Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) Teacher: Karen Little Standard(s) Subject/Class: Social Studies/ 5th Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SS5H3: The students will describe how life changed in America at the turn of the century. A. Describe the role of the cattle trails. SS5H3: e. Describe the impact of westward expansion on Native Americans; include the Battle of Little Bighorn and the relocation to reservations. SS5H3: C. Explain how William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt expanded America’s role in the world; include the SpanishAmerican War and the building of the Panama Canal. SS5H3: C. Explain how William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt expanded America’s role in the world; include the SpanishAmerican War and the building of the Panama Canal. SS5H3: C. Explain how William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt expanded America’s role in the world; include the SpanishAmerican War and the building of the Panama Canal. Why would Native Americans be upset with the railroad builders about the buffalo? EQ: What does it mean to be a world power? Explain the Spanish-American War and yellow journalism. What happened to the USSMaine? EQ: How did the US get involved in building the Panama Canal? Benefits? EQ: How did the McKinley and Roosevelt impact the US with Spanish-Amer. War and the building of the Panama Canal? In a twenty year period buffalo went from 15 million to 1,000. Discuss. Have students predict the EQ answers. Ask where is the Panama Canal on the map? Review each event Essential Question/ EQ: Why were Learning Goal cattle drives important? Activating Strategy: Show the trails on Lesson Opener, Warm-up, Hook Week Of: Oct.12-16 the Powerpoint and review. Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) Teaching Strategies: Procedures, Technology, Performance Tasks Summarizing Strategies: Closing Activity Assessment/ Evaluation Read pp.152-155 to review cattle trails and significance of, and westward expansion. Have students sum up the info in checkup sheet.(Cattle Trails Note-Taking Guide) Review pp.154155, Google Earth to find South Dakota, then Crazy Horse Memorial zoom on the monument in the mountain. (virtual field trip)Read about the history of the monument. Visit Mount Rushmore while in SD. Review the questions on notetaking guide Discuss the Discuss the EQs reservations and the tension. Note-taking guide is turned in for a daily grade Have students to read the close read about “world power”. Then discuss—then read together and complete the answer to the 3 main questions in the EQ on paper using the flaps provided to paste on a page and write under each its answer. Turn in the 3 questions.(daily grade) Materials Needed Daily Lesson Plan Template Have students to read the close read about “panama canal”. Then discuss—then read together and complete the answer to the main question about obstacles on paper using the flap provided to paste on a page and write under each its answer. Have students to fill in the t chart to explain the impact of each. Use text as a resource and ipad resources. Differentiation will be used to pair students needing peer tutors to complete the assignment, using data from the week’s daily work. Discuss the obstacles to be able to build. Discuss the impact of each. Turn in the sheet.(daily) Turn in tchart. Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) Daily Lesson Plan Template Day & Date: Standard: Essential Question: Learning Goal: Activating Strategy: Lesson Opener: (_______ min.) Teaching Strategies: Procedures/Technology/Perfo rmance Tasks: (_______ min.) Summarizing Strategy: Closing Activity: (_______ min.) Assessment/Evaluation: (_______ min.) Materials Needed: