Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures

Academic field,
code, master’s
Mode of study
Duration of the
educational programme
Field of professional
45.04.02 Linguistics
Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages
and cultures. Intercultural communication.
2 years
Master of Linguistics
Scientific –research activities
Educational activities (teaching)
Applied activities
Project activities
organizational- administrative activities
Most important
professional competences
The graduate of the Master’s programme will have
to possess:
Knowledge of theory of upbringing and education,
modern methods in teaching foreign languages
suggesting development of linguistic, intellectual and
cognitive abilities, values of students, readiness for
participation in dialogue of cultures, further selfeducation by means of target languages (PC-1);
Ability to implement new pedagogical technologies of
education with the aim to form secondary linguistic
features in a student, to develop and improve primary
linguistic features, communicative and intercultural
competence in a student (PC-2);
Ability to implement achievements of Russian and
foreign teaching methods, modern methodology and
concepts of teaching foreign languages (PC-3);
Vision of aims and objectives of common European
linguistic and regional policy in the context of
intercultural communication (PC-4);
Modern technologies of teaching process
organization and appraisal of students’ achievements
on different levels of education (PC-6);
Ability to successfully organize teaching process on
all levels of linguistic education, including higher
education, postgraduate studies, and further
vocational education (PC-7);
Employment options for
Skills for teaching, group management, ability to
organize teaching process in accordance with
requirements (PС-8).
Educational activities (teaching) at institutes of
secondary education;
Educational activities (teaching) at institutes of
higher education;
Scientific-research activities;
Project development in methods of teaching foreign
languages and cultures;
Entrance examinations
Organizational- administrative activities
1. Oral complex interdisciplinary exam (interview)