follow the ethics of interpretation (PC -14);
ability to follow the international etiquette and the rules
of interpreter’s conduct in different situations
(accompanying touristic groups, providing business
negotiations, providing negotiations for the official
delegations) (PC -15);
ability to understand necessary interactional and
contextual knowledge which lets overcome the influence
of stereotypes and adapt to varied conditions upon the
contact with different cultures representatives (PC -16);
ability to simulate possible communicative situations
between representatives of different cultures (PC-18);
ability to work with main information retrieval and expert
systems, knowledge representation systems, syntactic and
morphological analysis, automated synthesis and speech
recognition, processing of lexicographical information and
machinery translation, automated identification and identity
verification systems (PC -19);
ability to use methods of formal and cognitive simulation
of natural language and methods of formation of metalanguages (PC -20);
ability to use basic statistical methods of linguistic
information processing in compliance with the elements
of programming and automated processing of linguistic
corpuses (PC -21);
ability to use standard ways of solving the main types of
tasks in linguistic provision of information and applied
systems (PC -22);
ability to use conceptual framework of philosophy,
theoretic and applied linguistics, translation studies,
language education and intercultural communication
theory for solving professional tasks (PC -23);
ability to put forward a hypothesis and consistently
develop arguments in its favour (PC -24);
ability to use basic modern methods of research,
information and bibliographic culture (PC -25).
ability to use standard search methods, analysis and
processing the data of study (PC - 26);
ability to assess the quality of research in this area, relate
the new information with the existing one, present the
results of one’s research logically and consistently (PC 27).
translation, editorial, expert, analytical activities;
editing journalistic texts;
development of projects in the field of intercultural
development of projects in the field of translation from
the first language into a foreign language and form a
foreign language into the first language;
teaching activities in the system of higher education.
Unified State Exam in a foreign language,
Russian Language,
Social Science