October 23, 2014

The Graduate Council Minutes
October 23, 2014
Ward Edwards 1550
3:30 pm
Members/Guests Present: P. Antrim, S. Lankford, J. Mercado, A. Oller, S. Sundberg, A. Zabriskie, K. Keller (G),
P. Plummer (G), A. Singh (G), and Y. Yao (G).
This regular meeting was called to order by the Chair at 3:33 pm in Ward Edwards 1550 and the Director of the
Graduate School and International Admissions was present to record the meeting.
Approval of the Minutes: Move by A. Zabriskie to approve the minutes of the last meetings (October 9, 2014) as
distributed. (APPROVED)
I. New Business
College of Education
Department of Career and Technology Education
2. INST 4110 Google Educator Prep – New Course – Antrim (APPROVED)
3. INST 4120 Google Education Trainer Prep – New Course – Antrim (APPROVED)
Department of Educational Foundations and Literacy
4. EDFL 6250 Theoretical Applications: Scholarly Portfolio – New Course – Zabriskie
5. Master of Arts in Teaching – Program Revision – Zabriskie (APPROVED)
6. Master of Science in Education in Literacy Education– Program Revision – Zabriskie
7. Education Specialist in Human Services/Elementary Math Specialist – New Program – Zabriskie
College of Heath, Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
8. CS 4510 Introduction to Distributed Systems – New Course – Antrim (APPROVED)
9. CS 4620 Big Data Systems – New Course – Antrim (APPROVED)
10. CS 5510 Introduction to Parallel Computing – New Course – Antrim (APPROVED)
11. CS 5620 Big Data: Storage, Analytics, and Visualization – New Course – Antrim (APPROVED)
12. MATH 4312 Probability Models – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
13. MATH 4321 Applied Statistics I – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
14. MATH 4322 Applied Statistics II – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
15. MATH 4323 Statistical Aspects of Experimental Design – Course Revision – Lankford
16. MATH 4331 SAS Programming for Statistical Analysis – Course Revision – Lankford
17. MATH 4501 Actuarial Exam Review-Problem Set I – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
18. MATH 4510 Mathematics of Finance – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
19. MATH 4511 Actuarial Exam Review-Problem Set II – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
MATH 4520 Life Contingencies I – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
MATH 4530 Statistical Modeling – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
MATH 5331Multivariate Statistical Analysis – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
MATH 5341 Applied Stochastic Processes – Course Revision– Lankford (APPROVED)
MATH 5522 Life Contingencies II – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
MATH 5910 Special Topics in Statistics – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
MATH 5920 Internship in Actuarial Science/Statistics – Course Revision – Lankford
27. MATH 6912 Master’s Project – Course Revision – Lankford (APPROVED)
28. Accelerated BS/MS degree in Mathematics – Program Revision – Antrim (APPROVED)
II. Discussion Items
29. Graduate Council Charge (due November 11th)
a. The Director will send an updated version of the Graduate Council Charge with the
requested corrections and updates. Members will vote electronically since the next Graduate
Council meeting is after the November 11th due date.
30. Thesis/Research Paper
a. Position responsibilities
i. A ranking order of responsibilities will be constructed from the survey that will be submitted
to the graduate coordinators and department chairs.
b. Possible survey questions
i. Survey questions were discuss that would be appropriate to send to the graduate
coordinators and department about research papers and thesis.
31. Additional Updates
a. At the Provost Council meeting on October 23 conversation about graduation was discussed.
The Provost is considering moving to a five ceremony model rather than a four ceremony
model. The five ceremonies would allow the College of Health, Science, and Technology to
have their own ceremony on Friday night with graduates only and another ceremony on
Saturday with undergraduates only.
b. Already 75 students have submitted walk late paperwork for the spring 2015 ceremony and the
deadline is not until March 2015; the walk late policy might need to be discussed in the future.