University of Wisconsin - Madison REQUEST FOR BID AGENT: Janet Bresnahan Questions regarding this bid – see Section 3.1 THIS IS NOT AN ORDER For Submittal of Bid Instructions – see Section 1 Bid prices and terms shall be firm for sixty (60) days from the date of bid opening, unless otherwise specified in this Request for Bid by the UW-Madison Purchasing Services. OFFICIAL SEALED BID NUMBER: 15-0025 ISSUE DATE: 11/5/14 DUE DATE: 11/13/14 If NO BID (check here) 2:00 PM CST and return. Unless otherwise noted, public openings will be on the date and time specified. Award(s), if any, will be made as soon thereafter as possible. The bid abstract will be on file and is open to public inspection only after award determination has been made. DESCRIPTION 15-0025 / AMENDMENT #1 / Digital Flat Panel X-Ray Image Detector Amendment #1 issued to: respond to Bidder’s questions and issue a revised Attachment B: Specifications Please replace page 15 of 25. If this amendment is not signed and returned, your bid may be disqualified. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Please revise and submit your bid accordingly. In signing this bid, we have read and fully understand and agree to all terms, conditions and specifications and acknowledge that the UW-Madison Purchasing Services bid document on file shall be controlling. We certify that we have not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any contract or participated in any collusion or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competition; that no attempt has been made to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a bid; that this bid has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; that this bid has not been knowingly disclosed prior to the opening of bids to any other bidder or competitor; that the stated statement is accurate under penalty of perjury. I certify that the information I have provided in this bid is true and I understand that any false, misleading or missing information may disqualify the bid. COMPANY NAME: COMPANY STREET ADDRESS: COMPANY CITY, STATE & ZIP: SIGNATURE: DATE : TYPE OR PRINT NAME: TITLE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( ) FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: FEIN NUMBER: DUNS #: ( ) UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WISCONSIN 53715-1218 Amendment #1 BID NO.: 15-0025 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Bidder Questions and Answers for 15-0025 Q1. Is the DR panel to be fixed or mobile? A1. First, the bid is for detectors used in cone beam CT system instead of in CR system. A fast readout speed (>= 30 frames/second) is required to achieve in vivo cone beam CT imaging. Second, the area of the detector should be at least 30 cm by 40 cm. Third, it can be either fixed or mobile. Q2. If the panel is to be mobile, is it wireless or tethered? A2. It can be either wireless or tethered, as long as other technical specifications can be satisfied. Q3. Gadox or Cesium scintillator? A3. Cesium iodine Q4. What is the required Duty Cycle for the detector? A4. Flat-panel detectors uses "fill factor" rather than "duty cycle" to quantify the ratio between the active area and the nominal area of one pixel. The required fill factor must be at least 70%. Q5. What will be the mA of the exposure? A5. We don't have a specific number, since the conversion from mA to exposure level depends on numerous factors such as tubedetector distance, beam filtration, object size, kVp, etc. Instead, we require that the maximum entrance exposure of the detector must be at least 3500 micro-Roentgen (uR) per frame. Q6. The RFB document says 140 kVp for the range on the Varian G-1592 tube in the lab. However the documentation on the Varian website for that tube has 150 kVp. A6. The kVp range is also limited by the tube housing and x-ray generator and is 140 kVp for the system setup in our lab. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WISCONSIN 53715-1218 Amendment #1 BID NO.: 15-0025 PAGE 15 OF 25 ATTACHMENT B: SPECIFICATIONS Scope The University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Medical Physics purchasing a Digital Flat Panel X-Ray Image Detector. The detector will be used in a new x-ray computed tomography (CT) bench top system in the Medical Physics Laboratory. Specifications & Instructions for Completing Specification Table The following specifications represent minimum acceptable requirement. Bidders must select either “yes” or “no” for each specification below. For any “No” Response, the bidder must provide a detailed written explanation indicating how this difference in specification would affect the performance of the product being bid. The University shall be the sole judge of acceptability. MEET Digital Flat Panel X-Ray Image Detector SPECIFICATIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION Technical Specifications 1. 10. The energy response of this new digital flat panel detector must be compatible with the x-ray tube (model: Varian G-1592) already installed in the lab, which has a kVp range of 40 to 140. To perform x-ray CT imaging with clinically relevant adult-sized phantoms without causing any data truncation, we require the flat panel detector has an x-ray-sensitive area of at least 30 cm by 40 cm. The detector must be able to provide a spatial resolution of at least 25 lp/cm to help performing high resolution x-ray imaging tasks, like the human musculoskeletal imaging. To acquire high quality images for low x-ray dose studies, the detector must have detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of at least 70% at 0 spatial frequency. The detector must have a dual-gain mode (one is high gain, the other is low gain) to increase the detector dynamic range and therefore allowing us to perform low contrast but high signal to noise ratio (SNR) x-ray imaging studies. The detector calibration, correction, and cooling system must be stable enough during long x-ray exposure time applications. The detector must come with a video interface board and other related necessary accessories to help interface and capture the output from the detector to a workstation. The installation of the detector system should be capable of being installed by University personnel. If not, the cost of the installation should be added to Lot 1 in the Itemized Bid List and will be included in the total for evaluation purposes. The detector must have a fast readout speed of >= 30 frames/second to achieve in vivo cone beam CT imaging. The detector must have a Cesium Iodine Scintillator 11. The required fill factor must be at least 70%. 12. The maximum entrance exposure of the detector must be at least 3500 micro-Roentgen (uR) per frame. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. General Requirements 9. 13. 10. 14 All cables, tooling, and accessories necessary for the system to be fully functional must be included in your bid and delivered with equipment. One hard copy of equipment/operators manuals for each piece of equipment and software provided to be delivered with equipment. YES NO