Progressive Era & Imperialism Study Notes

Jane Addams- Hull House
Ida B. Wells- anti-lynching writer
Booker T. Washington- accepted segregation now in exchange for economic opportunity
W.E.B. Dubois- full equality now, racism is everyone’s problem
Matthew Perry- Opens Japan to U.S. trade
Josiah Strong- “white man’s burden” – whites must take over & “civilize” the rest of the world.
Alfred Thayer Mahan- to be a powerful nation, you need a powerful navy and be imperialist
George Dewey- involved in the Spanish-American War and captured the Philippines
Queen Liliuokalani- Queen of Hawaii that was overthrown. Hawaii later became a state.
Emilio Aguinaldo- Filipino rebel who fights against Spain and then the US when they took over
William McKinley- President during the Spanish-American War and he decided to take over the
Theodore Roosevelt- Leader of the “Rough Riders”, Big Stick Policy, Panama Canal, Roosevelt
Corollary, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
Philippe Bunau-Varilla- starts a rebellion in Panama so the US can build the Panama Canal
William Howard Taft- President who is known for “dollar diplomacy”
Woodrow Wilson- President for the policy of watchful waiting
John Pershing- “Black Jack” leader of the black units in the Spanish-American War and he goes
into Mexico to try and capture Pancho Villa
Pancho Villa- Mexican revolutionary and bandit who robbed American banks and escaped back
to Mexico.
Hull House- founded by Jane Addams in order to provide help to the poor and immigrants
Old Immigrants/New Immigrants- Old were before the Civil War, New were after the Civil War
NEW: Italians, Polish, Russians, Greeks, Japanese, Chinese
Ellis Island- the Immigration center where immigrants would arrive
Social Darwinism- theory that “you get what you deserve”
Open Door Policy- everybody gets to trade with China equally. China was never asked about
Yellow Press- This was a cause of the Spanish-American War. Stories in newspapers that made
the Spanish look bad.
De Lome Letter- Spanish Ambassador insults President McKinley in a letter.
Remember the Maine- US battleship stinks in Cuba. US blames Spain.
Spanish-American War- US becomes an openly imperialist power.
Teller Amendment- US promises not to take over Cuba.
Rough Riders- Teddy Roosevelt’s soldiers in the Spanish –American War. Became famous
because he controlled the newspapers.
Platt Amendment- Says the US controls Cuba’s foreign policy.
Guantanamo- US Naval Base in Cuba
Insular Cases- US Supreme Court decides that people in US colonies DO NOT get the rights of
US citizens.
Boxer Rebellion- Chinese rebel against the foreigners but it is unsuccessful
Russo-Japanese War- Roosevelt mediates a treaty between Russian and Japan and wins the
Nobel Peace Prize
Big Stick Policy- If you have military might (strong military), people will not mess with you.
Panama Canal- US gains control of the Panama area and builds the canal.
Roosevelt Corollary- The US can get involved in any country in North and South America.
Dollar Diplomacy- Bribes are better than guns. It is easier to pay people to do what you want
then shoot them to do what you want.
Watchful Waiting- Wilson tries to stay out of Mexico’s Civil War but is unsuccessful.
Colony- Mother country has complete control over the other country.
Protectorate- Mother country protects you but you have to give stuff to them in return
Spheres of Influence- Mother Country gains some important concessions.